Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Evaluation of ICT Component of the Agricultural Extension Support Activity

The Institute for Computing in the Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign was charged with evaluating the information and communication technology (ICT) component of the Agriculture Extension Support Activity (AESA). Funded by USAID and implemented by the Modernizing Extension and Advisory Services (MEAS) Program at the University of Illinois, Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), CARE, and mPower Social Enterprises of Dhaka, the goal of AESA is to strengthen extension and advisory services in Bangladesh.

This evaluation addresses the important questions connected to this project and identifies the extent to which ICT related goals were reached. Read More...

AESC – Model Towards Strengthening Agricultural Extension Service in Bangladesh

In order to sustain the productivity in the agricultural sector in Bangladesh, there is a need to cope with rapid population growth, limited land base, and climate change effects, through the adoption of appropriate technologies, skills and knowledge.

Accordingly, USAID-AESA project has introduced agricultural extension services towards strengthening this service. This report provides an assessment of the performance of the AESC-Model. Read More...

AESA Performance of Mungbean in the South-Central Region of Bangladesh

Bangladesh has been experiencing a shortage of land for pulses, whereas its demand is increasing day by day. This, increasing yield remains to be the option for elevating pulse production in the country. In this regard, mungbean can play an important role especially in the South-Central Region of Bangladesh.

This study was undertaken for scoping increased yield and profitability of the crop in the region. Field experiments were conducted using three genotypes, four locations environments, two seasonal environments, and two managements. Read More...

Every Voice Counts: Social Inclusion Report

This qualitative study on social inclusion of women and girls in (in)formal planning and budgeting processes at local level took place under the EVC programme. In Burundi, EVC advocates for the respect of the 30% quota of women’s participation at community level, it aims for inclusion of women and girls in community development planning (PCDC), and advocates for the completion and implementation of the Gender Based Violence (GBV) law; specifically looking at the quality of legal and health services offered to GBV victims and strengthening municipal marriage registration. Key strategies of EVC Burundi include the implementation of the Community Scorecard (CSC), support to Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs), and advocacy on the aforementioned topics. Lobby is tied to CSC outcomes as well as existing community peace clubs.

There is very little data available on how women and girls participate in (in)formal governance spaces that focus on planning and budgeting, and how they perceive their participation. This research therefore aims respond to the following main research question: What are the factors or "pathways" that contribute to women and girls participating in (in) formal planning and budgeting processes? In line with the overall research framework of this study, specific emphasis lies on analysing different degrees of participation, notably access, presence and influence. Factors/pathways are tied to three types of empowerment (or obstacles): individual or collective agency of women, their relations with others (ex. family, community, organisations), and support offered by structures (ex. authorities and CSOs/INGOs). Findings aim to improve effectiveness of the EVC programme by offering insight into how the programme can influence these (in) formal planning and budgeting processes. Read More...


Depuis Décembre 2015, l’Ambassade des Pays Bas au Burundi a financé, un programme conjoint dénommé "MENYUMENYESHE" qui vise l’appui à la santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescents et des jeunes au Burundi. Ce programme est mis en œuvre à travers tout le territoire national par le consortium constitué de l’UNFPA, CORDAID, Rutgers et CARE Burundi qui en assure le lead. Ce programme prévoit de couvrir de façon progressive 1,1 millions d’adolescents et de jeunes (10-24 ans) pendant 5 ans. Il s’est entre autre assigné de contribuer aux solutions durables pour améliorer la SSRAJ en mettant en place des systèmes qui seront à long terme soutenus par le Gouvernement. Dans une vision holistique, ce programme a ciblé quatre domaines de résultats: au niveau de i) l’éducation, de ii) la Santé, de iii) communautaire et de iv) la coordination.

Au terme de 3 années de mise en œuvre, la présente évaluation à mi-parcours rentre dans le but de documenter et mesurer la qualité de la mise en œuvre du programme. Il s’agit d’une évaluant qualitative de la portée des résultats atteints au niveau de la coordination et plaidoyer, de l’éducation et de l’offre des services SSRAJ et de la satisfaction des bénéficiaires tout en identifiant les défis qui influencent sa mise en œuvre. Read More...

Renforcement des Organisations de la Société Civile pour accroître leur contribution au processus de gouvernance et au développement

Le Projet de Renforcement des Organisations de la Société Civile mis en œuvre pour 26 mois au Burundi, par un consortium de trois ONGE (CARE International comme lead, OXFAM et ACTION AID) avait l’objectif d’accroitre la contribution des OSC dans le processus de gouvernance et dans le développement. Les interventions de ce projet ont touché les 18 provinces du pays pendant une période allant du 01 décembre 2016 au 31 janvier 2019.

Pour mieux renseigner les acquis et les effets du projet, les leçons apprises et les mécanismes pouvant guider les interventions ultérieures dans le domaine de renforcement de la société civile burundaise, une évaluation externe finale du projet a été commanditée et menée de façon participative et interactive. Read More...

A Study Report on the Link Between Land Use Planning and Rural Economic Growth through Mobile Applications in the Sagcot Area: A Case Study of Iringa Rural and Kilolo Districts

his study investigated ways in which mobile applications can best be used to link village land use planning and village economic growth so that CARE and its partners will more effectively engage key stakeholders in supporting smallholder farmers to find better ways of using their land to improve their economic wellbeing. This is because, after more than a decade of advocating for the land rights of smallholder farmers, CARE Tanzania is currently looking at how best village land use planning can, in addition to demarcation of village land and issuance of certificates of customary rights of occupancy (CCROs), help to transform the lives of those depending on land as a means of livelihood or identity.

More specifically, this study (a) assessed the extent to which village land use planning in Tanzania improves rural economy in general and the economic wellbeing of smallholder farmers in Tanzania; (b) identified and analyzed the best ways in which mobile applications can be used to link land use planning with rural economy and economic wellbeing of smallholder farmers; and (c) identified and analyzed economic, social, environmental and political factors which help or hinder smallholder farmers with formalized land rights, from improving their economic wellbeing. Read More...

Rapport d’Evaluation Multisectorielle dans les zones de santé de MIABI et Tshilundu au Kasaï Oriental; de Kamiji, Luputa à Lomami et Yangala au Kasaï Central

Le présent rapport fait état de la situation humanitaire des populations vivant dans les zones de santé de Kamiji et Luputa dans la province de Lomami, Cilundu et Miabi dans la province du Kasaï oriental puis Yangala dans la province du Kasaï Central. Pour parvenir à la collecte des informations attendues, nous avons fait recours à une méthodologie diversifiée utilisant les techniques d’enquêtes dans les ménages, les entretiens avec des informateurs clés, des focus groupes avec des groupes spécifiques dont les femmes, les commerçants, des autorités locales, ect ; des observations directes libres et/ou guidées ainsi que l’exploitation de documents existants. Read More...

Social Norms and Barriers Analysis for Agro-pastoralist Women and Girls in South Darfur, Sudan

This report takes a special focus on examining the changing reality of life for agro pastoralist women and girls in South Darfur, Sudan through the lens of social norms and barriers, adding to a set of regional studies (Ritchie 2015 - 2017). Increasingly fragile, agro-pastoralist groups in East Africa now often combine pastoralism with both farming and trading. Women in such societies have been identified as both marginalized and vulnerable.

In the Darfur region of Sudan, rural women remain particularly challenged, with insecurity conflict and displacement. Yet with appropriate development interventions, access to services and government policies, women and girls stand at the forefront of social change, as they adopt new livelihood opportunities and embrace new rights and entitlements.

This research aimed to capture both qualitative as well as quantitative dynamics of current change in agro-pastoralist girls’ and women’s social norms, customs and practices in South Darfur. Read More...

Midterm Review of Every Voice Counts Programme

The major objective of the Mid-Term Review of the Every Voice Counts Program in Sudan was to assess the extent to which increasing participation of women and youth in community structures such as Village Development Committees and community and locality level decision making processes and access to finance had been attained. This is in addition to the aim of enhancing their representation and giving them better access to decision making bodies. Read More...

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