Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Ffp sustainability exit strategies

This 56 page document is USAID's external evaluation of exit strategies on 12 FFP programs, includin... Read More...

Ubale ga-participatory report



This 109 page document examines qualitative findings on Food For Peace Programs in Bangladesh, inclu... Read More...

SHOUHARDO III Mid Term Summary

recommendations for the remaining life of the program to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact and increase efficiency in use of resources. The MTE was planned and implemented over the period from late October 2017, through mid-June, 2018, with information gathering and preliminary analysis undertaken in Bangladesh from February 12 through March 12. The SHOUHARDO III Program is being implemented in 947 villages in 115 unions in 23 upazilas in 8 districts1 in northern Bangladesh. The goal of the program is to achieve improved gender equitable food and nutrition security and resilience for vulnerable people living in the flood-prone Char and Haor Regions of Bangladesh by 2020. The program is specifically targeting people defined by their communities as poor or extreme poor (PEP), expecting to have lasting impact by the end of its life on around 675,000 persons. The overall program value is USD 80 million3 from the United States Government with a complementary funding of USD 7,707,490 million from the Government of Bangladesh (GoB). A total of 126,810 Metric Tons (MTs) of commodities are planned for monetization over the life of the program, and 11,540 MT of commodities are planned for distribution under the maternal and child health and nutrition component (Purpose 2) of the program. (82 pages) Read More...

SHOUHARDO III Midterm Methodology report

This Volume II of the report for the Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the SHOUHARDO III Program implemented by CARE and local partners in Bangladesh summarizes the methodology that was used to conduct the MTE over the period from late October 2017 through mid-June 2018. This resource document is being provided as a separate document from the MTE Summary Report (Volume I) [also available on this site] which summarizes the priority recommendations that emerged from the MTE Process. (148 pages) Read More...

Final Evaluation Food for Peace II program in Syria

Jouri for Research and Consulting was commissioned by CARE International (CARE) to undertake a final evaluation of the project “Emergency and Regular Food Assistance in Syria” in Aleppo and Idleb, funded by USAID Food for Peace and implemented by four partner organizations over a period of 15 months. Project activities included multi-round and emergency cash assistance, in-kind assistance (RTE rations and ready to-eat rations) and wheat value chain support (wheat purchase from selected farmers participating in another of CARE’s livelihood project, milling into flour, distribution to bakeries for subsidized bread production, and infrastructure improvements). The evaluation was conducted in the period between August to mid-September 2020 to address the key evaluation questions posed by CARE, organized under the OECD DAC evaluation criteria: 1) Relevance, 2) Efficiency, 3) Effectiveness, 4) Impact, 5) Sustainability.
The purpose of the evaluation was to document evidence of change at outcome and impact levels to be used for organizational learning and improvements of future programming, and accountability towards donor, partners and ultimately beneficiaries. Read More...

Study on social dynamics on wells of peace

This 61 page report describes the social impacts of the wells of peace (Puits de la Paix) program an... Read More...

évaluation final puits de la paix 2

This 40 page document describes endline findings for the Wells of Peace (Puits de la paix) program t... Read More...

Barrier analysis report ensure

This 63 page report highlihgts barriers to key nutrition behaviors for families in the USAID-funded ... Read More...

Baseline Survey in East and South Darfur Focused on Health, Nutrition and WASH

The humanitarian situation in Sudan has continued to deteriorate since 2018, where the number of people in need of humanitarian assistance steadily rose from an estimated 700,000 to a total of 5.5M individuals. Across Sudan, 3.8 million people are urgently in need of WASH assistance, 5.2 million people are in urgent need of access to basic primary health care services, and a total of 2.8 million children and Pregnant and Lactating Women (PLW) suffering from acute malnutrition. Darfur remains an epicenter of large-scale protracted displacement.

There have been limited baseline assessments conducted in CARE’s project areas due to the recent political uncertainties, insecurity, staff capacity and funding constraints. The assessment interviewed 277 households.
* 53% of people (46%m, 56%f) have good knowledge on positive nutrition practices.
* The survey found out that of the women interviewed, 62% were aware and had good knowledge of exclusive breastfeeding
* disease incidence averaged at 44% across the study area.
* 66% of the respondents still use unsafe drinking water sources;
* 34% of the respondents having access to adequate sanitation but still about 28% of respondents confirmed that at least one member of their HH practiced open defecation.
* 65% of the respondents being able to mention at least 3 critical times to perform hand washing.
* 21% of the respondents said women were actively involved as members of WASH committees within their communities.

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