Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Nepal Earthquake Recovery Response Restoration of Health Facilities with Improved Access to SRMH and WASH Services Baseline Report
Nepal Earthquake: Emergency Shelter and NFIs to Affected Households funded by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade End-Line Assessment
The major objective of the study was to analyze the outcome and output of the recovery project focused on the project logframe which particularly emphasis on the distribution of winterization items/voucher, household kit, water distribution system, toilet construction, hygiene kit, hygiene promotion and GBV promotion information. Read More...
Hausala: Empowering Adolescent Girls Baseline Report
Baseline Study Report Stronger Communities and Safer Habitat: Promoting Self-Recovery Project
NACC Final Evaluation Report
Projecto Nampula Adaptação às Mudanças Climáticas (NACC) Meio Termo
Cash Assistance to Households Affected by Food Insecurity in Goundam and Niafunke Districts
COSACA 1 Final Evaluation
This report presents the results of the level of project implementation in the two components: drought and floods. The purpose of the evaluation is to examine the effectiveness, efficiency, relevance, impact and sustainability of the activities implemented by COSACA, so that, on the basis of best practices and lessons learned, recommendations should stand out that will serve as a model for other consortia in Mozambique, in other African countries, and on the other hand, to improve future strategies for coordination and management of the consortium, as well as to propose better ways to implement future successful activities. Read More...
ECD Program Baseline Report Summary
Funhalouro is a large, sparsely populated district with 44 320 inhabitants as of 2007. The area is prone to food insecurity and drought. With a consumption poverty rate above 69%, Funhalouro is one of the most vulnerable and impoverished areas of Inhambane. Because it is remote and the population dispersed there are few development interventions in Funhalouro.
The ECD program is an implementation science project because we are finding out how best to implement a home-based Early Childhood Development (ECD) intervention in these two different sites. This focus on implementation science means that a large part of the evaluation of the ECD project will include on-going qualitative research on which implementation strategies work best where and why. Read More...
Projet Education Pour le Changement Rapport de l’Etude de Base
Ce projet d'une durée de cinq ans sera mis en œuvre dans six communes des cercles de Bandiagara et Mopti de la région de Mopti (deux communes urbaines et quatre communes rurales). Les bénéficiaires sont estimés à 90.000 filles et garçons âgés de 10 à 18 ans, femmes et hommes. Les adolescents et adolescentes sont des non scolaires et scolaires au niveau de 50 écoles (primaires, fondamentales, secondaires, techniques et professionnelles). Les cibles sont les populations fortement affectées par les effets du changement climatique (sécheresse et inondation) et la crise socio-politique et sécuritaire survenue au Mali en 2012. Read More...
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