Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Lafaek Annual Report


Improved Household Livelihood Security Project Progress Report

Household Livelihood security

Improved Household Livelihood Security Project Progress Report

Household Livelihood Security

Peri-Urban Lusaka Small Enterprise Project (PULSE) Final Report

Goal: increase household income, economic security and employment opportunities amongst the families... Read More...

Participatory Rural Adaptation Pilot in Response to Climate Change

Adaptation to Climate Change Project in Tajikistan (ACCT Project), is being implemented in three Jam... Read More...

Violence Against Women (VAW) Program Review

The purpose of this report is to present comprehensive documentation and review of two Violence Agai... Read More...

Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation (PUWSS) Project Final Report

covers the activities implemented under the Peri-Urban Water Supply and Sanitation project from Janu... Read More...

Kigezi Business Development Services (KBDS) Narrative Report

Kigezi Business Development Services (KBDS) aim is to “Promote Business Development Services (models... Read More...

Improved Household Livelihood Security Project Quarterly Report

Household livelihood security

Fortalecimiento de las Practicas Saludables en SSR y Acceso a Servicios de Salud

el objetivo del proyecto era incrementar los conocimientos y el uso de servicios de Salud Reproducti... Read More...

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