Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Tza – misitu yetu – final – jan 06


Som – food and livelihood insecurity 02-06

Underlying causes of food and livelihood insecurity

Tjk – gissar biodiversity – final – feb 06

Objective: To catalyze the improved conservation of globally significant biodiversity in protected a... Read More...

Tjk 056 – fact2 agriculture – final – july 06

overall goal:” ”To improve the livelihood of targeted population through increased Food and Health S... Read More...

Tjk – gef biodiversity – baseline – july 06


Lka – tea mtr midterm report 09-06

It mainly focuses on bridging the tea estate community and others through promoting basic services, ... Read More...

Lka – dzadp final evaluation 12-06

Purpose: To enhance productivity and incomes in command and catchment areas of micro tanks in a sust... Read More...

Rwa – ecocomf – midterm – fy 06

Le but final du projet est d’apporter un soutien institutionnel et technique aux intergroupements à ... Read More...

Evaluation mi-parcours programme de gestion equitable des ressources naturelles et de renforcement de la société civile (pr

This 61 page document describes the mid-term findings for the Equitable civil society management of ... Read More...

Jor – community water resource management project 06-06

The project activities involved training, establishing water committees in each village and the cont... Read More...

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