Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Sociedades Inclusivas e Interculturales Impacto Del Programa

En Ecuador CARE busca combatir la pobreza y la injusticia social que afectan de manera desproporcionada a niñas, adolescentes y mujeres afrodescendientes, indígenas, sobrevivientes de violencia de género, que viven en comunidades afectadas por desastres naturales, el cambio climático y que han sido forzadas a desplazarse de sus comunidades de origen por crisis y conflictos bélicos. Para ello, su enfoque de trabajo consiste en generar alianzas y fortalecer las capacidades de las mujeres, de sus familias, de líderes locales y nacionales y de entidades públicas, con el fin de asegurar una vida libre de violencia y el pleno ejercicio de los derechos humanos al mayor número posible de mujeres y hombres en el país. [46 pages] Read More...

Informe de Evaluación Proyecto Gobernabilidad del Agua + Género

Las OMAS (Oficinas Municipales de Agua y Saneamiento) han sido creadas con creadas con el propósito de fortalecer la gestión sostenible y la prestación de los servicios de agua potable y saneamiento en el ámbito urbano y rural. Articula la respuesta a la demanda social de manera coordinada con los esfuerzos municipales y de entidades nacionales e internacionales que intervienen en el municipio. En Guatemala no existieron hasta hace una década. Antes de las OMAS, las oficinas de gobiernos locales no tuvieron personal específicamente encargado de garantizar el funcionamiento de los sistemas de agua. Helvetas ayudo a aperturar la primer OMAS en el año 2007 en el departamento de San Marcos. Antes del 2007 y desde el 2000 al 2004, CARE trabajó con dos municipalidades para establecer Oficinas Forestales Municipales (OFM) que tenían como objetivo la protección y conservación de recursos naturales, incluyendo el recurso agua. CARE implementó un modelo a través del cual se encargó de proveer asistencia técnica y financiera (reduciendo % de salarios a través del tiempo), mientras que el Instituto Nacional de Bosques (INAB) se encargó de la promoción política + asistencia técnica y las municipalidades de proveer espacio para la oficina y absorción progresiva de costos salariales del personal. En el año 2012, CARE Guatemala fortaleció el modelo OMAS a través de la capacitación del personal en temas técnicos de operación y mantenimiento de los sistemas de agua y conservación de los bosques, así como elementos de administración, transparencia y finanzas. CARE también contribuyó en la implementación de tres OMAS adicionales en el departamento de San Marcos. En el 2012, había menos de 10 OMAS en San Marcos. Hasta agosto de 2018, 28 de los 30 municipios de San Marcos han establecido OMAS. Actualmente hay 117 OMAS (o equivalente a OMAS) en Guatemala de los 340 municipios del país. Cada año, más Alcaldes eligen tener una Oficina Municipal de Agua y Saneamiento para que sea la responsable de la gestión de los servicios de agua y saneamiento (en otros departamentos de Guatemala a veces se usa otros nombres además de OMAS). [14 pages] Read More...

EU-Recovery Midterm Evaluation Workshop Summary

The project aims to enhance the social and economic stability in the drought affected areas through supporting the recovery of livelihoods of the affected population and building their resiliency in the target 18 Woredas/Districts of the Oromia, Amhara and Tigray national regional states.

The project contract with the donor EU was signed in March 2016 while the project implementation was started retroactively in January 2016, with budget of Euro 18 million for 18 months duration up to July 2017. The project is being implemented jointly by CARE UK/Ethiopia (leading NGO) and SCI, ORDA and REST in 18 Woredas/Districts of the Oromia, Amhara and Tigray national regional states. [8 pages] Read More...

Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development (GRAD): Midterm

The Feinstein International Center for Tufts University commissioned a Mid-Term Evaluation (MTE) of the USAID-funded Feed the Future project entitled Graduation with Resilience to Achieve Sustainable Development (GRAD). The project is being implemented by a consortium of seven partners1 under the leadership of CARE in sixteen Woredas in four regions across Ethiopia (Tigray, Amhara, Oromia and the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples' Region). Under a Strategic Objective to graduate 50,000 chronically food insecure households from the government's Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP) and increase each household’s income by $365 per year, the project has three components, to (1) increase economic options for targeted households through value chain development and access to capital from micro-finance institutions and village-based savings and credit groups, (2) strengthen household and community resilience through interventions targeting women's empowerment, nutritional status, climate change adaptation and household aspirations, and (3) strengthen the enabling environmental to facilitate sustaining and replicating the impact of the project. The total project cost at approval was US$ 23,400,000 for a period of five years from 5 December 2011 through 4 December 2016. [55 pages]

PRIME: Endline Survey Report

PRIME, a five-year project, was launched in 2012 to help vulnerable pastoralist communities become more resilient to shocks of this nature. Led by Mercy Corps, PRIME is a consortium of 10 organizations whose main objective is to reduce poverty and hunger in the drought-prone Afar, Oromiya and Somali regions. To accomplish these objectives, PRIME implements market- driven approaches to livestock production and livelihood diversification that simultaneously support dryland communities to adapt to a changing climate. As part of its project activities, PRIME developed a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) plan to assess the project's overall impact and the performance of related indicators (impact, outcome and output), and custom indicators on animal health services and the dietary diversity of infants and pregnant and lactating women. [64 pages] Read More...

Sustainability of Water Systems in Tacaná, San Marcos built over the last 25 years

CARE Guatemala has worked in water and sanitation in Tacaná for over 10 years. CARE has helped construct potable water systems, trained community members to manage the systems, improved sanitation in schools, and led sanitation workshops for students. Most recently, CARE was involved in the Lazos de Agua (Water Links) project, which was completed in October 2016, in the municipalities of Tacaná and Tajumulco. One of the project’s main goals was to increase access to sustainable, safe water for at least 5,000 people1. In addition to providing access to clean water, it is imperative to ensure the sustainability of improved water systems into the future. In order to monitor the functioning of the water systems, the Municipal Water and Sanitation office (OMAS) was created in Tacaná in 2012. The OMAS is responsible for the operation, management and maintenance of the water systems in both urban and rural areas of Tacaná. However, neither the OMAS nor CARE have had adequate resources to consistently monitor the water systems that have been built over the last 25 years. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the functionality and sustainability of the water systems constructed by CARE and other organizations over the past 25 years in Tacaná. [11 pages] Read More...

A Rapid Study on Sanitation in Garissa County, Kenya

Community Led Total Sanitation (CLTS) is the method adopted by the Kenyan Government for expanding sanitation coverage. CARE Kenya – within the Kenya RAPID program – has been assigned 65 villages outside of Garissa town, to support the implementation of the CLTS method, and ultimately support the achievement of Open Defecation Free (ODF) villages. CARE essentially allocates the per diem and transport of local County Public Health Officers (CPHOs), who are responsible for carrying out the CLTS method in the community: pre-triggering, triggering and (some) post-triggering follow-up. To date CARE has supported the triggering of six villages, and “re-energizing” five villages and none have made significant progress toward full sanitation coverage. In the 582 villages where UNICEF is supporting CLTS rollout, 27 have been certified ODF and another 130 are nearly there (claimed or verified). In Sept 2018, CARE conducted a study on CLTS and sanitation to understand barriers to latrine construction and delays in ODF achievement. [13 pages] Read More...

Gender Sensitive Citizen Charter Project: Baseline Study and Gender Gap Analysis

The Citizen Charter approach adopted by the project “Gender Sensitive Citizen Charters” follows the approach that citizens and civil society also have important roles to play in improving and delivering public services and achieving social outcomes... Too often citizens do not know what their basic entitlements and responsibilities are, or what performance they can expect of service providers. This lack of information prevents people accessing services, allows for underperformance of services and makes it easier for local officials and service providers to divert public resources for illicit gain. Many countries have established Service Charters, backed by information campaigns which make clear what services and benefits people are entitled to receive, the performance standards they should expect, and the grievance redress channels they can use when things go wrong. The project “Gender Sensitive Citizen Charters” adopts a gender approach for the citizen’s charter in order to respond to many challenges faced at the community levels in Egypt. One of these main challenges is the poverty level. The Central Agency for Public Mobilization and Statistics (CAPMAS) reports that Egypt’s poverty line has soared to a whopping 27.8 percent in 2015, compared to 25.2 percent back in 2011.Poverty is usually linked to distribution of resources but also to “who” can access them and “how”. Therefore, implementing a gender approach is essential as it helps in analyzing the power structures and the proper interventions to change them. This study aims at introducing a baseline study and a gender gap analysis. It depended on qualitative data collection through focus group discussions (FGDs) with women and men in both governorates where the project is implemented: Beni-Suef and Qena. It also collected data through key informant interviews with head of NGOs or CDAs in the villages and districts where the FGDs were conducted. [48 pages] Read More...

Lend With Care (LWC) Assessment Project Akhuwat Islamic Microfinance Report

This report is part of the Lendwithcare (LWC) assessment project and focuses on the evaluation of LWC Pakistani partner, the microfinance institution AIM Islamic Microfinance (AIM). The report was prepared by the University of Portsmouth (UoP), partner in the project, after a second wave of a household survey to a sample of AIM clients who have been supported by the LWC crowdfunding platform.

The study sample included 500 new AIM clients and 100 non-clients, first interviewed in 2015 by a team of independent interviewers recruited from local universities. The second wave of interviews took place in 2017, after all the clients had completed repaying their first loan (20 to 22 months later). [21 pages]

Lend With Care (LWC) Assessment Project Thrive Report

This report is part of LENDWITHCARE (LWC) assessment project and focuses on the evaluation of LWC partner in Zimbabwe, THRIVE Microfinance. The report was prepared by the University of Portsmouth (UoP), partner in the project, after a second wave of a household survey to a sample of THRIVE clients who have been supported by the LWC crowdfunding platform.

The study sample includes 341 new THRIVE clients and 157 non-clients, first interviewed in 2016 (April to June) by a team of interviewers recruited from a local university. The second wave of interviews took place approximately one year later (June to August), when some of the clients were starting to repay their third loan. 245 clients and 110 non-clients were available to be interviewed. [25 pages]

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