Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Steps ovc baseline report final

A description of the STEPS OVC baseline report.

Case studies – an assessment of care tanzania’s community emergency transportion system, september 2011

The project aimed at reducing the time between the onset of an obstetric complication and its outcom... Read More...

C-change endline report

findings of the C-Change Endline Report

Evpc evaluation final report 30th sept 2012 rev3 13th oct

Enhanced vegetable production and commercialization Project. The document is a detail of findings of... Read More...

Case studies – is the message getting across, december 2011

The campaign was organized in order to increase public awareness on maternal health policies, incite... Read More...

Final report for the end of program evaluation of the cfaarm program

CARE Zambia implemented a multi year USAID food security programme. The report gives details of the ... Read More...

Ete – pastoral basket fund program, july 2011

The key activities of the CSOs include capacity building of pastoralist communities on: Policy analy... Read More...

Ete – govrnance and accountability project, october 2011

GAP was designed to be a policy monitoring and advocacy intervention, with a focus on policies that ... Read More...

Ete – power to lead alliacne proejcct, december 2011

The PTLA is the project which seeks to promote leadership skills among 6,200 girls aged 10-14 years Read More...

Ete – women empowerment in zanzibar project, december 2011

The WEZA project was meant to contribute to improving the quality of women’s lives, fulfilling their... Read More...

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