Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.
Mali Pathways Final Evaluation
TEMPS – Travaillons ensemble contre les mariages précoces
Connu sur le terrain comme « TEMPS – Travaillons ensemble contre les mariages précoces », elle intervient au Bénin et au Mali. Au Mali, l’initiative est mise en œuvre dans huit (8) communes des régions de Mopti et Tombouctou. [46 pages] Read More...
Women’s Empowerment Program
Evaluer le niveau de réalisation des indicateurs
Evaluer le niveau de changements atteints par rapport aux changements attendus
Documenter les bonnes pratiques et les leçons apprises qui pourront améliorer la
seconde phase du programme
Evaluation de Base “Dans Les Zones De Feed the Future” Nutrition et Hygiene
Pathways- Global Baseline Report
women have increased capacity (skills, knowledge, resources), capabilities (confidence, bargaining power, collective voice), and support
local governance and institutions have/implement gender-sensitive policies and programming that are responsive to the rights and needs of poor women farmers
agricultural service, value chain, and market environments of relevance to women are more competitive, gender-inclusive, and environmentally sustainable. [104 pages] Read More...
Evaluation Finale de l’Initiative «Strengthening Access For Livelihoods and Basic Services (SALI-BASE)»
Evaluation finale du projet RESPECT
Assessment of Private Health Facilities’ Engagement in Provision of Maternal and Child Health Care Services
Men’s knowledge and awareness of maternal, neonatal and child health care in urban Afghanistan- Descriptive cross sectional study
Final Evaluation of Opportunities for Mothers and Infants Development Project
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