Emergency and Humanitarian Aid

Aid obstruction in Gaza

Aid agencies working in Gaza are demanding the international community take action to address the Israeli government’s continuing and increasing obstruction of aid. While Israeli military attacks on Gaza intensify, lifesaving food, medicine, medical supplies, fuel, and tents have been systematically blocked from entering.

New data backed up by recent footage reveals the scale of aid obstruction, which is driving a humanitarian disaster, leaving the entire population of Gaza facing hunger and disease, and almost half a million at risk of starvation. Read More...

Final Report: Enhanced Humanitarian Response in Choma, Kalomo and Monze Districts in the Southern Province of Zambia

The water and sanitation activities benefited 7,859 people (2579 people, more than planned target) who use safe water in greater quantities and reduce the incidence of disease including awareness about better protection from gender-based violence. Of these people, 5654 people benefited from cash assistance to meet some basic needs. Some beneficiaries invested the money in purchasing agricultural inputs, small livestock and upgrading shelter to increase crop yields and improve food and nutrition security as well as decent shelter. In total, 14,574 people were reached and accessed information thereby contributing to disease prevention and improved hygiene practices. CARE assigned 3 staff and supported 4 DMMU enumerators who participated in conducting the vulnerability assessment and producing the 2023 national contingency plan. The plan informs the design of government and NGO interventions in response to disasters. Read More...

SELAM 1 Early Recovery and Socio-Economic Stability in Tigray: FPI MONITORING REPORT

In June 2023, Altai Consulting, the Third-Party Monitor (TPM) for the EU FPI, was tasked by the Nairobi Regional Team (RT) to research and
communicate the progress and impact on the ground of the project NDICI CRISIS FPI/2021/427-921 – “SELAM 1 Early Recovery and Socio-Economic Stability in Tigray”, implemented by CARE and REST.

The project is implemented in Tigray as part of a cluster of projects alongside CST and MdM projects also montiroed by Altai during this visit. These interventions focus on responding to Tigray’s post-war challenges, mostly related to livelihoods support, access to health services, and trauma healing.

The monitoring team looked to capture progress towards the project’s intended objectives at the mid-stage of its implementation. During an earlier monitoring conducted in December 2022, the Altai team found that progress had stalled due to security challenges on the ground but that the projects were gaining momentum due to the peace agreement signed in November 2022. Read More...

Response to increased demand on Government Service and creation of economic opportunities in Uganda (RISE)

CARE International in Uganda is currently implementing Humanitarian and Development Projects in the newly established district of Kikuube; with a population of 341,300 nationals and host to one of the fastest-growing refugee settlements known as Kyangwali found in Mid-Western Uganda. Established in the 1960s to accommodate Rwandese refugees, Kyangwali Refugee Settlement hosts a population of 160,000 refugees from seven nationalities. The overall objective of this project is to enhance the emergency preparedness of selected local governments and prepare for possible future forced displacement. Read More...

Adolescent Mothers Against All Odds Learning Report

Adolescent Mothers against All Odds (AMAL) Initiative was designed to meet the immediate needs of pregnant adolescents and first-time mothers in crisis-affected settings, while simultaneously addressing community consciousness and engagement around gender, power, and social norms. Using Syria’s context as a frame, this program was developed through an iterative process of adapting global approaches for humanitarian crisis-affected settings. Read More...

Línea de base del programa de intervención en movilidad humana del eje programático de gestión de riesgos y respuesta a emergencias

El Eje Programático de Gestión de Riesgos y Respuesta a Emergencias, está implementando, desde el 2018, proyectos orientados a la atención de las necesidades humanitarias de población refugiada y migrante, -especialmente venezolana- que está en territorio nacional, alineándose a una estrategia de implementación coordinada y articulada dentro de un Programa de intervención e implementación conjunta, dado que existen acciones complementarias y contribuyentes entre ellas. Por tal motivo, se ha determinado la realización de una línea de base que permita el abordaje integral y lectura del estado situacional de los indicadores al inicio de la intervención desde las diferentes aristas que los afectan. Read More...

Reducing Vulnerabilities for refugees and internally displaced persons in Afghanistan – CARE/ABADEI Baseline

Reducing vulnerabilities for returnees and IDPs in 4 provinces of Afghanistan is a Resilience Building Program in Afghanistan, which is implemented by CARE Afghanistan. This project, which is funded by United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is targeting 312,800 vulnerable people (153,272 female & 159,528 male). This program is aimed at reducing vulnerabilities for returnees and IDPs through the provision of essential services to local communities and protecting them against natural disasters; source to support rural livelihoods through strengthened social cohesion.

Towards the end of 2021, CARE conducted a multi-sectoral need assessment, which confirmed the lack of access to health & food. The chronic conflict, lack of humanitarian assistance, poor outlook for the population and lack of available basic services, the assessment emphasized a strong need to meet the basic humanitarian needs for local people, IDPs and, returnees. In particular, health response, cash for work, food provision, and economic improvement / livelihoods initiatives were identified as priority assistance areas. Read More...

The Impact of the Food Crisis on Women and Girls in Afghanistan

CARE conducted a study on how the food crisis in Afghanistan affects women and girls differently to better understand the gendered economic, cultural, and practical barriers to food security. This research highlights key findings on household food security, negative coping strategies women and families adopt, and shortcomings of humanitarian actors in gender-responsive aid delivery. The study is based on a comprehensive desk review of existing data since August 2021, a household survey comprising of 345 women respondents, completed in both urban and rural communities, a series of qualitative interviews with 18 women, 9 focus group discussions (FGDs) with men, and key informant interviews (KIIs) with food security specialists and humanitarian actors. The data was collected in urban and rural districts in 9 provinces in the north, west, south, and center of the country. Read More...

Evaluación final Proyecto Alma Llanera I

La presente evaluación es elaborada con el objetivo de valorar la implementación del PROYECTO “ALMA LLANERA”, el cual ha sido ejecutado por CARE Perú.
Para el desarrollo del estudio se implementó una metodología mixta basada en la aplicación de técnicas e instrumentos de tipo cuantitativo y cualitativo. El ámbito geográfico del estudio de base comprende las zonas donde intervino el proyecto, las cuales comprende los departamentos de Tumbes, Piura, La Libertad, Lima y la provincia constitucional del Callao.
Las principales variables analizadas se corresponden con las características básicas del público objetivo (características personales de las beneficiarias, de sus hogares, acceso a servicios de protección y afectación por el COVID-19), la cobertura, la pertinencia del proyecto, la eficacia y el impacto del Proyecto en función a los cambios esperados de su estrategia de intervención (plasmados a través de sus indicadores de impacto y resultados).
Estas variables se analizaron en la población objetivo del proyecto. Los informantes que proporcionaron la información requerida para el estudio fueron principalmente la población migrante y refugiada atendida, trabajadores/as y promotores de salud, funcionarios/as públicos y privados de las entidades públicas locales y el equipo técnico del Proyecto.
En este grupo de informantes se aplicaron encuestas a población migrante y refugiada atendida por el Proyecto, encuestas a trabajadores/as y promotores de salud y se complementó con entrevistas a funcionarios públicos y privados de los Centros de Salud Mental (CSMC), ONG, Asociaciones de Migrantes/Refugiados y Promotores de la Integración. Para el recojo de información, se diseñó un total de 10 formatos de recojo de información primaria, los cuales fueron aplicados durante los meses de octubre y noviembre del 2021, con algunas limitaciones propias de una aplicación por teléfono (llamadas no contestadas, servicios suspendidos, números equivocados) y otras referentes a la disponibilidad del informante (rechazo directo, falta de tiempo).
Como resultado de lo anterior se presentan los siguientes hallazgos: Read More...


Women have a human right to participate in public life and decision-making, including in preparing for, responding to, and recovering from natural disasters, conflict, and other crises. Yet, women directly affected by crises are still excluded from most humanitarian responses and from public decision-making more broadly. Women’s participation in community responses and recovery saves lives and increases gender equality. Conversely, when women’s voices are not heard, women’s rights and needs are often not adequately met, and emergency response can reinforce inequalities that perpetuate vulnerability, insecurity, and poverty. Women Lead in Emergencies is a CARE global program that supports local women’s groups to take a lead in responding to the crises that affect them and their communities. It is the first practical toolkit for frontline CARE staff and partners with guidance on how to promote the participation and leadership of women in communities at the forefront of crisis within humanitarian programming. Read More...

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