Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project: Endterm Review Final Report

The Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project (KIFHP) is a three year project (November 2014 – October 2017) funded by the European Union (EU) with co-funding from the Austrian Development Cooperation (ADA) and CARE Austria. The project is implemented by CARE International in Kenya (CIK) in partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK). The project is implemented in Kisumu urban slums of Manyatta and Nyalenda and works closely with Kisumu County Government under Kisumu East Sub-County. The project aims to primarily contribute to achieving sustainable development goal 3 (SDG)and former MDGs 4 and 5 a +b-“Reduce by two thirds the under-five mortality rate”, “Reduce by three quarters the maternal mortality ratio” and “Achieve universal access to reproductive health”. The overall objective of the evaluation was to establish the results that have been achieved in the three years (November 2014‐October 2017) of implementation and the resultant impact this has had on the target beneficiaries. Read More...

Kisumu Integrated Family Health Project: Midterm Review Report

CARE International in Kenya (CIK) in partnership with the Kenya Red Cross Society (KRCS) and Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) have been implementing a 3 year project in Kisumu urban slums of Manyatta and Nyalenda and works closely with Kisumu County Government under Kisumu East Sub-County. The overall objective of the KIFHP is to Improve Maternal and Child Health, Sexual Reproductive Health, Family Planning and nutritional status of communities living within Kisumu slums.

The specific objectives of the Midterm evaluation were: to assess the effectiveness of project interventions, assess the efficiency of approaches used in implementation of project activities, assess the project implementation progress at mid-term level and its relevance within the prevailing context of devolved health system of governance and assess project sustainability mechanism. Read More...

Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project: Midterm Evaluation

The Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project is a 36-months intervention on maternal and child nutrition. The project is executed in partnership between CARE (the coordinator), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) and the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET) in Siaya County with funding support from the European Commission (EC), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and CARE. The overall objective of the project is to contribute to improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN), including nutrition of women of reproductive age, in Siaya County.

The specific objectives of the mid-term evaluation of the Nawiri Project were to (1) assess the process and progress in project implementation and achievement of expected results, (2) provide an opportunity for an in-depth analysis and understanding on any unintended or intended outcomes, (3) as well as provide an opportunity for learning by project teams, partners and other stakeholders. Read More...

Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project: End of Project Evaluation

The Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project was a 36-months intervention on maternal and child nutrition. The project was executed in partnership with CARE (the coordinator), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) and the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET) in Siaya County with funding support from the European Commission (EC), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and CARE. The overall objective of the project was to contribute to improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN), including nutrition of women of reproductive age, in Siaya County. Read More...


This report presents the findings of the End of Project (EOP) Evaluation of the YEIS Project. The purpose of the EOP Evaluation was to ascertain the extent to which the project achieved its objectives and results. The Evaluation focused on the following aspects: (i) relevance, (ii) effectiveness (iii) impact (iv) efficiency (v) innovation, (vi) scalability and reliability, (vii) sustainability, (viii) project lessons learned and best practices, (ix) sensitivity to gender, women’s rights and inclusion of persons with disabilities, (x) project’s implementation architecture.

The overall objective of the YEIS project was to contribute to the elimination of poverty of youth between (16-30 years) dependent on the informal sector in Rwanda with a specific geographical coverage of seven districts namely; Nyarugenge, Kicukiro in Kigali City, Rulindo, Gakenke in the Northern Province, Nyabihu, Rubavu and Ngororero in the Western Province. The project was implemented by AJPRODHO in partnership with YWCA and CARE with funding from the European Union and Austrian Development Agency for a period of four years running from February 2015 to January 2019. Read More...


The Consortium Project “CSOs & Policy Dialogue – Further strengthening capacities of CSOs engaging in Policy Dialogue” is a three years programme funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Specific project objective is to “Further strengthen capacities of East African CSOs regarding their policy dialogue engagement”. Expected results included: i) Capacity development and cross-learning plan for partner CSOs is developed; ii) The ability of East African CSOs to engage in policy dialogue has been further strengthened in their field of work; iii) Recommendations/ guidelines for CSOs engagement in Policy Dialogue are further complemented and used/ applied. The project implemented two approaches: i) Collective training workshops, as well as cross-learning and organization focused Capacity Development activities, guided by a capacity development plan; ii) Partner Organizations plan and implement their own Small Action Fund Initiatives, aiming at influencing policy making spaces, and allowing them to develop their own Policy Dialogue Strategies, and to test and consolidate different methods and approaches for effective engagement along the Policy Cycle.

The Objective of this evaluation was to assess the design and implementation, fulfilment of objectives and achievement of expected results. The evaluation assessed the intervention logic of the project by addressing a series of guiding questions concerning relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact, and sustainability

CSO’s and Policy Dialogue: Project Evaluation

The Consortium Project “CSOs & Policy Dialogue"is a three years programme funded by the Austrian Development Agency (ADA). Phase II (Jan 1st 2017 – Dec 31st 2019) succeeded the pilot phase (Dec 1st2014 – 30th Nov 2016) and is implemented under the lead of HORIZONT30000 by a Consortium of five Austrian NGOs and their local partners in East Africa (Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania, Rwanda). Their project objective is to “Further strengthen capacities of East African CSOs regarding their policy dialogue engagement”.

Overall, the findings of the external evaluation carried out in 2019 indicate that the project is on course towards achievement of its objectives and results. There is good progress and significant gains that can be consolidated. Read More...


The purpose of this baseline study is to determine baseline levels and document SRH-influencing behaviors, generate understanding of the attitudes related to Sexual and Reproductive Health, Family Planning, adolescents’ and youth' views and experiences of sexuality and sexuality information and education, the range and quality of SRH services available to them in project areas; traditional practices that impact on SRH, the role of religious and traditional leaders and levels of male involvement. Read More...

SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Midterm Evaluation Report

This report refers to the midterm evaluation (MTE) of “SWEEP-Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project” funded by Austrian Development Cooperation through Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and implemented by CARE Ethiopia. The project was commenced in October 2017 and will be implemented through September 2020 in East and West Belesa Woredas of Central Gondar Zone, Amhara National Regional State. The ultimate impact was to improve the food security and resiliency of chronically food insecure households in Belesa Woredas.

The purpose of this mid-term evaluation was assessing the degree of success of the project thus far. Read More...

Water for Food Security, Women’s Empowerment and Environmental Protection Project: Gender In-Depth Assessment

Marginalized communities or individuals are those who are denied or excluded from services, information, education, among others, due to different socio-economic reasons. Because they are marginalized they often are not consulted, their voices are not heard and they have no influence over decisions that affect their lives. Development initiatives often target poor regions, communities or even households. But looking into the reasons why marginalized individuals may further be excluded and what needs and priorities those marginalized groups have, is not commonly exercised. This is why this analysis will focus on answering these questions in particular.

Since East and West Belesa are amongst the most food insecure woredas with critical water needs, the project decided to target poor and food insecure communities with limited to no access to clean water. The project specifically targets marginalized rural women and girls (14-17 years), unemployed youth (15-29 years) and people with disabilities. To achieve meaningful engagement of marginalized groups as well as to ensure that all people, especially women and girls, in the targeted areas are benefiting from SWEEP, CARE conducted this in depth gender assessment. Read More...

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