Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Action in Schools and Communities Project Baseline

This 89 page report is submitted to CARE Egypt describing the results of the baseline study process for the Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Action in Schools and Communities Project in Minia and Beni Suef.

Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Actions in Schools and Communities Midterm Evaluation

This is the 56-page report of the Mid-term Evaluation of the "Empowerment of Egypt's Children to take actions in Schools and Communities", funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented with co-fund from CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg in partnership with Save the Children UK (SCUK); the Jesuit Brothers Association (JBA); and the Youth Association for Environment and Development (YADE). According to the agreement with the EU, the project started in January 2011 and will last for 36 months. It is expected to get a no cost extension for six months to compensate the delay that took place at the beginning of the project due to the 25th of January Revolution events. Read More...

Empowerment of Egypt’s Children to Take Actions in Schools and Communities Final Evaluation

This is the 44-page report of the Final Evaluation of the "Empowerment of Egypt's Children to take actions in Schools and Communities", funded by the European Union (EU) and implemented with co-fund from CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg e.V in partnership with Save the Children UK (SCUK); Jesuit Brothers Association (JBA); and Youth Association for Environment and Development (YADE). According to the agreement with the EU, the project started in January 2011 and was contracted to last for 36 months. The implementer got six months no cost extension to compensate the delays took place at the beginning of the project as a result of the uprisings in Egypt in 2011.

Early Grade Literacy in Egypt Project Evaluation

39-page evaluation of CARE International and (HSBC) Bank's “Early Grade Literacy in Egypt (EAGLE)” multifaceted project in order to improve the reading and writing instructions for grades 4-6, increase community engagement with schools, and formulate and promote policies and regulations that support improved reading and writing skills for primary school students. Read More...

Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education (ACCESS) Project

This 37-page report is the baseline study for the Global Affairs (GAC) funded project, “Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education” (ACCESS), which aims to increase access to schools for Syrian and Egyptian children, strengthen social cohesion among Syrian refugees and Egyptian host communities, and strengthen the quality of formal and informal Egyptian education systems for boys and girls. The project responds to one of the three main thematic priorities that guide GAC’s development funding: Securing the Future for Children and Youth, under which equal access to quality education is a key tenet, particularly for girls. Read More...

Midterm Performance Evaluation of the Bangladesh NGO Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP)

This 159-page midterm performance evaluation of the Bangladesh Non-governmental Organizations (NGO) Health Service Delivery Project (NHSDP) examines the project’s progress toward meeting its goal and objectives. NHSDP is the United States Agency for International Development (USAID)/Bangladesh’s largest health initiative; this flagship project is the latest in a series of programs going back to at least 1998 that have sought to improve the ability of local NGOs to provide basic health services to the poor. NHSDP was designed in 2012, when USAID was implementing significant procurement reforms and emphasizing the need to work more directly with local organizations. In 2013, USAID received gift funds from the United Kingdom’s Department for International Development (DFID) to co-fund NHSDP, which expanded the scope considerably. The DFID supplementary fund has supported the current NHSDP activities and strengthened its focus on family planning (FP) and maternal health outcomes, with a specific focus on improved service delivery for the urban poor. Read More...

Krishi Utsho Micro-franchise Project Impact Assessment

64 page impact assessment of Krishi Utsho Micro-franchise project, an emerging social enterprise project. It runs on a micro- franchise model by CARE Bangladesh. KU started in the year 2012, as a part of Strengthening the Dairy Value Chain (SDVC) project to provide timely access to affordable and quality agro inputs and advisory services to rural smallholder dairy farmers, particularly women. Later on with the support from the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN), the project selected shops in villages to ensure last mile access and branded 198 shops so far under KU brand. Those branded shops or franchisee are acting as a one stop solution center for more than 45,000 smallholder farmers combined, particularly for vulnerable women in North-East and South-West regions in Bangladesh, and thereby contributing to increased productivity and ensuring resilience in livelihood. KU will be expanding the product line in the franchisee shops according to farmers’ need. The purpose of this impact assessment was to identify the project impact on the beneficiary groups so far, to capture deviation (intended and unintended) from what it originally set out to do. The assessment thus intends to look at the model’s sustainability even after the project ceases to exist and make recommendations along this line. The information from this assessment will be used internally to make necessary adjustments, so that the project will achieve its intended objective and outcomes. Read More...

Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes – Young Men Initiative Project (YMI)

46 final evaluation of "Young Men Initiative - Promoting Healthier Lifestyles among Youth in Bosnia and Herzegovina by Challenging Gender Stereotypes". CARE worked in partnership with three experienced local youth non-governmental organizations (NGOs) from Sarajevo (Association "XY"), Banja Luka (Institute for Youth and Community Development "Perpetuum Mobile") and Mostar ("Youth Power"), which further built capacities of other youth NGOs in 10-15 locations in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH). The project’s overall goal is to increase the uptake of healthy, nonviolent and gender equitable lifestyles among young men and women in Bosnia and Herzegovina. In this project, over 10,000 young people in BiH were directly targeted through a range of activities. The intervention intended to address harmful lifestyles that impact both young men and young women. The project is supported by the Swiss Confederation represented by the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs acting through the Embassy of Switzerland in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Read More...

For Active Inclusion and Rights of Roma Women in the Western Balkans (FAIR II) Project Baseline Report

35 page baseline assessment of the FAIR II project is being implemented in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Serbia and Montenegro by CARE and three established local Roma women lead civil society organization and presents a continuation and upgrade of CARE Balkans focus on empowering Roma women and girls to become agents of change in their families and communities, but also contribute to improved structures and practices addressing women’s rights and social inclusion, on national and regional levels. The intention is to impact directly lives of at least 7,000 people, mainly Roma women and girls and men and boys in 27 Roma communities in the three target countries through a wide range of mutually intertwined and reinforcing activities. This assessment is an initial information base, but also a set of recommended actions to be addressed by the project team, partners included, and as such used as a tool for monitoring project’s progress and effectiveness.

PROSPER: Promoting a Sustainable and Food Secure World Baseline Report

This 57 page report presents findings of the baseline study of the third phase of Cargill and CARE’s global partnership in Ghana labelled PROSPER, Promoting a Sustainable and Food Secure World. The PROSPER project is a component of Cargill’s global Cocoa Promise, a corporate social responsibility initiative aimed at sourcing cocoa sustainably by improving the livelihoods of individuals living in cocoa-growing communities and supporting community development. Read More...

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