Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

OPHAVELA Final Evaluation

OPHAVELA develops savings and credit activities in rural areas utilizing PCR (Poupança and Crédito R... Read More...

Evaluation Finale Projet de Renforcement Organizationnel Credit Amenagement a Macina (ROCAM)

projet de Renforcement Organisationnel, Crédit et Aménagement à Macina (ROCAM) est un projet de dév... Read More...

Evaluation de l’effect des groupements d’epargne credit de Packob sur leurs membres

Un diagnostic qualitatif des AGR engendrées par l'application du système MJT (nature, envergure, eff... Read More...

Title II Development Assistance Project (DAP) Final Evaluation

CARE Madagascar’s Title II DAP began in 1998 and included two sub-programs - Mahavita and CYPREP. Th... Read More...

SAMBA Project Final Evaluation Report

The purpose of the SAMBA project was to improve the capacity of Business Development Service Provide... Read More...

Wenchi District Livelihood Security and Natural resource Management Project

The WEDLAN project assists poor farmers to identify and test improved livelihood opportunities that ... Read More...

Paz y Desarrollo Final


Peace and Development Program Final Report


Desarrollo Turístico Histórico y Cultural en la Ruta del Ché Guevara Midterm


Rural Livelihoods Programme Output to Purpose Review


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