Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Macedonia Mine Action Project (MMAP) Evaluation

goal: To improve the livelihood security of households in the conflict affected villages of northern... Read More...

TUMA UMA Agricultural project Participatory End Term Project Report

goals: turning open access resources in private (individual or community) tenure; improving local te... Read More...

Pair-robs final evaluation apr. 2003 – benin

Le programme d’appui institutionnel au Réseau des ONG béninoises de santé (PAIR/ROBS) démarré en 199... Read More...

Proyecto Prosperar Santa Cruz Analquito

El Proyecto tiene como principal objetivo la reducción de enfermedades diarreicas en la población in... Read More...

Gtm – maternal health – final – apr 03

designed to improve access to essential obstetric care and to improve the quality of this care for p... Read More...

Mid-term alive assesment

CARE Egypt is implementing the Integrated Development Project with Emphasis on Water and Sanitation ... Read More...

Prosaguas – mar 03

PROSAGUAS busca proveer agua y saneamiento como un recurso necesario para disminuir las enfermedades... Read More...

Proyecto para la Salud a través de Agua y Saneamiento (PROSPERAR)

PROSPERAR -, tiene como principal objetivo la disminución de enfermedades diarréicas en la población... Read More...

Gha – tirp – final – mar 03

Trade and Investment Reform Program

Mwi – evaluation of livelihood trends over the past 30 years – malawi (march 2003)


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