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Improving Harm Reduction Program in Thailand: An Assessment of the STOP TB and AIDS Through RRTTR (STAR) Program

Thailand continues to experience significant health and social challenges associated with illicit drug use, including injection drug use. Rates of infectious diseases among people who inject drugs (PWID) in Thailand remain high, and access to evidence-based addiction treatments remain low. This is due in part to Thailand’s continued emphasis on drug law enforcement, and the adverse impacts such emphasis has on the delivery of essential healthcare to people who use drugs. At this time, Thailand is also experiencing a growth in non-injection amphetaminetype substance (ATS) use, which has created new challenges. [38 pages] Read More...

Assessment to improve the Harm Reduction Program

Since 2015, Raks Thai Foundation is the PR under the NFM. Under their Stop TB and AIDS through RRTTR (STAR) Programme, the Harm Reduction program is active in 12 provinces, providing 14 dropin centers (DICs), outreach activities, distribution of needles and syringes, information packages and condoms, referral to HIV and STI testing and treatment and other health services and referrals to Methadone maintenance treatment for PWIDs. The service providers are RTF with two DICs, O-Zone with 8 DICs, and Thai Drug Users Network (TDN) with 4 DICs. NSP is only available in the DICs and through outreach of these centers; the number of NSP has been reduced due to the close down of DICs and the termination of partnerships with local pharmacies under the NFM. The number of needles distributed per person per year is 144. According to program data from RTF, the Harm Reduction program is reaching about 7,000-9,000 PWID per year in the 12 provinces or around 16-20% of the national estimate of PWID in need of Harm Reduction services. [29 pages] Read More...

Ardhi Yetu (Our Land) Programme Initiative Baseline Survey

This report presents the findings of a baseline survey commissioned by CARE Tanzania in support of its new Ardhi Yetu Programme Initiative, which was conducted between 10th March and 9th April 2014. The purpose of the baseline survey was to enable CARE Tanzania have a better understanding of the status of the three strategic partners of the Programme - Journalists Environmental Association of Tanzania (JET), Tanzania Natural Resources Forum (TNRF) and the Land Rights Research and Resources Institute (HAKIARDHI) - and establish initial values of indicators against which progress of implementation of Programme activities shall be measured.

Ardhi Yetu Programme, which commenced in January 2014 seeks to support the strengthening of capacity of Tanzanian CSOs to promote land rights of smallholder farmers and pastoralists as a means of ensuring food security. It is supported by CARE Denmark as part of its multi-country civil society strengthening programme implemented in seven countries and funded through a framework agreement between CARE Denmark and DANIDA; and shall run for four years with the possibility of an extension to five years. [38 pages] Read More...

Mid-Term Review: CARE Tanzania PkW Project

Given the level of poverty and financial exclusion in rural settings1 the informal savings groups will, for a foreseeable future, prevail as viable means to expand access to finance (savings and loans). It is a false assumption to expect formal and modern sector to penetrate such areas, some of which appear more in need of humanitarian aid than development interventions.

After so many years of donors support to the savings groups industry, this MTR exercise offers an opportunity to respond two overarching questions (i) whether interventions, such as PkW’s delivery mechanisms and activities are informed by knowledge that have accumulated overtime both in and outside the industry and; (ii) whether there are still knowledge gaps that the Project could fill.

Mid-term Evaluation: MicroLead Expansion Programme

In September 2011, UNCDF, in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) launched a six-year expansion of the MicroLead programme that aimed to increase access to savings driven microfinance to a minimum 450,000 low income individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), half of whom are women and half of whom reside in rural areas. The programme’s intention was to attract experienced institutions or networks from developed and developing countries to increase the capacity of financial institutions providing low balance savings either through the provision of technical assistance to financial service providers (FSPs) or through the establishment of greenfield institutions. MLE also has a strong focus on harnessing the potential of technology driven alternate delivery channels (ADCs) and financial education in broadening outreach to financial services. Read More...

Secure Economies and Diversified Livelihoods for Peaceful Coexistence South Darfur and South Kordofan (SEED)

Care International Switzerland in Sudan (CIS) implemented the Secure Economies and Diversified Livelihoods for Peaceful Coexistence in South Darfur and South Kordofan (SEED) project in Sudan. The project aimed to improve household food security and income and contribute to building peaceful coexistence. SEED was implemented in two localities of South Darfur (Kass and Gereida) and in three localities of South Kordofan (Abu Jebeiha, Rashad and Alabassiya). In total, 8,525 households were targeted, including women, youth, traders and traditional leaders in pastoralist and farming communities. Read More...

South Darfur Emergency Assistance and Recovery Programme

Care International Switzerland (CIS) has been operating in South Darfur since 2009, providing emergency and early recovery interventions in water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), health and nutrition. The current South Darfur Emergency Assistance and Recovery Program focuses specifically on these three sectors, and aims to provide services to the most vulnerable in Assalaya, Kalma, Kass, Gereida and Kubum IDP camps in South and East Darfur. This baseline evaluation survey of existing Knowledge, Attitude, and Practices (KAP) was conducted in order to guide and develop behaviour changes in the three intervention areas, as well as learn from previous project efforts. To this end, a mixed approach of quantitative and qualitative methods was used. Read More...

Smart Nutrition Survey Panrieng County

Global Acute Malnutrition rate is at 24.2% which is above the WHO threshold of 15% for critical. Severe & Moderate Acute Malnutrition was 6.1% & 18.1% respectively. The prevalence of Acute Malnutrition is the same in both boys and girls. IYCF indicators are depressing with poor nutritional status. Similarly poor access to latrines, with Prevalent open defecation in Panrieng at 70% which complementarily affects child health. {55 pages} Read More...

Report of Integrated Nutrition SMART Survey

Emergency Nutrition Assessment (ENA) for Standardized Monitoring of Relief and Transition (SMART) was used to calculate Anthropometry and mortality samples. The calculated sample size for anthropometry was 519 children in 502 households while that of mortality was 2765 persons and 462 households. The anthropometry sample of 502 HHs was the overall sample size for the survey. Each survey team of 4 individuals was estimated to cover 13 households each day and this translated into 39x13 cluster design. The 39 clusters were selected randomly using PPS. In the second stage, selection of 13 HHs to be surveyed was done by simple random sampling from a list of all households in the sampled village/cluster.

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Project (GEWEP)

The Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Project, a two years project that started in 2014, built on the ended ISARO project and funded by NORAD through CARE Norway to be implemented in Nyaruguru, Nyamagabe, Huye, Gisagara, Nyanza, Ruhango, Kamonyi and Muhanga Districts of the Southern Province. The GEWEP main goal is to empower vulnerable women to meet their socio-economic security and exercise their rights. The Project major component is a combination of VSLG activities, linkage to financial institution, strengthening entrepreneurship, linking women to private sector and functional literacy. [15 pages] Read More...

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