Youth Empowerment Project Baseline Survey Report
In June 2014, Care International embarked on a baseline study for the Sida- funded Youth Empowerment Programme (YEP) in Zimbabwe. The study was done by a team comprising CARE International in Zimbabwe, its partners and an external consultant in nine of the eleven districts covered by YEP. The purpose of the study was to establish comprehensive baseline information that will be used to measure programme outcomes and impacts. The study would also serve as a benchmark for future measurement of the performance of the programme in contributing towards its overall goal of ‘increased economic and social participation of male and female youths in Zimbabwe.’ [90 pages] Read More...
Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities
CARE International in partnership with World Vision International in Zimbabwe implemented the DFID-funded project ‘Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe’ from August 2015 to April 2017 in response to the drought which had severely affected the southern areas of Zimbabwe. According to the 2015 ZIMVAC report, the 2014-15 total cereal production for all provinces was lower than the previous season and the five-year average. The ZIMVAC 2015 report forecasted that the 2015 harvests would be far below local and national needs, requiring a response by the government of Zimbabwe (GoZ) and other stakeholders (UN, NGOs and private sector) to fill the expected significant and potentially life-threatening food gaps. These food gaps were expected to be filled through the market, with private traders already active in moving cereals from areas of surplus to areas of high demand. [54 pages] Read More...
Youth Empowerment Project End of Project Narrative Report
Premised on the unifying framework for poverty eradication and social justice, the Youth Empowerment Project (YEP) funded by the Embassy of Sweden in Zimbabwe (EoS) was developed to address individual, household and community level constraints that impact on the ability of youth to move out of poverty. The project was informed by conclusions drawn from the Youth Sector Analysis commissioned by the Embassy of Sweden in 2012 and emerging issues and recommendations from the Kupfuma Ishungu Microfinance Project (KIMFP) final evaluation results/findings. Initially a three year project starting November 2013 YEP was extended by a further three months to end in January 2017. [63 pages] Read More...
ECRAS Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability Annual Report 2016/2017
The CARE led consortium has been one of the three consortiums implementing partners for the Zimbabwe Resilience Building Fund (ZRBF) UNDP and government of Zimbabwe programme for the July 2016 to June 2017 year. The consortium has been implementing the Enhancing Community Resilience and Sustainability (ECRAS) project in Chiredzi and Mwenezi districts of Masvingo province. The most common hazards for the two districts have been observed to be droughts and mid-season dry spells, crop and livestock pests and diseases resulting poor maize harvests, high cattle poverty death in the province and smallholder farmers getting very low prices for their cattle. Low lying wards in the two districts are prone to flooding. The 2016/17 agricultural season has been an exception. It was characterized by excessive rains which resulted in water logging, leaching and flooding. Potential crop yield was also negatively affected by breaks of armored cricket and fall armyworm. Flooding due to the effects of Tropical Cyclone Dineo resulted in loss of both human and livestock, washing away of some crop fields and damage to property such as houses, school and clinic buildings and destruction of bridges and roads. The cash crisis affecting the country has adversely affected some project interventions especially Village Savings and Lending (VSL). Some groups especially in Chiredzi have embraced use of Ecocash, in their savings and lending, in respond to the cash crisis. [62 pages] Read More...
LFSP APN Rural Finance Technical Assistance Facility Phase 2
The quarter under review witnessed an exponential growth of MicroPlan’s portfolio under the Rural Finance Project. The total number of clients almost doubled from an annual 2016 cumulative figure of 982 in December 2016 to 1786 clients by March 2017 representing an 81% client growth (804 clients) across the five branches within three months. The total rural finance loan portfolio grew by 55% from annual cumulative total of USD 629, 726 in December 2016 to USD 975,947.75 in March 2017. This growth demonstrates the financial institution’s ability to create business and claim a significant market share in the rural areas and move the rural branches towards sustainability and profitability for long term operation in rural areas. [16 pages] Read More...
Adaptable and effective: Cash in the face of multi-dimensional crisis
A summary of the learnings and recommendations from an internal and external evaluation of the Emergency Cash-First Response to Drought-Affected Communities in the Southern Provinces of Zimbabwe project which was carried out from August 2015 to May 2017. The external evaluation was carried out by Oxford Policy Management and is titled Zimbabwe ‘Cash First’ Humanitarian Response 2015-17. [8 pages]
Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Programme
The Zimbabwe Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Response (ZEFSMCTR) Program implementation commenced in April 2016 in Gokwe South; this was against a backdrop of increasing food insecurity in the targeted communities of the district. The Zimbabwe Vulnerability Assessment Committee’s (ZimVac) rapid assessment report of January 2016 had projected that 33% of households in the southern districts of the country would be food insecure during the peak hunger period (January to March 2016). The food insecurity was attributed to the El Nino phenomenon that resulted in poor crop and livestock performance resulting in a drought. The government of Zimbabwe declared a state of drought disaster for the 2015/16 agriculture season, on 4 February 2016 and appealed for humanitarian support of US$1.5 billion. [13 pages] Read More...
Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Programme- ECHO HIP
The Zimbabwe Emergency Food Security Mobile Cash Transfer Response (ZEFSMCTR) Program( HIP 2) implementation of the project commenced in February 2017 in Gokwe North district to mitigate the effects of the drought induced by El Nino. Under the programme CARE through ECHO funding, reached its target of 9 400 beneficiaries (4 446 men; 4 954 women), drawn from 1 799 households. The 9 400 food insecure people received their monthly cash entitlements meant to meet their basic household and nutrition needs from February up to April 2017. [18 pages] Read More...
Improving Agricultural Production and Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
OFDA funded Masvingo Eli Nino Recovery project (MERP) Has reached direct beneficiaries 7163(5082F;2021M) beneficiaries by March 2017.The project beneficiaries have been registered under project ‘s three main broad sectors. 6860(4557F;2303M) against a target of 6200 farmers across, Zaka Bikita and Chivi districts in October 2016. The registration was conducted after consultation with different stakeholders and the targeted communities.686 lead farmers were trained in climate smart agriculture and supported to cascade trainings to their 6,174 peer farmers through collaborative efforts with Government Extension workers. An aggregate of 260.68 metric tonnes comprising of sorghum, cow peas, velvet beans and top dressing fertiliser were distributed to 6,860 farmers. Thirty (30) agro-dealers (11F;19M) received training and subsequently distributed agricultural inputs through closed vouchers. 30 (23M;7F) para-veterinarians were trained with support from government Veterinary department.294 (126 F& 176 M) DRR champions were trained. [12 pages] Read More...
Improving Agricultural Production and Access to Water, Sanitation and Hygiene for Drought Affected Population Baseline
CARE International in Zimbabwe through funding from USAID OFDA is responding to current El Niño phenomenon which affected Zimbabwe in 2015-16 Agriculture season. The El Niño induced drought is anticipated to be one of the most severe in the past 35 years. Findings from the ZimVAC Assessment (2016) indicate that food insecurity has risen to affect at least 2.4 million people (26% of the total rural population); Masvingo Province has one of the highest proportions of food insecure people (32%) in the country. [32 pages]