
Cash support for vulnerable families affected by the Mosul Crisis

Recent crises and armed conflict resulted in destruction of productive assets, poverty, diminished livelihoods and incomes and dysfunctional infrastructure, particularly in West Mosul that was the epicenter of the IS conflict. With an overall objective to reduce vulnerability and strengthen the resilience of conflict affected households in Iraq, unconditional cash assistance was applied by the German Foreign Funding Office (GFFO) supported project to meet the beneficiary’s needs running from 15th January through 31st December 2018. The project reached a total of 1,075 families (6,403 individuals) through 6 rounds of un-conditional, multi-purpose cash transfers delivered to residents of Al-Shifaa, Al-Iqtsadein and 17 Al-Tammuz Neighborhoods in West Mosul.
In coordination with the local government in West Mosul, the Cash Working Group (CWG) and development actors in Mosul, CARE conducted a Rapid Needs Assessment (RNA) in Al-Iqtsadein and Al- Shifaa neighborhood on 12th March 2018. Following the project extension and budget top-up later in August 2018, the project expanded to now cover vulnerable families in 17 Al-Tamuz neighborhood in West Mosul. The neighborhood had unmet needs with no other humanitarian agency implementing cash projects. Using the socio-economic vulnerability criteria developed by the CWG (see Annex 1), CARE conducted a vulnerability assessment from 12-18th March 2018, interviewing 666 households. From this figure 294 eligible households in 17 Al-Tamuz neighborhood were supported with multipurpose cash. Read More...

Gaining Recovery: Improvement of Maternal and Child health in Return Areas of North Iraq

In 2016, Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development-Germany (BMZ) has provided funding to CARE-Iraq to implement the project titling "Gaining Recovery: Improvement of Maternal and Child health in Return Areas of North Iraq". The aim of this project was to enhance the opportunities of SRMH and child health care for the people of North Iraq specifically the returnees in Zummar, Bardiya, Rabiya and Qasir Serij areas of Ninewa Governorate of Iraq.
The overall goal of the project was "Contributing to Sustainable Development Goad (SDG) 3 – Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, as well as Goal 3.1 – Reduction of maternal mortality ratio and goal 3.7 – ensure universal access to sexual and reproductive health-care services".
The project objective was "Improvement of maternal and child health in Northern Iraq". CARE-Iraq involved its partner, Harikar, for implementation of activities related to improving mother and child health through multi-dimensional approach. In CARE-Iraq’s multi-dimensional approach, mix methods of service delivery and community sensitization were adopted. Read More...

WASH Knowledge Attitudes and Practices (KAP) Baseline

CARE Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) Base-line Survey Report is part of the Global Affairs Canada 2017-2019 Project on WASH. CARE’s proposed three-year WASH program will provide critical water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) services to IDPs and host communities in Duhok and Ninawa governorates; improve overall WASH services for women, men, boys and girls; and reduce tensions between the host community and IDPs.

In collaboration with local authorities and communities, CARE and its partners will undertake WASH activities including repair and maintenance of latrines and water supply systems, water quality testing, improved waste management and establishment or support to existing WASH Committees and authorities to operate, repair and manage WASH facilities. The proposed activities will complement CARE’s existing GAC-funded WASH programs, and expand our reach within Duhok and into Ninawa. CARE’s programming choices also reflect the increased burden of host communities in the Iraqi crisis. Read More...

CARE International in Iraq Endline Evaluation Report Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic (MoFA Czech) Project

This project addresses critical needs for sanitation services in West Mosul, in coordination with local authorities currently overwhelmed by the scale of needs and requiring support, as a direct contribution to enabling affected populations to return home. The project will directly repair two vital sanitation resources/infrastructure in West Mosul. The project will support the municipal authorities to build their capacity to eventually recover their costs, once the situation allows. Finally, the project will mobilize local communities towards greater ownership of/appreciation for their local environment, to avoid the recurrence of such sanitation risks and maintain a cleaner, more habitable environment. Additional to mitigating myriad health risks related to poor sanitation in urban areas among highly vulnerable returnees seeking to recover, this engagement will serve to promote social cohesion and community participation among vulnerable populations affected by conflict.
CARE set a 4months as duration for WASH Project in Al-Thawra neighborhood in order to help and serve about 1166 family (about 7000 individuals) including host community and IDPs. Project is mainly about renovation of sewage system for pipes need to be repair and fix. Rehabilitate the drills caused by the battles of the last conflict and there is no governor attention to fix this issue. (15 pgs)

WASH support to IDPs & host communities in Duhok & Ninawa 2017-19

The project started in January 2017 to assist the IDP and host community vulnerable families in the areas of 4 IDP camps (Mamrashan, Essyan, Sheikhan, and Chamishko), and host community collectives (Ardawan, Ba’adre, Kalakchi, Mahate and Ayas) of Duhok Governorate and emergency response in November 2017 in West Mosul of Ninawa Governorate in three neighbourhoods named Al-Mansour, Al-Jawsaq and Wadi Al-Hajar. The project is being implemented through local partners Harikar and REACH; working through partners is a key modality of CARE’s country strategy to strengthen the capacity of local NGOs. This approach, through a previous Global Affairs Canada WASH project and the current one, had a significant impact in achieving the GAC aim of supporting vulnerable and conflict-affected people in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq. The ongoing WASH intervention aims to provide to 55,572 IDPs, host communities (27,318 women & 28,434 men) with access to water supply, safe sanitary facilities and increased awareness on safe hygiene practices in a dignified, gender-sensitive and culturally appropriate manner. (46 pages) Read More...

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