Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Business-Based Solutions in Humanitarian Crises: Lessons from Zimbabwe

In response to heightened food insecurity in Zimbabwe, Crown Agents and CARE, through the Grain Trade Market Facility, utilised existing market structures to avoid a potentially devastating food disaster. Using innovative solutions that brought together both the public and private sectors the programme ensured that people could meet their basic food needs through mobile money transfers. Utilising private sector systems increased access to funds and guaranteed market demand. This improved the availability of grain nationwide, maintained price stability and ensured vulnerable households were able to meet their basic food needs. Read More...

Mainstreaming of Social Accountability in The Emergency Labor Intensive Investment Project: Evaluation Study

Social accountability is one of the forms of accountability resulting from the activities of citizens and civil society organizations (CSOs) to hold government agencies accountable. The World Bank was the first to use the term “social accountability” (SA) to describe a set of procedures and mechanisms that enable citizens, civil society, and mass media to hold the government and public sector officials accountable. The term also represents the procedures adopted by the government, CSOs, mass media, and other social stakeholders to promote or facilitate such efforts. Therefore, SA is a form of social participation that transforms communities from being service receivers to a key partner throughout all stages, including needs assessment, pre-planning of activities, monitoring of service delivery, up to evaluation and improvement.

Social accountability aims at enabling stakeholders to access the best services. As such, it relies on mechanisms for giving voice and participation. Over the past decade there were many examples that revealed that citizens could express their viewpoints and actively participate in urging the public sector to be more responsive and accountable.

Assistance for Damrey and Flood affected communities in the Central Region of Vietnam

On 2 November 2017, Typhoon Damrey gained strength and headed to Vietnam with wind speeds of up 90km/hour. The Vietnamese Government sent the alert to the Central provinces to guide the emergency response. 35,000 villagers in high- risk areas were evacuated to safe places before the arrival of the typhoon. On 4 November 2017, the Typhoon made landfall with winds of up to 135km/h, wreaking havoc in the central and south-central areas. The Vietnamese Central Committee of Disaster Prevention and Control announced the risk of the disaster was at level 3. During its 16 hours in Vietnam, the typhoon blew the roofs off thousands of houses, felled trees and electricity poles across the southern coastline and caused the destruction of thousands of homes. The typhoon caused flooding in 15 provinces across central Vietnam.
Following to the typhoon, CARE International in Vietnam (CARE), as a core member of Disaster Management Working Group (DMWG) joined the Rapid Needs Assessment in the two worst affected provinces, including Thua Thien Hue and Quang Nam. The assessments revealed widespread damage to housing, infrastructure, WASH and livelihoods.
CARE was successful in mobilizing AUD $400,000 funding from DFAT to provide support for affected populations in four communes of Dai Loc District (Quang Nam Province) and Quang Dien District (in Thua Thien Hue Province). This funding enabled recovery activities to take place from the beginning of January to the end of September 2018, with a particular focus on addressing the different needs of both men and women for livelihood recovery and WASH. [33 pages] Read More...

Horumarinta Elmiga II (Education for Empowerment through Cohesive and Harmonized System

Horumarinta Elmiga II (Education for Empowerment through Cohesive and Harmonized System) was a three-year (September 2015 – August 2018) education program funded by the European Union (EU), and implemented in all the six administrative regions by a consortium of Save the Children (lead agency), CARE International and Norwegian Refugees Council (NRC), in partnership with the MOEHS of Somaliland. The specific objective of the program was ‘education and training services, responsive to the priorities, needs and requirements of the population of Somaliland, efficiently and equitably delivered.’ [49 pages] Read More...

Increasing Mitigation, Productivity and Adaptation through Crop-Recovery Techniques (IMPACT) II Project: Endline Summary Report

In the 2015 / 2016 season, Malawi experienced severe floods and droughts that occurred as a result of El Nino weather conditions. The Malawi Vulnerability Assessment Committee (MVAC) -composed of the Government, UN agencies and NGOs- forecasted that a minimum of 6.5 million people, or 39 percent of the country's projected population of 16.8 million, would not be able to meet their annual food requirements during the 2016/2017 consumption period. Nsanje, Phalombe and Mulanje are some of the districts that were hit hardest. CARE Malawi implemented the IMPACT project from August 2016 through July 2017 to help the people from the three districts recover their agricultural-based livelihoods. After closure, USAID’s OFDA provided a new grant of US$1,125,519 for IMPACT to run from August 2017 to July 2018 in a bid to consolidate the gains achieved in the first phase and reach additional households affected by continued dry spells and the Fall Armyworms. CARE subcontracted ADRA (Adventist Development and Relief Agency), an international NGO with experience and presence on the ground, to implement activities of the second phase in Phalombe and Mulanje (as they had in Phase I). This evaluation aimed to assess the design, performance and impact of the second phase. It used mixed methods to collect quantitative and qualitative data from 476 beneficiary households, 14 key persons and 8 fo¬cus group discussions with lead farmers, women and men, local committees and non-beneficiaries. Training of research assistants and pre-testing of study tools were done to ensure quality of the data collected. [48 pages] Read More...

Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin (Education is Light) Phase II Project: Endterm Evaluation

This is the report of the End Term Evaluation (ETE) of Waxbarashadu Waa Iftiin (Education is Light) Phase II Project, a 21⁄2 year European Union (EU) funded project implemented in Puntland State of Somalia from 2015/2016 to 2017/2018. The project was implemented by a consortium of International Non-Governmental Organizations (INGOs) comprising CARE (the Lead Agency), Save the Children, ADRA and VU Amsterdam University, in close collaboration with, coordination by, and guidance of the Ministry of Education. The ETE field work was done in July 2018. Data entry, processing, analyses and report were done in August, 2018.
The overall objective of the project was: “Education and training efficiently and effectively delivered’, contributing to poverty alleviation within a peaceful, secure and democratic Somalia”
Its specific objective was: “Education and training services, responsive to the priority requirements of the Somali population, efficiently and equitably delivered.” The project had three (3) expected results: Result 1: Increased access to equitable and quality education for learners; Result 2: Increased participation of youth and adults, including vulnerable groups, in technical and vocational education and training; and, Result 3: Capacity of education institutions, administrations and systems strengthened. Read More...

Durable Solutions for Returnees and IDPs in Somalia (DSRIS): Midterm Review

The 96-page mid-term evaluation (MTE) of the DSRIS project, implemented by the NGOs CARE, Save the Children, ACTED, SSWC and IMPACT, has been carried out by a four-person evaluation team (ET) of the Nairobi-based company, Intermedia Development Consultants (iDC). It has conducted a documentary study, carried out key informants interviews (KIIs) and held focus group discussions (FGDs) in four of the five of the project’s target districts, Bosaso and Galkayo North in Puntland, Adado and Galkayo South in Galmadug. Also, it has conducted a household survey in these and the fifth target district of Dhusamareb.

The ET has followed the conventional ‘big five’ evaluation themes in its data collection and reporting methods:

Relevance: An assessment of the significance of the needs the project is designed to address;
Efficiency: An appreciation of the quality of programme management, in terms of coordination between implementing partners, work planning, competencies of staff, funding – towards determining value for money;
Effectiveness: An assessment of the extent to which envisaged outputs (facilities and services put in place) are being achieved and the appropriateness of the strategies being implemented;
Impact: An appraisal of the actual or likely outcomes of the programme – changes in attitudes and practices;
Sustainability: An assessment of the likely continuation of project activities, outputs and outcomes.

Every Voice Counts Somalia Midterm Review

Overall, Forcier’s research showed CARE to have maintained a healthy program implementation during the first half of the Every Voice Counts (EVC) program, resulting in gains within the domains of the EVC program’s theory of change. More specifically, CARE’s programmatic efforts between 2016-2018 focused entirely on Domains 1-3 relating to the empowerment of women and youth, capable civil society organizations (CSOs), and responsive public authorities and power holders. Nevertheless, the intertwined nature of the four domains of change allowed for results to organically occur within the fourth domain, which aims to establish effective spaces for dialogue and negotiations, as well. [64 pages] Read More...

BRIDGES Project Baseline Report

CARE International commissioned a consultancy to conduct the BRIDGES baseline study in Mogadishu, Garowe, Galkacyo, Kismayo and Hargeisa Districts in December 2017. The main objective of the baseline study was to establish a baseline measurement for the BRIDGES project objectives, results and indicators which will be used as benchmarks against which progress of achievements, as well as impact, effectiveness and efficiency of the project will be measured and evaluated using verifiable indicators presented in the logical framework during the project implementation phase. The specific objectives of the baselines study were:
1. Determine the baseline status on all indicators as established in the project’s log-frame
2. To review the relevance, feasibility and targets of indicators established in the project’s
log-frame and provide recommendations on possible improvements
3. To provide a baseline understanding of the market/employment situation

Strengthening Civil Organizations and Public Sector Engagements in Somalia (SCOPES) Project Final Evaluation

Somalia is slowly recovering from more than two decades of instability and state fragility, with insecurity in the country continuing to limit access and provision of aid. The fragile context triggered development of a wide variety of Civil Society Organizations(CSOs) which are mainly working to restore trust between state and citizens, considering that Somali citizens never had the experience of an inclusive, accountable and responsive government and state.
Strengthening Civil Organisations and Public Sector Engagements in Somalia (SCOPES) project is a 26 months’ intervention funded by the European Union and implemented by CARE in partnership with WARDI Relief and development Initiatives and MUDAN Youth Network. The final evaluation for the project was facilitated by DANSOM. [37 pages] Read More...

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