Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Livestock Improvement in Novo Brdo/Novo Bërdë and Kamenica/Kamenicë (LINK) Project

The purpose was to increase the income and employment opportunities of 2,625 Albanian and 875 Serbia... Read More...

Gwira Banso Joint Forest Management Project Report

Gwira Banso Joint Forest Management Project to assess extent of achievement, results and impact agai... Read More...

Strengthening Emergency Obstetric Care (EmOC) Services

The goal of the global FEMME project is to increase utilization of emergency obstetric care services... Read More...

Community-Based Savings and Credit Association Project

In August 2001, CARE initiated an 18-month pilot program aimed to establish viable Community-based S... Read More...

Adolescent Reproductive Health in Eritrea Program Report

Goals - To improve adolescent reproductive health in the Tessenei zone of Eritrea Read More...

Proyecto para la Salud a través de Agua y Saneamiento (PROSPERAR)

PROSPERAR -, tiene como principal objetivo la disminución de enfermedades diarréicas en la población... Read More...

Fortalecimiento del Parque Madidi y De Medio Término Proyecto Madidi II

The objectives of the park support Project, which as noted has already concluded, were: development ... Read More...

Kupfuma Ishungu Impact Evaluation


Palestinian Community Health Workers Capacity Building Project

Participatory Evaluation

Misitu Yetu Project Review

Overall goal: livelihoods of forest-adjacent communities are improved while biodiversity and associa... Read More...

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