Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.
Every Voice Counts (EVC) Midterm Evaluation Reports
Promoting Financial Inclusion for Smallholder Farmers Project (PROFIFA) Baseline
PROFIFA is a three year project funded by the Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR) and Implemented by CARE International in partnership with DUHAMIC ADRI. The project aims to promote financial inclusion for 120,000 Small Holder Farmers (men, women and youth) organized into 4,000 farmer groups and involved in maize, livestock and horticulture value chains in 8 Districts of Rwanda such us Nyamagabe, Huye (Sothern province), Rulindo, Gakenke, Gicumbi (Northern province), Rwamagana, Kayonza and Gatsibo (Eastern province). [56 pages] Read More...
Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) Infographic Report
Women and Girls Participation in Decision Making for Imihigo and GBV issues
Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG)
FINAG: Improving the Livelihoods of Out-of-SChool Adolescent Girls Through Financial Inclusion
Socio-Economic and Financial Profitability Analysis of Rice Seed Production by Women Groups “Nawe Nuze” in the framework of “Win Win” Program in Burundi
Relation Entre La Masculinite et l’Inclusion Financiere
L’inclusion financière est abordée dans ses aspects d’accès à l’information, d’acquisition des connaissances, d’accès et utilisation effective des produits et services financiers à savoir : l’ouverture de compte, l’épargne, le crédit, le transfert monétaire et les moyens de payement. [76 pages] Read More...
The Win-Win for Gender, Agriculture and Nutrition Project Midline Assessment
Etude d’Evaluation de la Phase Pilote de Connexion des Groupes AVEC aux Services Financiers Formels
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