Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Sulawesi Earthquake and Tsunami Indonesia Version 2
CARE Rapid Gender analysis – Serang & Pandeglang districts, Sunda Strait Tsunami, Indonesia December 25 – 31, 2018
CARE International in Indonesia (CII) is present in Serang town (inland) and Serang Regency among the most impacted area with an ongoing WASH in schools project implemented jointly by CARE and partner Bina Masyarakat Peduli (BMP). There is no information about potential damage on the schools or infrastructure supported by CARE yet but two of the schools for replication are in affected areas. RGAs were conducted in Sulawesi and Lombok to ensure the responses integrated gender dimensions from the very beginning.
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Lombok Earthquakes Indonesia
The objectives of this RGA, therefore, were to better understand how women, men, girls and boys are affected by the earthquakes, the impact of the earthquakes on gender dynamics, and emerging opportunities to provide an emergency response that meets the differing needs and vulnerabilities of women, men, boys and girls. Read More...
Rapid Gender Analysis Tropical Cyclone Winston
The objectives of this Rapid Gender Analysis are:
1. To inform Live and Learn-CARE's programming based on the different needs of women,
men, boys, and girls of different groups including people with disabilities; and
2. To support the Safety and Protection cluster in advocating for protection-integrated
programming throughout Fiji.
Republic of Fiji Tropical Cyclone Josie and Tropical Cyclone Keni Rapid Gender, Protection and Inclusion Analysis
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis COVID-19 Pacific Region, 26 March 2020 [version 1]
This preliminary Rapid Gender Analysis has the following objectives:
● To analyse and understand the different impacts that the COVID-19 potentially has on women, men,
girls and boys and other vulnerable groups in the Pacific context
● To inform humanitarian programming in the Pacific region based on the different needs of women,
men, boys and girls with a particular focus on Gender Based Violence (GBV), Health, Water,
sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) and Women’s Economic Empowerment.
The thematic scope of the assessment covered four gender-specific domains, including a) gender roles and relations, b) capacities and vulnerabilities, c) participation in decision making (at community and intra-household levels), and d) access to services and assistance. The report concludes with guidance on how to implement humanitarian response and longer-term programming in a way that better supports women’s and men’s, boys’ and girls’ different needs. Read More...
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis: Yemen
Rapid Gender and Protection Assessment Report – Kobane Refugee Population, Suruc, Turkey
We write this report and subsequent recommendations:
(1) to help support the work of multiple agencies in strengthening their response, and providing services in ways which respect the different needs of women, men, boys and girls;
(2) to provide agencies with enough information to avoid doing harm;
(3) to ensure that actors are able to mitigate risk of SGBV and other protection concerns immediately. Read More...
Broadening gender: Why masculinities matter Attitudes, practices and gender-based violence in four districts in Sri Lanka
This study highlights the need for more focused and scaled up approaches to engage men in the discourse of violence against women, as well as the need to transform women’s own attitudes about violence in diverse forms. CARE is committed to working in partnership with women, communities, civil society, governments, donors and the private sector to implement these recommendations. Read More...
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