Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment Project Analysis of Effects of Linkage

This report focuses on the effects of CARE’s POWER/PROFIR (Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment) project on the financial health of village savings and loans groups in Cote d’Ivoire and Rwanda. The project is a collaboration between CARE Canada, Access Africa, and MasterCard Foundation. CARE International is one of the world’s leading organizations in the promotion of Village Savings and Loan Associations (VSLAs) in Africa, reaching more than 3.5 million people in 26 countries. CARE’s POWER project aims to determine the relative benefit of formal financial links for savings groups, households and individuals, and banks in Burundi, Ethiopia, Cote d’Ivoire, and Rwanda. However, this report only focuses on the two latter countries. For Rwanda, CARE‘s POWER project is called PROFIR (Promoting Financial Inclusion in Rwanda). [49 pages] Read More...

Pro-Resilience Action Program Baseline Study

Christian Aid and United Purpose are leading separate consortia implementing the ProResilience Action (Pro ACT) programme with funding from the European Commission. The programme aims to address existing food and nutrition security challenges among the poorest households under social cash transfer in seven districts by increasing their resilience to climaterelated stresses and shocks. The project will support interventions that foster great resilience to climatic shocks and diversification of livelihoods for vulnerable households and create synergies with the existing support to Social Cash Transfer Programme (SCTP). With this background, Christian Aid Malawi and United Purpose jointly commissioned the baseline study for the programme. The assessment was required to establish and verify baseline indicators related to the current food and nutritional status of the project beneficiaries and their ability to respond to climatic shocks. The baseline was conducted in the 7 districts of Nsanje, Zomba and Mulanje under the United Purpose led consortium and in Chikwawa, Mwanza, Neno, Mzimba North and Mzimba South under the Christian Aid led consortium The overall objective of the assignment was to carry out a baseline study for the “Pro-ACT programme” in order to determine the pre-project situation against major project indicators. This would provide a benchmark on which to formulate project targets and a basis for assessing project milestones during and impact after implementation. [83 pages] Read More...

Mémoire de Fin d’études pour l’Obtention du Diplôme de Master Professionnel en Pastoralisme

La présente étude menée en zone pastorale dans les communes de Bermo et Gadabédji vise à analyser la dynamique organisationnelle des femmes en zone pastorale et de caractériser le rôle que peuvent jouer les groupements féminins dans la prise de décision et l’entrepreneuriat pour ces femmes. Une enquête a été réalisée auprès de 146 femmes membres de groupements féminins à travers des questionnaires individuels mais aussi auprès des femmes non membres (53) et des hommes pour avoir leurs perceptions. Il ressort que 97,3% des femmes membres de groupements féminins interrogés ont affirmé que la pratique d’activités génératrices de revenus (AGR) a amélioré leur relation au sein du ménage et 43,2% ont détecté le renforcement de leur participation aux prises de décisions dans le ménage. 61% des femmes membres de groupements féminins ont affirmé avoir adhéré au groupement pour financer une AGR et 51,4% ont dit que leur adhésion a été motivée par imitation. Il résulte ainsi que les motivations sociales et économiques constituent le pivot de la participation des femmes aux groupements féminins. Les caisses des groupements constituent également un rempart en cas d’urgence ou de crise même pour les non membres. Cette importance reconnue aux groupements de femmes fait qu’ils sont socialement acceptés par toutes les couches. Read More...

Qualitative Assessment of the Effectiveness of Gender Transformative Programming on Changing Gender and Social Norms and Women’s Empowerment

The “Win-Win for Gender, Agriculture and Nutrition: Testing a Gender-Transformative Approach from Asia in Africa” is a project aimed at establishing a comparison between a gender-transformative model to achieve gender equality (the “EKATA” model), and a gender-mainstreamed approach in the agriculture sector (“Gender-Light model”), in which basic activities around gender are integrated into a program whose principle focus and measures of success are women’s economic empowerment through agriculture and micro-enterprise development.

The qualitative research is using in-depth interviews and Focus Group Discussions(FGDs) of a subset of women and their spouses who are participating in the program. For the in-depth interviews, 30 people (22 women and their spouses) were selected and are followed every year to document different pathways to empowerment. They were randomly selected from a strata of all women interviewed at baseline to reflect different social economic and marital status. On the other hand, 106 people (45 men and 61 women) participated in a total of ten FGDs. [42 pages]

Women and Agriculture Project Gender Analysis Report

In Tanzania, agriculture is the largest and most important sector of the economy. Majority of the country’s population which lives in rural areas relies heavily on agriculture. The sector accounts for about half of the national income, three quarters of merchandise exports and is source of food and provides employment opportunities to about 80 percent of Tanzanians. Agriculture also has linkages with the non-farm sectors through forward linkages to agro-processing; consumption and export; provides raw materials to industries; and a market for manufactured goods. Consequently, agriculture has a pivotal role in economic growth, and is directly linked with sustainable development and poverty reduction. Gender differences are a significant attribute in agriculture, from access, control and ownership of land to marketing of raw and processed produce. In Tanzania, despite constitutional proclamations of gender equality and many laws that promote equal opportunities for both men and women, it remains the case that on both smallholder farms and large plantations, men and women carry out different types of work, have different levels of access to resources, and are unequally rewarded for their contributions to the agricultural system, with women typically having less access and lower incomes (Rubin, 2010). [75 pages] Read More...


The following report provides an independent review of COSACA II, a consortium comprising Concern, Oxfam, Save the Children, and CARE in Mozambique responsible for implementing a DFID, Sida, OFDA, and ECHO funded drought recovery for the period July 2016 – June 2017 (July 2016 – March 2017 for DFID). The project covers seven provinces: Gaza, Inhambane, Sofala, Zambezia, Manica,Tete and Maputo with the primary aim of ensuring that drought affected households have adequate access to food and water to meet their daily essential needs, as well as access to market integrated livelihood activities which support their children’s well-being. COSACA was created in order to leverage the unique technical skills and geographical reach of each agency in order to more effectively coordinate humanitarian preparedness and response, and to improve members’ capacity to respond within 72 hours of a disaster. Each of the Consortium agencies has a committed, long-term presence in Mozambique, and this brings expertise and experience working in various provinces across the country. Together, they are currently delivering programmes focused on Food Security and Livelihoods (FSL), Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH), Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR), child protection, education, health and nutrition. [76 pages] Read More...

Social and Economic Transformation of the Ultra-Poor (SETU)

This 59 page documents highlights evaluation findings on the SETU project in Bangladesh Read More...

Improving Delivery and Uptake of Essential Nutrition Interventions Through the Health and Food System and in the Community (IAHBI) Project

This 50 page report to UNICEF highlights the end-of project acheivements of Bangladesh's Improving d... Read More...

Projet d’Appui à l’Accès aux Services Sociaux de Base des Communautés Villageoises Productrice de Cacao des Départements de Daloa et San-Pédro ou « Projet Cargill »

Le « projet d’appui à l’accès aux services sociaux de base des communautés villageoises productrice de cacao des départements de Daloa et San-Pédro» ou « Projet Cargill » est exécuté sur une période de 2 ans par CARE. Il a pour objectif d’améliorer les conditions de vie des planteurs de 10 localités se trouvant dans les zones d’intervention des 2 premières coopératives agricoles certifiées UTZ que sont : COOPAGA (à San-pédro) et CAFD (à Daloa). A l’issu de l’évaluation finale externe reposant sur une approche mixte (qualitative et quantitative) la pertinence, la cohérence, l’efficacité, l’efficience et la durabilité du projet ont été appréciées. [69 pages]

Kordofan Kordofan Evaluation Report Sudan


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