
Towards Integrated Risk Management in the Horn of Africa: Gap Analysis

The analysis was conducted through desk-top literature review in which data and information were drawn from an extensive range of literature, mainly the Horn of Africa regional frameworks related to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and restoration. Specifically, the report analysed the Africa regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction; the African Union Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP); the Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa; and the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI). Others are the Programme of Action for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework; the Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework; and East African Community Climate Change Policy. It looked at a range of including institutional arrangement; IRM-related strengths and weaknesses and how those relate with IRM, and opportunities for PfR to influence framework implementation. [76 pages] Read More...

Digital Sub‐Wallets for Increased Financial Empowerment of Women

This report summarizes the findings from a pilot study of two interventions intended to promote gender equality, a mobile banking innovation and financial counseling for households, in western Uganda between September 2016 and March 2017. The study was designed and analyzed by DoubleXEconomy. The interventions were implemented by CARE Uganda in partnership with Post Bank, Uganda. The data were collected by IPA Uganda. Read More...

Digital Sub Wallets Pilot Study Findings on Gender Equality

This report summarizes the findings from a pilot study of two interventions intended to promote gender equality, a mobile banking innovation and financial counseling for households, in western Uganda between September 2016 and March 2017. The study was designed and analyzed by DoubleXEconomy. CARE Uganda implemented the interventions in partnership with Post Bank Uganda. The data were collected by IPA Uganda. [4 pages] Read More...

Forest Resources Sector Transparency Programme (FOREST) Baseline

To ensure that good forest governance takes root, CARE International in Uganda is implementing a five year Forest Resources Sector Transparency Programme (FOREST) in Uganda in Partnership with Joint Effort to Save the Environment (JESE), Anti-Corruption Coalition Uganda (ACCU), Advocates Coalition for Development and Environment (ACODE), Environment Alert, Panos Eastern Africa (PANOSEA), and Community Development Resource Network (CDRN). At the start of the programme CARE and her partners deemed it necessary to conduct baseline studies to establish benchmarks for measuring programme impacts with the following broad objectives:
i) To assess level of stakeholder awareness and participation in forestry legislation monitoring
ii) To determine the level of accountability, transparency and responsiveness of duty bearers with regard to forest governance issues
iii) To assess the existence and functionality of District/inter-district ENR forums, networks and alliances in their involved in forest governance issues at Sub-national and National levels
iv) To assess the level of media coverage of forest governance issues at district and national levels

Evaluation of Lifesaving Shelter, Protection, and Health Support for South Sudanese Refugees

This evaluation was designed using a mixed method approach, employing systematic review of documents and Most Significant Change (MSC) technique, adapted from Davies and Dart’s most significant change guide to collect change stories at individual, family and community level from 24 project beneficiaries (8 women on SRMCH; 2 males, 6 female PSNs on Shelter; 1 male, 7 females on GBV). The MSC interviews focused on documenting change. Eight (8) Key Informant Interviews were also conducted with the CARE Program, MEAL, and UNHCR OPM staff. Read More...

Integrated Emergency Response Program Baseline

The CARE International in Uganda is implementing three projects through funding from the Australian Development Agency (ADA), Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs (NMFA) and Global Affairs Canada (GAC). The NMFA and GAC are being implemented in Rhino Extension, Omugo Settlement while ADA is operating in Imvepi settlement. The projects are designed to address core protection pillars in the refugee programing and emergency response that are in tandem with part of CARE’s priority interventions areas that targets reduction in vulnerability of refugees and host communities, through the promotion of human dignity, increased resilience, and improved protection. [57 pages] Read More...

Project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA) Baseline Report

The Government of Uganda in partnership with the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) jointly designed the project for Financial Inclusion in Rural Areas (PROFIRA). The overall goal of PROFIRA is to increase income, improve food security and reduce vulnerability in rural areas. Its development objective is to sustainability increase access to and use of financial services by the rural poor population focusing on outreach, sustainability and poverty alleviation. The project has 3 major components (1) SACCO Strengthening and Sustainability (2) Community Based Financial Services and (3) Policy and Institutional Support. CARE international in Uganda is in a Consortium with Karamoja Private Sector Development centre (KPSDPC) received funding from the Government of Uganda to implement the Project for Financial inclusion in rural Areas (PROFIRA) in North Eastern Uganda. The consortium will contribute towards PROFIRA’s overall goal through sub component 2.1 of “Establishment of new CSCGs” [88 pages] Read More...

FSDU Final Project Report

CARE International in Uganda with funding from FSDU implemented a twenty months digitalized financial service project targeting 12,350 youth in Kibaale/Kagadi district. The project end date was 31/12/2016. The project had an extension of three months, 1stJanuary to 31stMarch 2017 at IPO level and 28th/04/2017 at CARE level respectively. The project goal was that “Rural and peri-urban youth aged (15-30yrs) in Kibaale/Kagadi district have increased access to financial services and engage meaningfully with the financial market
actors for sustainable financial inclusion”. The project had four specific objectives that focused on; strengthening the organizational capacity of youth through Youth Savings and Loans Associations (YSLAs) as the first step towards inclusion in the financial sector; ensuring establishment of structures that enable the youth to access formal financial services; provision of technical support that builds the financial industry’s knowledge base that heightens youth financial inclusion and establishment of a structure that supports the formal financial institutions’ and telecom companies to outgrow the “sub-scale trap” and reach a critical mass of youth customers. [42 pages] Read More...

Financial Sector Deepening in Uganda (FSDU) Baseline

CARE International Uganda (CARE) is presently implementing a pilot project for the digitalized financial services for the youth with funding from Financial Sector Deepening in Uganda (FSDU). The overall aim of the project is to ensure that 12,399 youth in Kibaale district are accessing financial education and services through Youth Savings and Loan Associations (YSLAs) and linking them through a digitalized platform using AIRTEL services to postBank. It also intends to institute youth friendly products in financial institutions so that the youth can be able to improve their household incomes. Read More...

Financial Literacy and Linkage Banking Project (FLIP) Northern Uganda Agricultural Livelihoods Recovery Programme

This is the final report of Financial Literacy and Linkage Banking Project (FLIP) implemented by CARE International in Uganda from 15th August 2012 to 12th November 2013 with funding from European Union through the Northern Uganda Agriculture Recovery Programme (ALREP). The project purpose was to achieve result area 4 of ALREP i.e. “Availability of agricultural finance to producers, traders and processors increased”. The project had three main result areas: 1) Increase financial literacy of small and medium scale actors (individuals and groups) in the agricultural sector in Northern Uganda increased; 2) Small and medium scale actors (individuals and groups) that save with and acquire loans from formal financial institutions for agricultural and agribusiness purposes increased; and 3) Formal financial institutions’ procedures and products are more geared towards the needs of small and medium scale actors in the agricultural sector. [43 pages] Read More...

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