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Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Programme- ECHO HIP

The Zimbabwe Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Response (ZEFSMCTR) Program( HIP 2) implementation of the project commenced in February 2017 in Gokwe North district to mitigate the effects of the drought induced by El Nino. Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households. The 9 400 food insecure people received their monthly cash entitlements meant to meet their basic household and nutrition needs from February up to April 2017. [18 pages] Read More...

Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Programme

The Zimbabwe Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Response (ZEFSMCTR) Program implementation commenced in April 2016 in Gokwe South; this was against a backdrop of increasing food insecurity in the targeted communities of the district. The Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee’s (ZimVac) rapid assessment report of January 2016 had projected that 33% of households in the southern districts of the country would be food insecure during the peak hunger period (January to March 2016). The food insecurity was attributed to the El Nino phenomenon that resulted in poor crop and livestock performance resulting in a drought. The government of Zimbabwe declared a state of drought disaster for the 2015/16 agriculture season, on 4 February 2016 and appealed for humanitarian support of US$1.5 billion. [13 pages] Read More...

Adaptable and effective: Cash in the face of multi-dimensional crisis

A summary of the learnings and recommendations from an internal and external evaluation of the Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe project which was carried out from August 2015 to May 2017. The external evaluation was carried out by Oxford Policy Management and is titled Zimbabwe ‘Cash First’ Humanitarian Response 2015-17. [8 pages]

Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities

CARE International in partnership with World Vision International in Zimbabwe implemented the DFID-funded project ‘Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe’ from August 2015 to April 2017 in response to the drought which had severely affected the southern areas of Zimbabwe. According to the 2015 ZIMVAC report, the 2014-15 total cereal production for all provinces was lower than the previous season and the five-year average. The ZIMVAC 2015 report forecasted that the 2015 harvests would be far below local and national needs, requiring a response by the government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) and other stakeholders (UN, NGOs and private sector) to fill the expected significant and potentially life-threatening food gaps. These food gaps were expected to be filled through the market, with private traders already active in moving cereals from areas of surplus to areas of high demand. [54 pages] Read More...

Zimbabwe Food and Nutrition Emergency Cash Transfer Programme

The programme objective was to mitigate the effects drought induced of El Nino induced food insecurity in 3 wards namely ward 8, 11 and 12 of Gokwe North district.. The aim was to improve Household (HH) food security through unconditional mobile cash transfers and increase access to nutrition intervention to prevent, identify and treat severe and moderate acute malnutrition among children (0-59 months) from February- April 2017. . Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households in the district were registered to receive monthly cash transfers to assist them in meeting expenses for basic household needs from February up to April 2017 The cash transfer value was USD7/person/month and USD10 for a single person HH and this amount met 66% of the HH Kilocal needs of the 2,100 kcal/person/day on a basic diet of maize, pulses & vegetable oil. [38 pages] Read More...

Zimbabwe ‘Cash First’ Humanitarian Response 2015–2017 Evaluation report

This report is an independent evaluation of the DFID-funded Zimbabwe Humanitarian Response 2015–2017, produced by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) in association with Humanitarian Outcomes. The evaluation was commissioned by CARE International in Zimbabwe. The evaluation was led by Andrew Kardan and the qualitative data collection was led by Sarah Bailey. An incountry workshop on the findings was conducted by Paul Harvey and Andrew Kardan. The evaluation’s design and research were also supported by Molly Scott, Marta Favara, Chris Hearle and Helen Morris. The qualitative data collection was conducted with support from Jimat Consulting. Finally Sheila Chikulo provided peer review inputs. [107 page] Read More...

Zimbabwe Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Programme

The Zimbabwe Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Response (ZEFSMCTR) Program implementation commenced in April 2016 in Gokwe South; this was against a backdrop of increasing food insecurity in the targeted communities of the district. The Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee’s (ZimVac) rapid assessment report of January 2016 had projected that 33% of households in the southern districts of the country would be food insecure during the peak hunger period (January to March 2016). The food insecurity was attributed to the El Nino phenomenon that resulted in poor crop and livestock performance resulting in a drought. The government of Zimbabwe declared a state of drought disaster for the 2015/16 agriculture season, on 4 February 2016 and appealed for humanitarian support of US$1.5 billion. [13 pages] Read More...

Post Distribution Monitoring Report: Cash for Non-Food Item Distribution to IDPs

This Post-Distribution Monitoring (PDM) assessment was carried out by CARE ENSAF project staff on 14 –Sep -2107 in Kabul province. The distribution of Cash for NFI to 28 displaced households was carried out in Aug, 2017 by CARE ENSAF project. The purpose of the PDM was (1) to evaluate the appropriateness, effectiveness and targeting of the distribution to households affected by the displacements form unsecure province , and (2) to provide recommendations for future Cash for NFI response or kind NFI response to humanitarian program management inside CARE. [4 pages] Read More...

Strengthening Cash Transfers for Access to Finance, Livelihood and Entrepreneurship: Impact Study

This document presents the results of an impact study for the "Strengthening Cash Transfers for Access to Finance, Livelihood and Entrepreneurship” project being implemented by CARE International and Platform for Social Protection Zambia with support from the European Union. The study’s main purpose was to assess the progress of SCALE project towards achieving results as outlined in its logical framework including providing recommendations for improving the project. [32 pages] Read More...

Evaluation of the 2017 Somalia Humanitarian Cash-Based Response

Cash Based Assistance (CBA) has been used by humanitarian organisations in Somalia to assist people in need since 2003. After several years of poor rainfall, the humanitarian community responded to a famine alert issued in January 2017 with a significant scale-up of funding and programmes. Having originally published a 2017 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in November 2016, by May 2017, the Somalia Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) revised the HRP upwards to target 5.5 million people needing assistance. The United Nations (UN), Red Cross, Red Crescent Movement and numerous international and national NGOs delivered a wide variety of life-saving and livelihood support CBA to vulnerable people across the country. [72 pages] Read More...

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