Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Title II Development Assistance Program Midterm Evaluation

CARE Madagascar’s current Title II DAP began in 2004. It consists of three sub-programs implemented ... Read More...

Evaluation du projet MOASAVAS

To allow a better regional economic development while meeting in a perennial way the priority needs ... Read More...

Rapport d’Evaluation du Projet Fanohitra

The goal of the project is to change attitudes about HIV/AIDS. Read More...

Integrated Nutrition and Health Project (INHP III) Final Evaluation Report

INHP III focused on mainstreaming and sustaining key elements of INHP I and II by the central govern... Read More...

SNEHAL Mid-Term Reflective Practice Report

Sustained Nutrition, Education, Health and Livelihoods (SNEHAL) Project aims at empowering communiti... Read More...

Reproductive and Child Health, Nutrition and HIV/AIDS Program (RACHNA) Final Evaluation

An umbrella program with two components: Integrated Nutrition and Health, and HIV/AIDS. Read More...

Sharing Power, Claiming Rights: Learnings from CARE Programmes in India On Governance And Rights

Goal: to outline and determine CARE India’s current status with regard to the mainstreaming of gover... Read More...

Walking the Talk: Inner Spaces, Outer Faces A Gender and Sexuality Initiative

Inner Spaces, Outer Faces - a gender and sexuality initiative Read More...

CARE-CASHE Program Final Evaluation

CASHE is a Microfinance programme that aims at significantly enhancing the incomes and economic security Read More...

Women for Women Project Baseline Survey

This 38-page report presents process and results of the H&M/W4W project rapid baseline survey. The report is organized into four sections as introduction, methodology, key findings and conclusion. The introduction section of the report presents the objective of the study and also the context/challenges that poor women experience in the city of Addis Ababa. Section two presents methodology used to acquire information and generate evidence. Section three and four present findings of the study and conclusion. Read More...

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