Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Context et Analyse Politique, Action, et Strategie de Plaidoyer
A l’issue des analyses, des obstacles au développement de l’entreprenariat ont été identifiés ; il s’agit notamment du faible niveau d’instruction des femmes, de l’accès limité au crédit, à la terre et à l’information relatives aux activités entrepreneuriales et au manque de culture entrepreneuriale. Read More...
Learning for Change: Strengthening Women’s Voices in East Africa
FANSER End of Project Evaluation: Knowledge, Attitudes & Practices Survey
Using the global Scaling Up Nutrition (SUN) platform, CARE International in Zambia with funding from GIZ under the “One World No Hunger” Initiative of the German Government, implemented various nutrition interventions to building capacity of staff and community volunteers to promote the production, preparation and consumption of diverse foods in Katete District particularly in Chimtende, Vulamkoko and Chimwa wards. This came from the realization that rural areas are more prone and vulnerable to malnutrition and deficiency diseases. The main goal of the project was to ensure that the food and nutrition security and dietary diversity of women of reproductive age and children under the age of two, in Katete district is improved. Read More...
Final Evaluation of the Strengthening Policy and Action through Citizen’s Engagement
4) Batticaloa and 5) Mullaitivu.
The objectives of the project were to 1) Facilitate and replicate a community governance model; 2) Enhance the capacities of local government officials; 3) Develop standard operating procedures manuals and technical resources; and 4) Facilitate the development of a local government policy framework for Sri Lanka. The project area is home to several marginalized groups including plantation communities (Central and Uva Provinces) and those affected by the war (Northern and Eastern Provinces). Read More...
Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment Project Rwanda (GEWEP II)
GEWEP II is a four years (2016-2019) project funded by NORAD through CARE Norway and implemented by a consortium of three Local Non-Government Organization (LNGOs) namely Association Rwandaise des Travailleurs Chrétiens Féminins (ARTCF), Rwanda Men’s Resource Centre (RWAMREC), Pro-Femmes Twese Hamwe and CARE International in Rwanda as a lead partner. GEWEP II builds on GEWEP I (2014-2015) and on Women’s Empowerment Programme (2009-2013) and has the main purpose of empowering women and girls facing poverty, inequality, violence and social exclusion to claim and realize their human rights. GEWEP II has four crosscutting thematic focus areas: (i) Strengthening of civil society, (ii) women’s economic empowerment and entrepreneurship, (iii) women’s participation in decision-making processes and (iv) men’s engagement in transforming gender norms. Connected to these four areas, CARE has developed global outcome indicators. Read More...
Labour Rights for Female Construction Workers Cambodia
The purpose of the evaluation was to assess the progress towards the project’s goal and
outcomes, to evaluate the relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability of the
project, to capture lessons learnt, and generate key recommendations for future programming.
The evaluation included quantitative and qualitative methods involving a desk review, interviews
with 171 female construction workers, separate group discussions with 26 female and male
construction workers, and individual interviews with 21 project partner staff and other key
stakeholders. The evaluation took place from 25 January to 25 March 2019, including visits to
ten construction sites in five districts around Phnom Penh. Read More...
Endline Integrated Emergency Response Impevi Settlement Uganda
The evaluation relied on data collected by CARE International MEAL Team. This was quantitative and qualitative data. For Quantitative data, Semi-structured interviews were conducted at the household level using Handheld Tablets, programmed with Kobo tool.
The objective was to assess self-reported access to shelter, reported or perceived protection from GBV and sexual exploitation and to measure coverage in access to Livelihood interventions.
Data was collected from 304 refugees and 79 host community members. For the usability of data and a gendered comparison across life stages, the report only presents findings from the refugee’s population. The report focuses on three thematic areas, implemented under the ADA project – Lifesaving shelter for PSNs, Livelihood for the youths and Sexual gender-based component targeting the general project beneficiary population. Read More...
Dutch Relief Alliance Horn of Africa Joint Response in Ethiopia and Somalia/Somaliland
In addition to an in-depth desk review of the DRA HoA joint response documentation to examine quantifiable targets and progress, the evaluation was conducted through qualitative and quantitative data collection in four different project locations in four different regions. In order to provide variety of geography, context, implementing partners, and project components, Bulale (Jarar), Kabri Dahar (Korahe), Ainabo (Sool), and Lughaya (Awdal) were selected. A total of 29 key informant interviews and eight focus group discussions targeting 72 beneficiaries were conducted. A quantitative
household survey collected data from 428 beneficiaries across all four locations.
Based on findings in this report, the DRA’s greatest strength lies in its coordination and flexibility between implementing partners and ability to adapt to changing local contexts. This was seen across multiple project locations when dealing with insecurity in the Somali region of Ethiopia and Sanaag region of Somaliland or changing project activities in Awdal region after the cyclone in May severely impacted the local situation. Partners also felt the CARE focal point was extremely communicative and responsive and that decisions could be approved at higher levels within a few hours, which was particularly relevant for an emergency response program when response time is crucial. The DRA was
effective in incorporating localization measures into their program designs as well. While many of the partners have had established field offices in the target locations for many years, in some cases program activities were implemented through local NGOs who have an in-depth understand of the local context and well-established relationship with the communities they work in.
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