Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Let Us Learn to Respect Human Rights Project


Communities Responding to HIV/AIDS Epidemics (CORE)

The major focus area for the project is to raise general awareness on HIV, implement community based... Read More...

Meta-Evaluation of Goal Achievement by CARE Projects and Programs 2006

A Synthesis of Findings and Methodological Lessons from CARE Evaluation Reports, 2005-2006 Read More...

Entrepreneurial Training and Small Income Generating Project (SIGP) Final Evaluation

The project consists of two main components in two phases; 1st phase - business training for 120 ind... Read More...

Progress Kayah Project Midterm Evaluation

Objective: To improve the livelihood security of poor and marginalised Internally Displaced People (... Read More...

Improved Food and Livelihood Security (IFLS) Project Midterm Report

40-page midterm report. The objective of IFLS is increased food and livelihood security for marginalised communities in 44 villages in southern Chin State . The project is also addressing one of the country’s major environmental problems – unsustainable shifting cultivation in mountainous areas. Mindat and Kanpetlet townships are spread over mountain ranges, with sparsely scattered villages in (at times) inaccessible terrain. Villager populations are primarily subsistence farmers with little or no access to markets for their produce. Increasing population and scarcity of land adds to environmental degradation and a decline in agricultural productivity Read More...

Models for Inclusive and Equitable Sexual and Reproductive Health Services Final Evaluation

34-page final evaluation of The Models for Inclusive and Equitable Sexual and Reproductive health (MINESRH) Project, which was one of four Innovations Projects funded by the CARE Reproductive Health Trust Fund (originally funded by USAID) to contribute towards addressing underlying causes of poverty, build technical excellence, and establish a learning environment for developing new approaches. It was implemented from May, 2004 – December, 2007, and targeted three Group Village Heads in two Traditional Authorities in Ntchisi District in Malawi, with a total population of approximately 6,000 people. Read More...

Project Evaluation of South Asia Resource Team (SART)

104-page evaluation on South Asian Resource Team (SART) is CARE International’s Tsunami related project. CARE conceived this project and established the SART team in Chennai to strengthen the microfinance institutions (MFIs) and microfinance (MF) programmes in Tsunami affected regions with the objective of providing improved and sustained access to financial services to the affected communities. SART‘s mandate was to accomplish the above objective in four and a half years resulting in restoration of livelihoods for the Tsunami affected people, by building local partnerships with NGOs and providing technical inputs and small grant support to them. CARE-India, Chennai had invited Sampark to undertake an evaluation of the above project in order to document its outcome, immediate impacts, potential best practices and lessons from
the Indian experience.

Balasahyoga Project Evaluation Report

206-page evaluation of the BSY programme that aims to provide high-quality and comprehensive prevention, treatment, care and support services to the children and their families (40,000 households, reaching 60,000 adults and 68,000 children) infected with or affected by HIV in 11 districts in Andhra Pradesh through a phased approach. It aims to improve the quality of life and well-being of these children and their families. Read More...

Farta Child Survival Project Final Evaluation

The Farta Woreda Child Survival Project is a five-year Child Survival Project implemented by CARE Ethiopia (October 1, 2002 to September 30, 2007). The project aims to improve the health of children under five and women of childbearing age by focusing on the following interventions: Nutrition (35%), Pneumonia Case Management (25%) and Control of Diarrheal Disease (20%). Read More...

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