Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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If you have an evaluation or study to share, please e-mail the document to for posting.

Improving Girl’s Access Through Transformation Education (IGATE) Endline Evaluation

This 165 page document reports the results of the IGATE project funded by UK Aid Read More...

Gender and GBV analysis and operational suggestions – CARE Nigeria field Assessment

CARE international has deployed a multisector assessment team in North East Nigeria to assess the increasing humanitarian needs and inform CARE’s emergency Strategy and response programming. The assessment will look at the areas of food security, Sexual and reproductive Health and Gender based violence. The gender-specific dynamics and impacts of the insurgency require a strong focus on gender mainstreaming and sexual and gender-based violence (SGBV) prevention and mitigation. Therefore a rapid gender and GBV analysis has been conducted with the global objective to improve the quality and effectiveness of CARE and partner’s response in the North East Nigeria through strong integration of gender equality and GBV at all stage of the humanitarian project cycle.

This analysis aim to provide answer to the following key questions:
• What are the different Impact of the insurgency for girls, women, boys and men and what
are the different needs of these groups?
• Who has access, and who has control over what resources and assistance? Who has the
decision among the family and the community? How the crisis has affected this power
relation, what social norms and practices affect the access and control?
• What are main GBV risks? Who is most affected and at-risk among girls, women, boys and
men? What are main social, cultural norms and practices that shape GBV in the Area?
• What are main GBV services providers and actors in the ground and what is their capacity to deliver? Do GBV survivors have access to comprehensive GBV services? What are main gaps
in service
• Formulate geographic and programmatic recommendations to guide CARE decision on GBV
• Develop a GAP to improve gender integration into the assistance. Read More...

Evaluación externa final : Democratización, derechos y dialogo intercultural

This 57 page document highlights the results of the Democratización, Derechos y Diálogo Intercultura... Read More...

VSLA Securing Rights and Improving Livelihoods of Women Kadam Elkhair

This 60 page document reports the results of the Kadam Elkhair Project Read More...

Final evaluation of tufaidike wote addendum

This 10 page addendum highlights the comments of the external evalutor on the process of the Tufaidi... Read More...

Informe final (2)

This 57 page document highlights the results of the Democratización, Derechos y Diálogo Intercultura... Read More...

Final evaluation report of kadem el-khair project final

This 60 page document reports the results of the Kadam Elkhair Project Read More...

Grad final evaluation report

This 138 page external evaluation highlights findings from Feed the Future (USAID) GRAD program in E... Read More...

LINK UP Final Project Evaluation

This report focuses on the potential of linkages between formal financial services and savings groups to create change for the savings groups, banks, and households. One of the projects that is involved in this work in LINK Up, a project supported by CARE, Access Africa and the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. LINK Up is a 3.5 year project working with savings groups in Tanzania and Kenya.
We use multiple datasets to explore trends over time that can answer the three guiding learning questions embedded in the LINK Up project.
(1) What is the impact of access to formal financial services on savings groups?
(2)What does the account performance look like for these groups and how does this affect the associated banks’ business models.
(3) What value do the people involved derive from gaining access to formal financial services?

ECRAS Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability multi hazard risk assessment

This 112 page report is focused on providing a contextual analysis, hazards and risk profiles, capac... Read More...

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