Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Zar – local links – semi annual – apr 06

The project has 3 objectives: strengthening families and communities economic coping; improved civil... Read More...

Zmb – ppa – annual review – apr 06

Purpose - enable the poorest to better manage risk associated with food security, destitution and HI... Read More...

Uga – proscad – semi-annual report – mar 06


Per – edubima – sp – ongoing – 05


Rwa – life project – annual report – dec 05

CARE Rwanda, en partenariat avec le Programme National de Lutte contre le SIDA, exécute un programme... Read More...

Rwa – score aids – annual report – dec 05

Based on its HIV/AIDS programming strategy, CARE Rwanda, in collaboration with IFAD developed and is... Read More...

Mmr 052 – hiv-aids prevention for police force – annual report – may 05

Objective: to improve the knowledge on HIV/AIDS prevention among the police personnel and their fami... Read More...

Eri – integrated food security project

project goal is to improve food security, both in quantity and in quality, of community members in t... Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis North West Syria (Idleb and Aleppo)

This Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) focused on gendered work practices and attitudes, access to services, protection and coping mechanisms. Past research indicated that the role of women has been further marginalised during the protracted conflict and there was gap in information around gender dynamics, trends, roles and responsibilities and power dynamics in Idleb. Understanding these trends and patterns helps to inform program activities and procedures, including how to better target women and girls in ways that are safe, equitable, and empowering within the local context. Information about effective male engagement is also required to understand what actions and processes are useful to help reinforce the work of supporting women, elderly women and men and adolescent women and men during the protracted crisis.
The RGA focused on the Aleppo and Idleb Governorates in North West Syria. The objectives are focused on capturing the approach that has worked in reaching and supporting vulnerable women and men of different ages under the Water, Sanitation and Health (WASH), shelter, rapid response, cash for work / livelihoods and protection sectors; analyse the level, type and extent of changes that have occurred and are taking place as a result of conflict and displacement at household and community levels in relation to gender and power differentials (structure, relations and agency) and the reasons / factors behind those changes,; review the functionality of formal or informal support structures established for Gender Based Violence (GBV) survivors of any age and to develop a set of actionable recommendations, short and medium-term, based on key findings. Read More...

Réponse d’urgence pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables victimes d’El Niño Rapport Intermédiaire

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet « réponse d’urgence pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables victimes d’El Nino dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar » financé par l’ECHO et mis en œuvre par CARE Madagascar dans 7 Communes du District d’Ambovombe. La sècheresse pendant ces 3 dernières années suivie par le phénomène EL NINO a provoqué la situation d’insécurité alimentaire actuelle surtout pour les couches très vulnérables de la population. Notre intervention répond d’abord à l’accessibilité et à la disponibilité des besoins essentiels de nourriture et d’eau, puis à l’amélioration de la résilience de la population cible face à la situation de sécheresse cyclique dans cette partie de Madagascar. 3 secteurs d’activité sont développés pendant les 15 mois d’intervention du projet : l’assistance financière en espèce sous forme d’Argent contre travail, de transfert monétaire inconditionnel et les renforcements des comités de suivi et d’entretien, la distribution des intrants agricoles et appuis techniques aux groupements de producteurs et le renforcement de l’approvisionnement en sources d’eau améliorée. Read More...

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