Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Evaluation Finale Externe de l’Initiative “Strengthening Access for Livelihoods and Basic Services- Sale-Base”
Intégration de la vaccination et de la planification familiale
Le constat des données de l’OMS de 2015, selon lesquelles le Niger a un taux de mortalité maternelle élevé : 553 décès maternels pour 100000 naissances vivantes dû à un taux de prévalence contraceptive les plus bas dans la région (12%). Alors que le taux de vaccination est de 68%, ont dû être des déterminants majeurs du programme VIVO au Niger.
Les données (sur le terrain) recueillies dans le district sanitaire de Gaya, serviront de base sur la mise en œuvre du projet d’élargissement géographique de l’intégration de la vaccination et de la planification. [95 pages]
Rapport de l’Evaluation des Prestataires des Centres Appuyes par CARE sur les Methods Contraceptives de Longue Duree
La présente évaluation externe vise à apporter un autre regard et une autre appréciation des compétences transmises au cours de cette session de formation et leur utilisation dans les centres de santé. Ainsi du 09 au 16 aout 2017 a été menée une évaluation de tous les prestataires formés par le projet sur ces sites d’intervention. Elle a été menée par un (01) consultant venu du Burkina Faso et la responsable de la santé de la reproduction du district sanitaire de Gaya. [8 pages]
RED SAACC Rapport Annuel 2017
Shelter Project Performance Report
Every Voice Counts (EVC) Program Quarterly Report – 2nd Quarter
Increasing Mitigation Productivity and Adaptation through Climate-smart Techniques
Emergency cash transfers, nutrition and livelihood assistance for chronically food insecure households in Malawi (2016-17)
The high level of food insecurity was due to two consecutive years of below average production of all key agricultural crops. In 2014/15 Malawi had the worst growing season for seven years, and this was followed by the worst floods in history in January 2015 and then widespread prolonged dry spells. Malawi was then severely impacted by one of the strongest El Niño events in 35 years. This climactic phenomenon has brought below average rainfall in the central and southern regions, and higher than normal rainfall in the north of the country. In response the food insecurity, the President of Malawi declared a state of disaster on 12 April 2016.
In order to address the significant challenges posed by El Niño in Malawi, CARE proposed a comprehensive cash transfer, nutrition and livelihoods response to reduce the vulnerability crisis-affected people, especially women, girls and boys in Salima. The project focuses on three immediate outcomes. First, the project will improve capacity of at-risk populations to meet basic needs and reduce negative coping strategies through cash transfers. Second, the project will focus on improving the nutritional status of women and children through awareness raising, demonstrations of best practices related to food preparing and provision of kitchen garden inputs. Finally, the project will increase the self-reliance of at risk population through the provision of seeds and tools as well as training on post-distribution harvest and storage techniques. [19 pages]
Strengthening Livelihoods through Community Adaptation and Learning (SLCAL)
The project is built upon four main programs:
• Field Crops Program
• Rangelands Improvement Program
• Irrigation Techniques Program
• Agro Practices Program
Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Midterm Review
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