Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG)

This evaluation report covers the end of project evaluation of the Enterprise Development for Out of School Adolescent Girls (EDOAG) project, which was launched in 2015; a brain child of CARE International in Rwanda, which was conceived after consideration of lessons learnt, best practices and recommendations of the end-line evaluation of FINAG project (2014). [85 pages] Read More...

FINAG: Improving the Livelihoods of Out-of-SChool Adolescent Girls Through Financial Inclusion

The project on Financial Inclusion for out-of-school Adolescent Girls (FINAG) was implemented by CARE International and Girl Hub Rwanda with funding support from Access to Finance Rwanda (AFR). FINAG promotes financial inclusion of out-of-school girls aged 14-19, intended to demonstrate an effective, sustainable and replicable approach to access and usage of financial services. The overall goal of the project was to ensure that the girls claim and enjoy their rights to full economic participation and contribution to the development and prosperity of their families, communities and the nation. [41 pages] Read More...

Relation Entre La Masculinite et l’Inclusion Financiere

L’étude sur la relation entre la masculinité et l’inclusion financière des jeunes filles commanditée par Care international au Burundi s’inscrit dans le cadre d’explorer les relations de pouvoirs existant entre les hommes/garçons et les femmes/jeunes filles en faveur de plus d’égalité et d’équité comme un des facteurs clés à l’autonomisation économique de la jeune fille.

L’inclusion financière est abordée dans ses aspects d’accès à l’information, d’acquisition des connaissances, d’accès et utilisation effective des produits et services financiers à savoir : l’ouverture de compte, l’épargne, le crédit, le transfert monétaire et les moyens de payement. [76 pages] Read More...

Etude d’Evaluation de la Phase Pilote de Connexion des Groupes AVEC aux Services Financiers Formels

Ce rapport présente les résultats d’une étude, commanditée par CARE International au Burundi, pour évaluer la phase pilote de la connexion des groupes VSLAs aux services financiers formels. L’objectif général de cette étude était de faire une évaluation qualitative et quantitative de la phase pilote de la connexion deces groupes, de faire un diagnostic stratégique de cette connexion et de dégager des recommandations qui pourraient tracer des pistes pour en faire une réplication de manière durable, pérenne et moins coûteuse. [71 pages]

Improving Sexual and Reproductive Health of Adolescents and Youth in Burundi

The objective of the baseline study for the Joint Program "Menyumenyeshe" is to determine the baseline situation through 7 indicators identified by the consortium at the beginning of the program implementation. This willbe used as the basis to compare to the final evaluation in 2020 to measure the progress and achievements / results of the program, and provide recommendations to guide the current and other future programs.

The survey reached successfully 1247 households on an initial sample of 1260 distributed in all 18 provinces of the country.It targeted any young people aged 10-24 years found in the selected households. In these households, 5037 members were registered and 1483 young people and adolescents were successfully interviewed. [120 pages] Read More...

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Programme Inclusive Governance in Fragile Settings Midterm Report Burundi

Every Voice Counts (EVC) Programme aims to contribute to inclusive and effective governance processes in fragile settings since 1st of January 2016 to 31st December 2020. The programme is implemented by Care Netherlands (CNL), CARE Country Offices (COs) and local partners in Sudan, Somalia, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Rwanda and Burundi. In Burundi, this program is implemented in 3 provinces (Gitega, Muyinga, Kirundo) in 8 communes and 80 collines. This document provides the results of the mid-term review conducted in July 2018 in Burundi. [124 pages] Read More...

Emergency Assistance and Safe Spaces for Crisis Affected People in Jordan

After the outbreak of the Syrian conflict in 2011, millions of Syrians fled to neighboring countries in search of refuge. Over 668,123 fled to Jordan, of which 8 in 10 are living outside of refugee camps. Since 2011, CARE Jordan has taken a leading role in responding to the needs of this population, conducting annual assessments of the Syrian urban refugee population in Jordan to tailor programming to refugees’ most pressing needs. Building upon these findings, CARE Jordan launched the Emergency Assistance and Safe Spaces for Crisis Affected People in Jordan project with funding from the Australian Government’s Department of Immigration and Border protection (DIBP) between July 2016 and July 2018. CARE Jordan partnered with local CBOs to implement the project, which has an overall goal of enhancing socio-economic wellbeing and quality of life for the refugee and host population in Jordan. Specifically, the project aimed to: (1) increase access to sustainability livelihoods for Syrian refugee and host community women; (2) improve the psycho-social coping mechanisms of vulnerable individuals; (3) increase the access of Syrian refugees and vulnerable Jordanian host populations to emergency cash assistance; and (4) increase the access of Syrian refugees and vulnerable host populations to information, case management and protection support. [52 pages] Read More...

BECOMES Midterm Review Report

At the mid-point of BECOMES there is evidence the project has enhanced the capacity of smallholder cocoa farmers, strengthened collective farming practices and made a solid start on building the capacity of community coops and business groups. BECOMES’ successful Model Farming Families (MFF) strategy and Farmer Business Management Training (FBMT) have enhanced the capacity of local farmers to contribute to improved cocoa farming practices and increased gender equity within smallholder households. Changes towards more gender equitable social practices in individuals and groups, entrepreneurial capacity building and improved access to value chain opportunities have led to greater involvement of women and young farmers in cocoa production and more equity in the economic benefits. This win-win situation has been widely recognized by smallholders and industry stakeholders. Read More...

POWER Africa Midterm Evaluation

A reflective, formative Mid-term Evaluation (MTE) of the Promoting Opportunities for Women’s Economic Empowerment in Rural Africa (POWER)/Promoting Opportunities for Financial Inclusion project in Rwanda (PROFIR) Program, commissioned by CARE Canada and the MasterCard Foundation (MCF), was implemented over a period of six months, from January to June 2016. The central objective of this evaluation was to “comprehensively and systematically summarize strategic learning and results that POWER has generated thus far in order to facilitate reflection on program achievements and challenges”. [154 pages] Read More...

Metas de Fase y Resultados para la Transferencia del Proyecto SABA

Índice :
Metas de fase 2015-2017 y POA 2015-2016
Resultados 2015 a junio 2016 sobre Meta de Fase
Gráficos Resultados sobre Metas de Fase por Actividades
Gráficos Resultados sobre Metas de Fase por Regiones
[35 slides]

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