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Women in Enterprise Phase II – Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale – BASELINE STUDY REPORT

Care CIV through Care Nederland has received funding from the H & M Foundation to implement the Women in Enterprise project. This project has two phases, one of which is more focused on entrepreneurship training for women from VSLA groups and women's associations and awareness raising on women's entrepreneurship that has been implemented from June 2015 to March 2017.

In the second phase of the project, which began on April 1, 2017, credits will be granted to beneficiaries for the launch or development of their activities. However, before deploying the package of activities planned during this phase, a baseline study was conducted to get an idea of the situation or environment of the beneficiaries. The results of this study will serve as a basis for establishing the project's performance indicators and measuring the effects and impact of the project over time. Read More...

Somalia Resilience Program Third Party Monitoring: Midline Assessment

The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a consortium of seven international non-governmental organisations (INGOs). The aim of the consortium is to enhance the resilience of vulnerable households and communities in Southern Somalia against cyclical shocks and stressors. The program’s activities focus on securing livelihoods and increasing adaptive capacities of communities and households in Somalia.

Overall, positive developments from the baseline was noted for most of the indicators analyzed in this report. Most of these positive developments could be attributed to different programme interventions. The attribution was tested through statistical correlation analysis and by synthesizing programme documents and the data collected at various stages throughout the project. The food security status of the respondents had improved, both in terms of food consumption and coping strategies. For example, the proportion of the respondents categorized as having an acceptable level of the Food Consumption Score (FCS) had increased from 48.5% in the baseline to 80.4% in the midline. The income of the respondents had also improved with both a significantly higher average income as well as more diversified income being reported. Those respondents that were part of a savings scheme as well as those that had received cash distributions through Cash for Work (CfW) or Unconditional Cash Transfers (UCT) reported higher FCS than those who had not. Respondents that had received cash distributions were also positively associated with higher incomes. As such, it is recommended that both VSLA and cash programming interventions should be sustained and if possible scaled-up. It is worth noting that livelihoods were still largely climate sensitive, with day labour in agriculture being the most common and important livelihood strategy, especially for male respondents. This implies that most people are still highly vulnerable to climatic shocks, such as drought. Read More...

Somalia Resilience Program Third Party Monitoring: Baseline Study

The Somalia Resilience Program (SomReP) is a consortium of seven Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO), the activities of which aim to enhance the resilience of vulnerable households and communities in Southern Somalia against cyclical shocks and stressors. This report serves as the baseline for the Third Party Monitoring (TPM) of SomReP in two districts in South and Central Somalia: Afgooye and Baidoa. The TPM study is undertaken by Forcier Consulting on behalf of SomReP, with the aim to rigorously monitor the progress and outcomes of the program.

The data indicates that resilience differed among livelihood groups (agro-pastoralist, pastoralists, and peri-urban), between women and men, and across seasons. This means that program approaches should take these differences into account when targeting groups for various interventions. For instance, people in peri-urban areas tended to have less diverse diets, while pastoralists tend to engage in more severe and frequent coping strategies. Out of the different livelihood types, pastoralists were also the most likely to report no access to risk transfer or sharing. Further, women tended to have less diverse incomes than men and incomes tend to be lowest in the dry season of Jilaal, the season in which most agriculture-related work was replaced with unskilled work. These findings indicate that women should be more frequently targeted for income diversity interventions, and pastoralists should be targeted with interventions that aim to increase social safety nets, such as risk sharing.

Capacities to deal with stressors in both the short and long-term were low across the targeted areas. Natural resource management (NRM) was poor in both districts and in and across communities. Sustainable access to natural resources is an important factor in ensuring long-term resilience and should therefore receive more attention across the communities. Response capacities were also absent across the communities. Only 9.7 of all respondents said their community had a community-based early warning system in place. Further, only 5.7% of the respondents said community initiatives existed that aimed to access support from sub-national and national institutions and authorities to respond to and cope with the recurrent shocks and stressors. Hence, moving forward, the program should ensure a focus of combined approaches to achieve improvements in system-wide resilience. Read More...


CARE y Fundación Capital tienen una alianza estratégica en Perú con el fin de promover soluciones de inclusión financiera a través del desarrollo de iniciativas de fortalecimiento de capacidades financieras que incorporan elementos digitales. Por su parte, CARE ofrece una sólida presencia y capacidad operativa, construida a través del desarrollo de diferentes iniciativas enfocadas en promover el fortalecimiento económico y financiero entre población de bajos ingresos, principalmente mujeres emprendedores. Fundación Capital aporta su experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones digitales diseñadas para cubrir las necesidades de la población de bajos ingresos en América Latina.
Dada la experiencia de LISTA y los buenos resultados obtenidos en países como Colombia, Honduras y México; CARE y Fundación Capital decidieron trabajar conjuntamente, usando LISTA como herramienta para la promoción de capacidades económicas y financieras en Perú, específicamente, en los departamentos de Piura y Junín.
Conéctate, es una iniciativa que busca llegar a 2,200 mujeres en el Perú través de la implementación de 3 componentes:
1. Asesoría móvil financiera, por medio de la cual se envían mensajes de texto o mensajes a través de grupos de WhatsApp, donde se refuerzan contenidos de educación financiera y se resuelven dudas o inquietudes a través de un modelo de asistente financiera.
2. LISTA Perú, una aplicación de educación financiera que funciona con tabletas digitales, las cuales son rotadas a través de las diferentes asociaciones de mujeres emprendedoras que participan en el proyecto.
3. Acercamiento a instituciones financieras, por medio del cual se busca acercar la oferta a la demanda de servicios financieros, a través de talleres presenciales donde algunas instituciones financieras presentes en la zona podrán promocionar los diferentes productos disponibles.
En el marco de esta experiencia se plantea la realización de una evaluación de resultados que tiene como fin analizar el desempeño de una muestra representativa de participantes en el proyecto. Con estos resultados, se busca recopilar evidencia empírica que sustente los resultados cualitativos y demuestre la efectividad del programa, así como sus diferentes mecanismos de transmisión entre las localidades, medidos en siete grupos de variables. Junto con la evaluación de procesos realizada en septiembre de 2019, este documento busca proveer insumos que permitan mejorar la implementación y realizar ajustes basados en evidencia para subsecuentes experiencias. Read More...

Private Sector and Market Systems Engagement: Time to Move Beyond Corporate Social Responsibility

A summary of CARE Bangladesh's work on engaging the private sector to transform market systems to end poverty. Read More...

Building Resilience Among the Crisis Affected in Jordan

The Building Resilience among the Crisis Affected in Jordan project falls under CARE Jordan’s Urban
Protection Program that aims to provide labor market linkages and improved access to vulnerable Syrian
refugees and host community Jordanians in targeted urban areas in Jordan. The expected outcomes of
the project include:
1. Improved access to the labor market for the most vulnerable refugees.
2. Increased access for refugees and host communities to market linkages and economic
3. Expanded opportunities for dignified employment for refugees in new sectors.
One of the two outcome indicators was achieved for the project. Outcome 1 indicator achieved a total
of 24.2% average-for which the target was 20%- for those who reported improved access to the labor
marker and when disaggregated by sex, males reported a slightly higher access at 26.1% while females
reported 20% on average.

Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale

To enhance the opportunity for engagement of women in the workforce, CARE Jordan, in collaboration with H&M and CARE Netherland, is implementing the program, Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale. The project falls under the strategic Sustainable Development Program of CARE Jordan, which aims to provide support and address the needs of individuals and host communities in Jordan, focusing specifically on gender barriers, combatting gender-based violence, economic empowerment, and inclusive participation.
Phase I of the program (Khatwa Skills Project) set the foundation for the program by providing support for women by establishing more formal networks for them to be able to rely on their entrepreneurial journey, such as SLA groups (Savings and Loan Groups). Additionally, the Khatwa Skills Project also provided targeted vocational training to help facilitate business idea generation and central bazaars, where women could sell their goods.
This is Phase II of a 3 year (1 April 2017-31March2020) program that will follow up on the Khatwa Skills Project by providing additional vocational and financial training to women, supporting the existing SLA Groups so that women netrepreneurs have greater access to funding for their enterprises. Phase II will also provide support for women-led MSMEs and establish women’s economic group activities that will focus on developing the skills of women and female youth. Phase II of the program aims to directly target 380 vulnerable Jordanian women living in Jordan with the
primary objective being to seek to empower women and youth through the development of successful business models, including micro and small enterprises, recycling enterprises, and group businesses, often to be developed within the context of VSLAs. These models will be scaled up through targeted initiatives in awareness raising and further developing the involvement and initiatives of role models. Additionally, approximately 5,800 women, men, boys, and girls will be indirectly targeted through the program. Read More...

Zimbabwe OFDA Baseline 2018

CARE International in Zimbabwe is implementing a 12-month OFDA funded project in Gwanda and
Beitbridge district of Matabeleland South Province. The area is characterized by extensive farming ,where
livestock production is domineering and small grains production is the gateway to maintaining food
security levels. The current funding opportunity through OFDA aims to address the immediate agricultural
and financial needs of the most vulnerable households to recover from: the impact of successive drought
years, erratic rainfalls, mid-season dry spells, and prevent potential food insecurity. The declining
macroeconomic conditions and lack of development at the national level have compounded the impact
of the droughts and hindered recovery resulting in negative coping strategies as the majority of vulnerable
households are selling productive assets (mainly livestock) through the previous season and consequently
ad libitum before the coming farming season.

Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement in the Community

Overall, P.A.C.E project has empowered all participating female migrant in terms of agency and created solidarity and platforms for them to speak out about their interests.
Firstly, the project has enhanced 412 female urban migrants’ personal agency through 280 training sessions on life-skills with three previous core P.A.C.E. modules – 1) communication; 2) problem solving and decision making; and 3) time and stress management and one new module on financial literacy to support women to save and manage their finances. This module also supports the implementation of two village savings and loans (VSLAs) in the target locations.
Secondly, the project has successfully established two VSLA groups in 2 locations and improved female urban migrants’ financial inclusion by increasing their access to savings and loans. While it took time for the targeted groups to build their trust within the group and with the model, hence, the process of forming VSLA group only happened near the end of the project; they have all acknowledged that VSLA is an effective tool for financial management.
Thirdly, the project has created useful platform and increased opportunities for female urban migrants’ to come together to discuss issues that collectively affect them and raise their voice, not only through the training sessions but also with the VSLA meeting, which will continue to be held monthly. Many participants who were not used to speak up have shown remarkable changes with their newly equipped skills. They have successfully applied their new knowledge and skills in their daily life for better life, work and relationship management. Read More...

Women’s Economic Empowerment through Gender Transformative Approaches – Evidence from CARE’s Experience in Middle East & North Africa

CARE defines women’s economic empowerment (WEE) as the process by which women increase their right to economic resources and the power to make decisions that benefit themselves, their families and their communities. Our Theory of Change (as discussed in CARE’s WEE Strategy Document) outlines three conditions necessary for genuine and sustainable economic empowerment for women: increased capabilities, decision-making power and an enabling environment. An integrated approach across all three conditions is required to achieve genuine and sustainable change. Increasing individual women’s capabilities can lead to temporary increases in their economic opportunities and income. However, women’s economic empowerment can only be achieved through also transforming unequal power relations and discriminatory structures.

This Learning Brief is created to provide practical learning and present existing tools applied by CARE Country Offices (COs) in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region to encourage a more gender transformative approach to WEE and livelihood programming. This is highly relevant for practicioners from the whole sector working on economic empowerment and livelihood porgramming in fragile settings anywhere in the world. This document can aid a better understanding of gender transformative concepts by livelihood staff, as well as better understanding of the principles of sound economic empowerment by gender staff. This Learning Brief contains many practical insights and allows practicioners to understand how theory and frameworks can have an impact on the actual programming and results on the ground. The Hub encourages teams and practicioners to use this Brief, and the different overviews and examples provided, to reflect on their own work on gender integration, and take steps to move beyond gender responsive programming towards a truly transformative approach for our impact groups.

Learning insights incorporated in the document are based on the learning accumulated by CARE MENA Country Offices (COs) in the last five years under our women’s economic empowerment/livelihood programming. It focuses on two main components of WEE gender transformative programming: economic advancement and gender equality, along with approaches related to engaging men and boys. The evidence of these lessons learned is based on: 1) revision of documentation of more than 12 long term and short term WEE/livelihood programs implemented by CARE in Jordan, Syria, Egypt, West Bank & Gaza, Caucasus and the Balkans, 2) interviews with key informants including gender champions from these COs along with other global CARE gender experts who collectively searched for answers to questions in the themes of gender transformative approaches in WEE programming. Read More...

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