Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Improving Access to Safe Employment for Migrant Women in Myanmar

Description of the document: This 43-page document evaluates the success of the Safe Employment project. It aimed to provide options for more safe jobs, implement accessible sexual and reproductive health and legal services, reduce sexual and or gender-based violence and increase social support for migrant women. The project operated in the HlaingTharya Township, Yangon and the townships of Pathein Gyi and Aung Myay Tharzan, Mandalay, Myanmar. Read More...

Civil Society Support to the right to food

This 32 page document highlights the findings from the first round of the Civil Society Support to the Right to Food project, funded by the Danish government. The project partnered with the Nepali organizations: Community Self Reliance Center, National Land Rights Forum, Right to Food Network Nepal, and the National Farmers’ Group Federation. The project reached 23,000 people directly with $2.5 million from 2013-2017. Read More...

Azraq Refugee Assistance camp services report 2016

This 26 page document shows results from 2016 in Azraq camp. 7 years into the crisis in Syria, refugees in Jordan are trying to find stable and productive lives and keep themselves and their children safe. With support from UNHCR and many donors, CARE supports activities in the Azraq refugee camp, and in Jordanian communities that are hosting refugees. Azraq camp supports 33,116 people, and the project worked with 41,540 people in the camp and in the surrounding communities. Read More...

Lend With CARE Akhuwat

This 21 page report highlights findings from the University of Portsmouth on Lendwithcare—a crowdsourced lending platform where individual donors can pick what businesses they want to fund. People who participate in Lendwithcare see higher incomes, a better quality of life, and stronger incomes. The project disbursed 11,300 loans between 2014-2017, with $760,000 in funding from individuals from all over the world. Read More...

Nampula Adaptation to Climate Change Final Evaluation

This 67 page final evaluation highlights findings from the Nampula Adaptation to Climate Change project, which reached 32,720 people in northern Mozambique. It was funded by the German government for $3.7 million from 2015-2018. Families were able to grow more food, better respond to crises, and save more money. They also were able to adopt many climate change practices on their fields that helped them respond to emergencies. The first thing families in Mozambique invest in when they get more savings and credit is their children’s education. Read More...

PASOS Post Project Evaluation

This 4 page document is a 6 year post-project evaluation of the Promoting Local Management and Governance of the Water and Sanitation Sector to Benefit the Poor project in Honduras, funded by Global Affairs Canada. The Canadian government conducted this evaluation Read More...

Care mega 2000 synthesis report

A Review of Findings and Methodological Lessons from CARE Final Evaluations, 1994-2000 Read More...

Care mega 2002 synthesis report

A Review of Findings and Methodological Lessons from CARE Final Evaluations, 2001-2002. Read More...

Ethiopia and kenya – popc care fgc research report final 2004


ICAM Vietnam Final Report

This 78 page document describes the results of the ICAM project funded by Australian Aid Read More...

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