Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Assistance d’urgence aux personnes vulnérables affectées par l’ouragan Matthew dans la Grand ‘Anse
TARINA Baseline Study for Interventions (TBSI)
1. Provide technical assistance to make agricultural projects nutrition sensitive
2. Provide an evidence-driven pathway to policy reforms that promote availability and affordability of a more nutritious food system
3. Leadership and capacity increased to institutionalize nutrition sensitive agriculture in India
In Odisha, CARE India, a national level development organization, has been entrusted as an implementation partner for the TARINA project activities across 72 villages of the two districts of Kandhamal and Kalahandi.
As part of the project design, it has been planned to undertake a comprehensive intervention specific baseline study for establishing benchmarks, where concerned key components of the project could be measured to comprehend the outcomes and impacts that is committed in the project’s result framework. The design of the baseline study has been planned in two parts viz. TARINA Baseline Study (TBS) and TARINA Baseline Study for Interventions (TBSI). The TBS was undertaken by TCI while CARE India as an implementation partner was entrusted to implement TBSI to observe the changes among impact population due to each intervention Read More...
CARE has been working through ECHO funding in East Darfur and South Darfur implementing emergency WASH activities since 2009. The 2018 funding covered the same areas of East and South Darfur as well as extension activities in South Kordofan, reaching refugees, IDPs and affected nearby host communities.
CARE International was able to sustain operation and maintenance of 6 water yards in Geredia (4 mortised and 2 solar pumps) and sustain O&M in Kalma (,6 solar pumps, one mortised system, rehabilitation of existing 12 water points and 9 hand pumps). In East Darfur, CARE contributed to the rehabilitation of one yards in Kairo for host community, O&M for 2 water yards in Kairo Refugees camps and 11 water distribution points in addition to 30 km of distribution network. CARE was able to construct and distribute 100 slabs household latrines in Gereida, and construction of 186 households’ latrine in Kalma camp. All details including hygiene promotion activities issues are reflected in the body of discussion.
Thanks to CARE’s actions, all water points visited were hygienic and protected from contamination with human and animals using separate water trough and drainage basins. The average water consumption per day is near 15 liters/consumption/day with proper distance. All plans were implemented as per the observation the team had in the visited sites and the reports received from the project staff and community representatives. In some cases, over plan accomplishment were reported.
Women for Women: Creating Opportunities for Women in Enterprise Development in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
The evaluation result revealed that the project targeted appropriate group and made significant changes in the lives of women through its interventions on skill development, creating access to financial services, and facilitating market linkages, among others. Accordingly, the project has contributed to diversification and expansion of business activities of beneficiaries and enabled them to enjoy moderate net earnings. Through organizing women in to 182 VSLAs and 6 SACCOs, linking them to Addis Saving and Credit Institute and Addis Capital Goods Finance S.C., and preparing business plan competitions and granting capital for winners, the project has played a key role to improve women’s access to formal and informal financial services. This enable women to double their working capital after the project, increase their income and asset holding of the household, and improve their culture and level of saving. Read More...
For the Project of Financial Linkage for Inclusion: Remote Ethnic Minority Women
The greatest impact of the project is to help the women know how to save money and manage their families’ finance. This would have huge downscale impacts in terms of families being able to improve their family health, education status etc. 97.6% of the VSLA group members said that they could save money on a regular basis. Among the increased income sources, 85.5% of the women (the highest proportion) said that their families’ income increased thanks to their shares contributed to the VSLA groups and their interests. Because of a habit of saving, 65.9% of the women said that they always managed to keep cash for urgent and emergent situations like sickness, paying children’s tuition fees, buying
fertilizer/pesticide in the event of a pest attack. The project clearly impacted not just at the level of building knowledge but there is an evidence of actual change in the behavior. Read More...
Baseline Report Promotion of the Rural Economic Development of Women and Youth of the Lempa Region of Honduras
Acelerar la produccion sostenible de alimentos en municipios Cubanos, studio de la linea de base
PROJEUNES—Prévenir les mariages précoces et forcés au Bénin
Southern African Nutrition Initiative (SANI): Baseline Household Evaluation — Zambia
SANI Baseline Household Evaluation Mozambique
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