Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Empowering Women to Claim Inheritance Rights WIN Project
Rights” (WIN), a three years project co-funded with the European Union and the Austrian Development Cooperation. Goal of the project is to provide local women with greater access to and control over economic rights, resources and opportunities. The proposed action to contribute to this long term goal is the involvement and the empowerment of actors at community and governorate levels to work coherently through an integrated approach to facilitate women's access to inheritance rights and to enable them to better manage their property and assets in Assiut and Sohag Governorates. The current study conducted by Beit Al Karma Consulting is intended to provide the baseline information to contribute to WIN project’s implementation, determine the awareness messages to be sent out and set the ground to measure project future impact and outcomes. [35 pages] Read More...
Rapport d’Evaluation Finale Du Projet Mahafatoky CARE Antalaha
Enhancing Mobile Populations Access to HIV and AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) Endline Report
The CARE EMPHASIS project team identified key project and outcome indicators to measure the success of the project. These indicators were drawn from the project log-frame; EMHPASIS specifically designed its interventions to achieve measurable progress across these indicators. The primary goal of the end-line survey activity was to collect the required data to measure the progress of these key project and outcome indicators longitudinally to the baseline data and between purposefully selected control populations at the end-line activity. [67 pages]
Early Childhood Care and Development (ECCD) Endline Report
CARE-India fulfilled this need of the ICDS programme in their project “Early Childhood Care and Development Project’ (ECCD). This project implemented in Chhattisgarh focuses towards strengthening five domains – Health, Nutrition, Care & Development, Rights & Protection and Economic strengthening and works with 5 levels – Child, Anganwadi Centre, Caregiver, Community and National. [153 pages] Read More...
Kutch Livelihood and Education Advancement Project (KLEAP) Endline Report
Enhancing Mobile Populations Access to HIV and AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) Baseline
Start Early: Read in Time (SERT) Endline Report
In order to reach this goal of improving early grade reading in government schools, the project has been implementing innovate techniques in three districts in UP and one in Odisha since 2014. The project extended to two more districts in UP in 2016 and another district in Odisha in 2017. This report presents the findings of the endline study conducted in the initial four districts under the program, namely- Bahraich, Balrampur and Shravasti in UP and Mayurbhanj in Odisha. [86 pages]
New Born Survival Project (NBS) Endline Report
Urban Health Initiative (UHI) Endline Report
Evaluation of the 2017 Somalia Humanitarian Cash-Based Response
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