Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Initiative femmes et terroirs et regeneration naturelle assitee IFETE Evaluation final

This 44 page report highlights findings from CARE Niger's Women, Land Rights, and Natural Land Reger... Read More...

Atche mi ton rapport d’evaluation finale

La présente évaluation externe finale de l’Initiative Atchè mi ton intervient au terme de soixante m... Read More...

Ardhi yetu program (our land rights) midterm review

The Mid-term Review to assess progress, review appropriateness and recommend ways of strengthening p... Read More...


Le Mali comme plusieurs pays de la sous-région ont entrepris des reformes, visant à assurer à tous les citoyens, y compris les femmes et les autres groupes marginalisés, un accès plus sécurisé à la terre et aux ressources naturelles. Malgré ces actions efforts, l’application sur le terrain des lois relatives au foncier connaît de sérieuses difficultés. C’est ainsi que depuis quelques années, les institutions internationales, les ONG dont Care, les groupes de pression et les associations de femmes réclament une meilleure prise en charge
par les autorités des véritables problèmes qui entravent l’accès équitable des femmes à la terre et aux autres ressources naturelles et qui constituent un obstacle à une meilleure productivité économique et au progrès social.
Pour Care les sociétés ne peuvent prospérer durablement quand la moitié de leur population voit ses droits bafoués. Il est donc nécessaire d’équilibrer les relations entre les femmes et les hommes. C’est dans cette perspective que CARE Mali a commandité une l’étude « Accès des femmes et des filles au foncier dans les zones d’intervention du projet PFE-GS », étude dont les résultats attendus sont les suivants :
o Les cause socio-culturelles et politiques qui déterminent les difficultés d’accès des femmes
et filles à la terre sont cernées ;
o Les causes/déterminants potentiels sont analysées et des leviers (axes d’intervention) sont
proposés au projet ;
o Les manifestations/conséquences de cette difficulté d’accès des femmes à la terre sur
leurs conditions de vie sont identifiées ;
o Les lacunes qui persistent dans ces stratégies/actions de plaidoyer sont identifiées et des
propositions de solutions pertinentes sont identifiées ;
o Les femmes ont donné leurs appréciations de cette situation ;
o Les actions de plaidoyer menées par les femmes sont identifiées ainsi que les effets de ces
actions ;
o Les solutions sont proposées pour améliorer leur situation. Read More...

Gender-Sensitive Conflict Analysis in South and East Darfur States, Sudan, 2022

CARE International in Sudan is implementing the project “Enhancing resilience through improved food security, disaster risk reduction and peaceful co-existence in South and East Darfur states, Sudan” (1 September 2021 – 31 August 2025) through funding from the German Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ). The project addresses the specific needs, vulnerabilities, and capacities of women, youth, and persons with disabilities to strengthen their resilience to buffer, adapt, and respond to future shocks at an individual, family, and community levels. This gender sensitive conflict analysis in East and South Darfur – representing eight villages – is to understand the causes, power and gender dynamics, and actors of conflicts in the project area.

The conflict in Darfur is escalating rapidly, with eight times more people killed and displaced in 2021 than in 2020. Inflation rose by 359% in 2021. Climate change—marked by devastating floods and prolonged droughts—combined with food insecurity and a lack of services leaves people feeling violence is their only choice.
A profoundly unequal and harmful set of social norms that do not value women, and even refer to them as vessels of the devil, coupled with laws that do not protect women and their rights, are pushing many burdens of this crisis onto women. A common saying is, “Almara mamlouka ela malak Almout” or “A woman is owned to death.” As the situation gets more extreme and livelihoods and service get scarcer, women are more likely to be working outside the home to help meet family needs. Men have not increased their involvement in household chores and childcare to compensate for these shifts—leaving women with even higher burdens than before. The shifts in women having to work outside the home have not translated into corresponding improvements in women’s rights, engagement in politics, or access to public life.
This research draws from 20 focus groups and 20 Key Informant Interviews that represent the views of 193 people (45% of whom were women) in eight villages in July of 2022. It also looks at 44 secondary sources.

Clean and Environment Friendly Cooking Solutions for Urban Slum/Village Dweller Households in Gautam Buddha Nagar CEFICS Project Phase I

Slums/urban villages are an integral part of all metros, including Noida. Communities staying here primarily migrate from rural areas to find a way out of poverty, unemployment, and indebtedness. For daily cooking they mostly depend on kerosene, solid fuel (firewood, animal dung, charcoal, municipal/ industrial waste, and coal) and throw away batteries. This results in Household Air Pollution (HAP) emitting health-damaging particulate matter and climate warming pollutants in the environment and sometimes also cause fires, putting their lives at risk and wiping out everything they own.

In order to address these challenges, through support from HCL Foundation’s urban CSR program, HCL Uday, CARE India had initiated engagement with SVDHs to enable their transition to improved cook stoves (ICS) which are more environment and health friendly and would help provide women with respite and increased time and energy to participate in other productive ventures. The project has been implemented in four villages of Dadri Block in Gautam Buddh Nagar District. Read More...

Mid-term Evaluation: MicroLead Expansion Programme

In September 2011, UNCDF, in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) launched a six-year expansion of the MicroLead programme that aimed to increase access to savings driven microfinance to a minimum 450,000 low income individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), half of whom are women and half of whom reside in rural areas. The programme’s intention was to attract experienced institutions or networks from developed and developing countries to increase the capacity of financial institutions providing low balance savings either through the provision of technical assistance to financial service providers (FSPs) or through the establishment of greenfield institutions. MLE also has a strong focus on harnessing the potential of technology driven alternate delivery channels (ADCs) and financial education in broadening outreach to financial services. Read More...

A-Card Pilot Initiative Impact Assessment

mSTAR/Bangladesh, working with the Agriculture Extension Support Activity (AESA) led by Dhaka Ahsania Mission (DAM), conducted pre- and postassessments in Faridpur district to understand the impact that a micro-credit product (called A-Card) delivered to smallholder farmers through Bank Asia’s agent banking had on participating farmers, associated ag-input retailers, and other relevant stakeholders, as well as to understand what further action can be taken to improve uptake of these services.
This report includes findings from the pre- and post-assessment surveys, beginning with farmers and retailers’ demographic information, including age, sex and education; as well as their mobile phone ownership, access and usage patterns. It also examines the knowledge and perceptions that stakeholders have of digital financial services (DFS), in addition to their perceived benefits from A-Card, associated challenges, and opportunities to scale up. In addition, this report includes some findings from a separate survey conducted solely by AESA. It concludes with recommendations based on the findings and feedback from stakeholders. [28 pages] Read More...

A-Card Progress and Prospects

A-card (A stands for Agriculture) is a brand new micro-credit mechanism, the only example in Bangladesh aimed at providing smallholder farmers financing to a digital purchase of farm inputs at a low cost (10%) through the formal financial system linked to a debit card and ICT-enabled platforms.

Addressing the problem of smallholder farmers' lack of access to finance required a consultation among different stakeholders particularly in finding an effective solution. It eventually led to the idea and design of the A-card model. In this regard, the USAID Agricultural Extension Support Activity (AESA) project's interventions effectively engaged with different stakeholders, including small-holder farmers, microfinance institutions (MFIs), formal lenders (i.e. banks) and rural agricultural inputs retailers. The aim of this collaboration was to work for a common goal with differentiated responsibilities. [14 pages] Read More...

The Ignite Initiative : Unleashing the Power of Women Strivers

El presente estudio tuvo como finalidad brindar un conjunto de hallazgos y sugerencias que le permitan a CARE Perú conocer y entender cuáles son las verdaderas necesidades, dificultades, frustraciones, temores, incomodidades, insatisfacciones, alegrías, deseos, satisfacciones, y sugerencias o propuestas con respecto al producto financiero “Emprendiendo Mujer” (EM) de Financiera Confianza (FC).

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