Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Increasing Mitigation Productivity and Adaptation through Climate-smart Techniques

This report covers the cumulative achievements of the Increasing Mitigation Productivity and Adaptation through Climate-smart Techniques (IMPACT) project, from August 2016 to 31st July 2017 from the three targeted districts of Mulanje, Nsanje and Phalombe. Activities under the Agriculture and Food Security Sector focused on two subsectors: Improving household food security and Irrigation. [23 pages] Read More...

Emergency cash transfers, nutrition and livelihood assistance for chronically food insecure households in Malawi (2016-17)

In May 2016, the Government of Malawi (GoM), assessed 6.5 million people out of total population of 16.8M (39 percent) would not be able to meet their annual food requirements during the 2016/17 consumption period. Additionally, over 1.8 million people were in need of agricultural inputs to restore their livelihoods. About 31 per cent of the cultivated land was affected by the drought, of which 13 per cent was severely affected. Poor nutrition and increased mortality rates were of particular concern in 24 out of a total of 28 districts. Approximately 975,000 children aged 6-23 months and pregnant and lactating women were particularly at risk of food insecurity and malnutrition and requiring nutritional treatment.

The high level of food insecurity was due to two consecutive years of below average production of all key agricultural crops. In 2014/15 Malawi had the worst growing season for seven years, and this was followed by the worst floods in history in January 2015 and then widespread prolonged dry spells. Malawi was then severely impacted by one of the strongest El Niño events in 35 years. This climactic phenomenon has brought below average rainfall in the central and southern regions, and higher than normal rainfall in the north of the country. In response the food insecurity, the President of Malawi declared a state of disaster on 12 April 2016.

In order to address the significant challenges posed by El Niño in Malawi, CARE proposed a comprehensive cash transfer, nutrition and livelihoods response to reduce the vulnerability crisis-affected people, especially women, girls and boys in Salima. The project focuses on three immediate outcomes. First, the project will improve capacity of at-risk populations to meet basic needs and reduce negative coping strategies through cash transfers. Second, the project will focus on improving the nutritional status of women and children through awareness raising, demonstrations of best practices related to food preparing and provision of kitchen garden inputs. Finally, the project will increase the self-reliance of at risk population through the provision of seeds and tools as well as training on post-distribution harvest and storage techniques. [19 pages]

Strengthening Livelihoods through Community Adaptation and Learning (SLCAL)

This 63 page report on the project titled “Strengthening Livelihoods through Community Adaptation and Learning (SLCAL)” aimed at “Strengthening the livelihood and security of vulnerable, food insecure and exposed to multiple risks Palestinian communities by building their capacity to adapt to climate variability and longer term of change”. The project targeted 26 communities and 1,300 farming households from West Bank and Gaza strip over an implementation period of four years.

The project is built upon four main programs:
• Field Crops Program
• Rangelands Improvement Program
• Irrigation Techniques Program
• Agro Practices Program

Implementation of Social Accountability Framework (ISAF) Midterm Review

To improve the voice and accountability in sub-national democratic development, public service delivery and functions of the Cambodian sub-National Government, the Strategic Framework for Social Accountability (SAF) and a three year plan for the Implementation of the Strategic Framework (I-SAF) in 2015-2017, were designed through a highly consultative process between development partners, civil society and the Secretariat of the National Committee for sub-National Democratic Development (NCDDS). The I-SAF plan was endorsed in a joint meeting of the government and civil society in June 2013 and the SAF was approved by the Royal Government of Cambodia on the 11th of July 2013.The SAF and the I-SAF have been fully incorporated into the Second Implementation Plan (IP3-II) of the National Program for sub-National Democratic Development (NP-SNDD).


What Is the Effect of the Reform ‘Implementation of the Social Accountability Framework’ in the Cambodian Highlander Villages?

In the absence of relevant knowledge, how are citizens going to enjoy their right to public service delivery? It is argued that decentralization of power, such as making local official politics more open and transparent together with an effort to streamline political decisions with citizens’ preferences, is an efficient way to fight poverty (Raffinot, 2015:199). This works only if it is associated with the reinforcement of citizen’s control over the power1. (Raffinot, 2015:199). To alleviate poverty through the reinforcement of citizen’s control must start with their enhancement of relevant knowledge.
The purpose of this study is to measure the effect of an information campaign on Cambodian citizens’ rights and standards in commune councils, primary schools, and health centers. The study is a quasi-experiment that is designed in accordance with the implementation of the reform I-SAF. The information campaign consists of public posters and meetings held that shall disperse the Cambodian citizens’ rights and standards in commune councils, primary schools, and health centers. [38 pages] Read More...

Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace in Kayah State: Mid-Term Review

Emerging Markets Consulting (EMC) was commissioned by Care Myanmar to carry out a midterm review (MTR) of its Strengthening Non-State Actors for Peace (SNAP) in Kayah State. CARE’s project goal is to enable non-state actors, particularly the Karenni State Women’s Network (KSWN), to support women’s organizations and grassroots members in representing their constituents’ interests in governmental and peace processes. The overall objective of the MTR is to assess the project’s progress in achieving its objectives and outcomes, in addition to facilitating a process to increase the capacity of key stakeholders in all steps of the learning cycle. More specifically, the MTR assesses the efficiency and effectiveness of the project in making progress towards achieving areas of impact, and assesses the likely achievement of expected results and specific objectives as specified within CARE’s logical framework. [23 pages] Read More...

Emergency Assistance and Safe Spaces for Crisis Affected People in Jordan

After the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in 2011, millions of Syrians fled to neighboring countries in search of refuge. Over 668,123 fled to Jordan, of which 8 in 10 are living outside of refugee camps. Since 2011, CARE Jordan has taken a leading role in responding to the needs of this population, conducting annual assessments of the Syrian urban refugee population in Jordan to tailor programming to refugees’ most pressing needs. Building upon these findings, CARE Jordan launched the Emergency Assistance and Safe Spaces for Crisis Affected People in Jordan project with funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Immigration and Border protection (DIBP) between July 2016 and July 2018. CARE Jordan partnered with local CBOs to implement the project, which has an overall goal of enhancing socio-economic wellbeing and quality of life for the refugee and host population in Jordan. Specifically, the project aimed to: (1) increase access to sustainability livelihoods for Syrian refugee and host community women; (2) improve the psycho-social coping mechanisms of vulnerable individuals; (3) increase the access of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian host populations to emergency cash assistance; and (4) increase the access of Syrian refugees and vulnerable host populations to information, case management and protection support. [52 pages] Read More...

Impact Evaluation of CARE’s Financial Inclusion Interventions in Rwanda’s Southern Province

The Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Rural Africa (POWER Africa) initiative, funded by the Mastercard Foundation and implemented by CARE Canada, aims to improve financial inclusion in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Rwanda by linking VSLAs with formal financial institutions. Promoting opportunities for Financial Inclusion in Rwanda (PROFIR), as the project is called in Rwanda, aims to facilitate the access of 180 000 people to formal financial services through linkages to various Financial Service Providers. The PROFIR project began in November 2013 and continued till December 2017. [38 pages] Read More...

POWER Africa Burundi Rolling Baseline Report

POWER Africa, CARE’s Promoting Economic Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment in Rural Africa Project, is a $13 million, four-year project, funded by the MasterCard Foundation which aims to increase financial inclusion in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Rwanda through the Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) approach, financial education, and linking mature groups to formal financial institutions, while also creating a platform for sharing lessons learned within and between the four target countries. Three years into the project, in Burundi there are 102,098 VSLA members in 4,432 groups.
This study, using 18 trained enumerators in six groups, carried out 290 1:1 interviews with young women in VSLAs, examining their lives before VSLAs and now. Also, 130 non-VSLA members were interviewed as a control. Additional evidence was gathered from several VSLA and non-VSLA focus groups. [42 pages] Read More...

POWER Africa Cote d’Ivoire Rolling Baseline Report 2017

POWER Africa, CARE’s Promoting Economic Opportunities for Women’s Empowerment in Rural Africa Project, is a USD $13 million, 4-year project, funded by the MasterCard Foundation which aims to increase financial inclusion in Burundi, Côte d’Ivoire, Ethiopia and Rwanda through the VSLA approach, while also creating a platform for sharing lessons learned within and between the four target countries.

Three years into the project there are 141,294 VSLA members in 6,433 groups.

This panel study, using 17 trained enumerators in six groups according to zones, carried out 360 1:1 interviews with VSLA members, examining their lives before VSLAs and now. Also interviewed as a control were 204 non-VSLA members. Additional evidence was gathered from a number of VSLA and non-VSLA focus groups. [26 pages]

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