Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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CARE International, presented by CARE WBG, collaborated for a second time with Women’s Affairs Technical Committee to implement the action “My Right to My Future – Women’s Participation in Peace Building and Conflict Resolution”. The action was implemented between April 2015 and September 2017, in all governorates of the Gaza Strip and nine governorates from the West Bank. The final beneficiaries were from political parties, local media outlets and 220 young activists from the twenty communities were involved in the different stages of the project.

The project aimed at establishing the conditions for the advancement of the peace process by strengthening the political and societal participation of women leaders for a just and lasting peace. This overall goal was planned to be achieved through the two specific objectives; 1) promote women leadership to play influential role within political parties; 2) shifting social attitudes towards women’s political participation and empowering youth and specifically young women to play an active role in civil society peace building and reconciliation.


INTORE II PROJECT: Final Evaluation Report

CARE Burundi implemented a project to improve the protection of children's rights called Intore II by creating recreational and educational spaces in the communes of Ntahangwa and Mukaza in Bujumbura, and Giheta and Itaba in Gitega province from May 2016 to April 2019. In order to document the project’s impact on the young people and children’s lives, an internal final evaluation was conducted in April 2019. Read More...

Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project: End of Project Evaluation

The Siaya Maternal and Child Nutrition Nawiri Project was a 36-months intervention on maternal and child nutrition. The project was executed in partnership with CARE (the coordinator), Family Health Options Kenya (FHOK) and the Kisumu Medical and Education Trust (KMET) in Siaya County with funding support from the European Commission (EC), the Austrian Development Agency (ADA) and CARE. The overall objective of the project was to contribute to improving maternal, infant and young child nutrition (MIYCN), including nutrition of women of reproductive age, in Siaya County. Read More...

Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) Phase-III Final Evaluation Report

Bangladesh is frequently cited as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change. Considering these scenarios of climate change risks and as an initiative to address the effects of climate change, CARE International in Bangladesh implemented the project “Where the Rain Falls (WtRF)”. Generously funded by the Prince Albert II Foundation, WtRF Phase III aimed at improving the resilience of targeted vulnerable and marginalized communities to the impacts of increasing variability of rainfall patterns by promoting CARE’s SuPER (Sustainable, Profitable, Equitable and Resilient) agriculture approach through community based adaptation. This intervention was designed building on earlier phases of Where the Rain Falls project (Phase I & II).

The main objective of this evaluation is to critically review program performance based on the indicators set out in the logical framework. The project is also keen to know how it is helping communities (especially those who are rain fed farmers) to address climatic vulnerabilities in a gender friendly manner. As the project will come to its end in February 2019, CARE Bangladesh planned to have an independent evaluation to see the results in comparison with the baseline. Read More...

Rapport d’evaluation Finale du Projet de Soins de Sante Primaire et Protection/VBG

Le projet soins de santé primaires et protection VBG est un projet qui vise à fournir des soins de santé primaires d'urgence et une réponse à la violence sexiste aux communautés déplacées et hôtes avec un meilleur accès aux soins de santé primaires, dans les zones de santé de BUTEMBO et LUBERO, il comprend un volet accès à la réponse à la violence basée sur le genre, ainsi qu'à des messages sur la prévention des IST et des grossesses non désirées, la prévention de la violence sexiste, l'information et la prévention en matière de Santé Sexuelle et Reproductive, maladies d'origine hydrique, y compris la prévention du choléra.

Tous les indicateurs tel que défini dans le projet ont fait l’objet d’une analyse triangulée qui a permis de mettre en exergue l’état actuel (final) de chaque indicateur dans la zone de mise en oeuvre du projet comparativement à l’état initial des indicateurs lors de l’évaluation de base.

Ainsi dans le premier out come, soutient au système de santé, il a été constaté que toutes les structures ciblées par le projet ont été appuyées lors de la mise en oeuvre du projet, il s’est remarque une augmentation des consultations curatives à hauteur de 121667 grâce à l’appui accordé par le projet OFDA dans les différentes structures sous appuie, une réhabilitation de 6 structures et deux BCZS dans les deux zones de santé a été possible grâce à l’appui du projet, mais aussi une augmentation significative dans le rapportage des données épidémiologiques qui est passé de 83% lors de la Baseline à 93.1% après la mise en oeuvre du projet. Cette performance a été possible grâce à l’appui apporté par le projet à travers le renforcement des prestataires des soins de santé et des volontaires communautaires sur la surveillance et le rapportage des maladies communautaires.

Dans le deuxième out come, Santé de la reproduction, il a été constaté que toutes les structures ont connu une baisse de fréquentation de CPN, CPON et CPS suite à la situation de la MVE qui se vie dans les deux zones de santé, certaines structures ont été contraints à une fermeture temporaire suite au vandalismes des infrastructures sanitaires par la population de ces aires de santé ( environnement sanitaire dégradé, biens des FOSA saccagé , certaines structures brulés) résultats de la méfiance qu’à la population pour la riposte à la MVE, cela a fait que certaines femmes ne fréquentes plus le CPN et CPON et se fassent à coucher à la maison de la manière traditionnel au risque de mettre leur vie en péril.

Dans le troisième out come, maladies communicables, les structures ont rapporté une augmentation des cas des diarrhées, paludismes, IRA, cette augmentation est due au fait qu’à travers les sensibilisations faites à travers les activités du projet, et le renforcement des capacités des volontaires communautaires sur la surveillance communautaire (identification et rapportage des maladies communautaires courantes) plusieurs cas ont été rapporté et prise en charge dans les 22 structures appuyées dans les 2 zones de santé.

Dans le quatrième out come, (santé communautaire ; les résultats issus de cette enquête montrent que là plus part des RECOs identifiées ont été formé et sensibilisé sur la surveillance communautaire à travers plusieurs formations sur la prise en charge des maladies communautaires courantes, et à travers plusieurs dialogues communautaires Read More...

Evaluación del Proyecto “Mujeres con Voz”

Mujeres con Voz fue implementado entre febrero 2017 y enero de 2019. Este documento recoge sus logros, a partir de una descripción del contexto local y de los cambios ocurridos; identifica sus aportes estratégicos, y analiza el impacto y sostenibilidad de las acciones implementadas durante su ejecución.

Como en todo balance, las cifras no reflejan en sus resultados la profundidad de las acciones y las vidas que fueron tocadas y transformadas en su trayecto; quizá las palabras hagan suponer lo que el trabajo exhaustivo en la cotidianidad del proyecto procuró para que esa realidad de violencia concluya, y la sociedad se encamine a otros tiempos de equidad y no


This document is the final report of the performance evaluation of the binational project Zika Response in Ecuador and Peru, implemented in Ecuador and Peru by CARE from 2016 to 2019. The main objectives of the project were to strengthen community, local and national capacities to respond to the outbreak of Zika virus and other vector-borne diseases, as well as to improve regional and national efforts to reduce Zika transmission rates.

The evaluation of the project in Ecuador was carried out in the intervention zones of 10 cantons of the provinces of El Oro, Manabí and Esmeraldas, between August and September 2019; in Peru, in 20 districts of 10 provinces of the departments of Tumbes, Piura, Lambayeque, and Cajamarca. After the elaboration of the work proposal and the methodological design of the evaluation, secondary information was collected and primary information was collected at field through interviews, focus groups and social mapping (in Ecuador), and a Likert scale survey (in Peru). The evaluation was framed in five blocks: General Aspects, Community Mobilization, Community-Based Surveillance, Social and Behavioral Change, and Inter-Institutional Planning and Coordination.

The main findings of the evaluation determine that the project achieved, for the most part, the objectives of the project, having as its main achievement the facilitation of inter-institutional coordination of the different actors in the territory. In Peru, the experience of community-based vector control, supported by technological and communications innovations, stands out. In both countries, the project successfully mobilized the community to carry out prevention strategies against Zika and increase knowledge of the risks of this type of disease, as well as useful individual and collective strategies for its prevention. Read More...


El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del “Estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto Educación para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Financiera EFI", desarrollado por el equipo consultor de Mi Chacra de acuerdo a los términos de referencia de CARE Perú. La consultoría tenía el objetivo de evaluar los resultados y el impacto del proyecto, considerando sólo uno de sus ejes fundamentales, el referido a familias emprendedoras. El proyecto se desarrolló en los departamentos de Lambayeque, La Libertad, Junín y Arequipa, con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo.
Además de presentar los resultados globales del trabajo de campo, consideramos imprescindible hacer una división a nivel departamental debido tanto a las diferencias en los desarrollos relativos de cada uno de ellos que existían desde la línea de base, como en el propio desarrollo del proyecto. La principal conclusión al observar los principales indicadores de resultado es que el proyecto ha conseguido o superado los objetivos propuestos, lo que se destaca y analiza con detalle en el presente informe final de la consultoría. Read More...

The end-line report of “Knowledge, Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Study of Women’s and Men’s Different Roles for “WE SHARE THE LOAD” Project

CARE Egypt in partnership with Ariel has implemented a project called “We Share the Load” to address women‟s economic and social empowerment and provide them with an opportunity to improve their livelihoods. The objective of the project is to enable “Women in the targeted communities to be able to economically and socially participate in lifting their families out of poverty in a society that is built on gender justice.” The project targets 1000 women/female headed household and 200 men, in two main locations within Assuit governorate: Tatalia village and Arab Tatalia.

Evaluation shows that there are a number of females who works just and that the ratio of female to family members‟ labor force participation rate in the targeted communities reached 16.8%, which indicate that women in targeted communities are economically able to participate in lifting their families out of poverty. However, since the baseline study did not measure all the project‟s indicators, the evaluation team could not assess if the goal objective is achieved or not.

On the other hand, the study tried to identify respondents‟ satisfaction with their current financial situation as compared to the year before the project to define the project‟s role in improving their financial situation. Results indicate that only 30% of respondents are satisfied with their financial situation, and 68.3% stated some improvement in their financial situation compared to previous year. This is consistent with the results of the qualitative study where respondents stated that the increase in their incomes was less than rise in prices. Read More...

FINAL EVALUATION OF THE PROJECT “Sports for Social Change and Inclusion”

The project is implemented from May 2016 until July 2019 by CARE International in partnership with the Association Otaharin from Bijeljina. This report presents the final evaluation of the project.

The overall target of the project was the improvement of the living conditions of Roma children in Bijeljina. The project focused on improvement of the school education of Roma children and their living conditions through sport and art activities, combined with youth and parent group work and school support. The core activity of the project was to organize a football team and football school Otaharin. Playing football should have been the main motive for children (but also parents) to improve their attendance at school, hygiene, increase self-confidence and social behaviour. Beside playing football, the other activities of the project were financing meals for a public kitchen, provision and awarding of school material for poorer children of primary school age, provision of football playground by signing a contract with professional football teams and coaches, awarding of school scholarships for poorer children of primary school age, providing healthy food and drinks at trainings, organizing mandatory workshops for children and parents in order to increase their various social capacities. Read More...

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