Financial Inclusion
The present study is part of the development of an advocacy strategy that aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis of existing policies that may or may not be favorable to women entrepreneurs, the context and actors of their implementation in Côte d'Ivoire. To guide the design of a national advocacy strategy for the «Women in Enterprise» Program, with a focus on advocacy for the development of women entrepreneurs.
Data collection was carried out in Abidjan and in the regions of TONKPI and GBÊKÊ among actors involved in the issues of women's empowerment, financial inclusion and women's entrepreneurship.
Following data collection and data analysis, it appears that:
- Policy and institutional framework for women's empowerment, financial inclusion and entrepreneurship is provided.
- Government has made efforts to facilitate the creation of businesses through the Single Window CEPICI, but some conditions limit women in their process to start a business.
- Structures and programs have been created for entrepreneurship development and funds have been mobilized and made available to women, but access to these initiatives remains limited due to the conditions of grant and interest for some and lack of information for others.
At the end of the analyzes, barriers to the development of entrepreneurship were identified; these include low women education, limited access to credit, land and information related to entrepreneurial activities and lack of entrepreneurial culture.
Some recommendations for the development of women's entrepreneurship were formulated to the different institutional, technical and financial stakeholders and areas of cooperation for advocacy have been identified. Read More...
Data collection was carried out in Abidjan and in the regions of TONKPI and GBÊKÊ among actors involved in the issues of women's empowerment, financial inclusion and women's entrepreneurship.
Following data collection and data analysis, it appears that:
- Policy and institutional framework for women's empowerment, financial inclusion and entrepreneurship is provided.
- Government has made efforts to facilitate the creation of businesses through the Single Window CEPICI, but some conditions limit women in their process to start a business.
- Structures and programs have been created for entrepreneurship development and funds have been mobilized and made available to women, but access to these initiatives remains limited due to the conditions of grant and interest for some and lack of information for others.
At the end of the analyzes, barriers to the development of entrepreneurship were identified; these include low women education, limited access to credit, land and information related to entrepreneurial activities and lack of entrepreneurial culture.
Some recommendations for the development of women's entrepreneurship were formulated to the different institutional, technical and financial stakeholders and areas of cooperation for advocacy have been identified. Read More...
Women in Enterprise Phase II – Taking Enterprise Development for Women Empowerment to Scale – BASELINE STUDY REPORT
Care CIV through Care Nederland has received funding from the H & M Foundation to implement the Women in Enterprise project. This project has two phases, one of which is more focused on entrepreneurship training for women from VSLA groups and women's associations and awareness raising on women's entrepreneurship that has been implemented from June 2015 to March 2017.
In the second phase of the project, which began on April 1, 2017, credits will be granted to beneficiaries for the launch or development of their activities. However, before deploying the package of activities planned during this phase, a baseline study was conducted to get an idea of the situation or environment of the beneficiaries. The results of this study will serve as a basis for establishing the project's performance indicators and measuring the effects and impact of the project over time. Read More...
In the second phase of the project, which began on April 1, 2017, credits will be granted to beneficiaries for the launch or development of their activities. However, before deploying the package of activities planned during this phase, a baseline study was conducted to get an idea of the situation or environment of the beneficiaries. The results of this study will serve as a basis for establishing the project's performance indicators and measuring the effects and impact of the project over time. Read More...
CARE y Fundación Capital tienen una alianza estratégica en Perú con el fin de promover soluciones de inclusión financiera a través del desarrollo de iniciativas de fortalecimiento de capacidades financieras que incorporan elementos digitales. Por su parte, CARE ofrece una sólida presencia y capacidad operativa, construida a través del desarrollo de diferentes iniciativas enfocadas en promover el fortalecimiento económico y financiero entre población de bajos ingresos, principalmente mujeres emprendedores. Fundación Capital aporta su experiencia en el desarrollo de soluciones digitales diseñadas para cubrir las necesidades de la población de bajos ingresos en América Latina.
Dada la experiencia de LISTA y los buenos resultados obtenidos en países como Colombia, Honduras y México; CARE y Fundación Capital decidieron trabajar conjuntamente, usando LISTA como herramienta para la promoción de capacidades económicas y financieras en Perú, específicamente, en los departamentos de Piura y Junín.
Conéctate, es una iniciativa que busca llegar a 2,200 mujeres en el Perú través de la implementación de 3 componentes:
1. Asesoría móvil financiera, por medio de la cual se envían mensajes de texto o mensajes a través de grupos de WhatsApp, donde se refuerzan contenidos de educación financiera y se resuelven dudas o inquietudes a través de un modelo de asistente financiera.
2. LISTA Perú, una aplicación de educación financiera que funciona con tabletas digitales, las cuales son rotadas a través de las diferentes asociaciones de mujeres emprendedoras que participan en el proyecto.
3. Acercamiento a instituciones financieras, por medio del cual se busca acercar la oferta a la demanda de servicios financieros, a través de talleres presenciales donde algunas instituciones financieras presentes en la zona podrán promocionar los diferentes productos disponibles.
En el marco de esta experiencia se plantea la realización de una evaluación de resultados que tiene como fin analizar el desempeño de una muestra representativa de participantes en el proyecto. Con estos resultados, se busca recopilar evidencia empírica que sustente los resultados cualitativos y demuestre la efectividad del programa, así como sus diferentes mecanismos de transmisión entre las localidades, medidos en siete grupos de variables. Junto con la evaluación de procesos realizada en septiembre de 2019, este documento busca proveer insumos que permitan mejorar la implementación y realizar ajustes basados en evidencia para subsecuentes experiencias. Read More...
Dada la experiencia de LISTA y los buenos resultados obtenidos en países como Colombia, Honduras y México; CARE y Fundación Capital decidieron trabajar conjuntamente, usando LISTA como herramienta para la promoción de capacidades económicas y financieras en Perú, específicamente, en los departamentos de Piura y Junín.
Conéctate, es una iniciativa que busca llegar a 2,200 mujeres en el Perú través de la implementación de 3 componentes:
1. Asesoría móvil financiera, por medio de la cual se envían mensajes de texto o mensajes a través de grupos de WhatsApp, donde se refuerzan contenidos de educación financiera y se resuelven dudas o inquietudes a través de un modelo de asistente financiera.
2. LISTA Perú, una aplicación de educación financiera que funciona con tabletas digitales, las cuales son rotadas a través de las diferentes asociaciones de mujeres emprendedoras que participan en el proyecto.
3. Acercamiento a instituciones financieras, por medio del cual se busca acercar la oferta a la demanda de servicios financieros, a través de talleres presenciales donde algunas instituciones financieras presentes en la zona podrán promocionar los diferentes productos disponibles.
En el marco de esta experiencia se plantea la realización de una evaluación de resultados que tiene como fin analizar el desempeño de una muestra representativa de participantes en el proyecto. Con estos resultados, se busca recopilar evidencia empírica que sustente los resultados cualitativos y demuestre la efectividad del programa, así como sus diferentes mecanismos de transmisión entre las localidades, medidos en siete grupos de variables. Junto con la evaluación de procesos realizada en septiembre de 2019, este documento busca proveer insumos que permitan mejorar la implementación y realizar ajustes basados en evidencia para subsecuentes experiencias. Read More...
El presente documento constituye el Informe Final del “Estudio de Línea de Base del Proyecto Educación para el Desarrollo e Inclusión Financiera EFI", desarrollado por el equipo consultor de Mi Chacra de acuerdo a los términos de referencia de CARE Perú. La consultoría tenía el objetivo de evaluar los resultados y el impacto del proyecto, considerando sólo uno de sus ejes fundamentales, el referido a familias emprendedoras. El proyecto se desarrolló en los departamentos de Lambayeque, La Libertad, Junín y Arequipa, con la finalidad de validar un modelo replicable que contribuya al desarrollo económico de las familias menos favorecidas dentro de un entorno en el que tengan las herramientas necesarias para el acceso al sector financiero formal como elemento para el crecimiento de mediano plazo.
Además de presentar los resultados globales del trabajo de campo, consideramos imprescindible hacer una división a nivel departamental debido tanto a las diferencias en los desarrollos relativos de cada uno de ellos que existían desde la línea de base, como en el propio desarrollo del proyecto. La principal conclusión al observar los principales indicadores de resultado es que el proyecto ha conseguido o superado los objetivos propuestos, lo que se destaca y analiza con detalle en el presente informe final de la consultoría. Read More...
Además de presentar los resultados globales del trabajo de campo, consideramos imprescindible hacer una división a nivel departamental debido tanto a las diferencias en los desarrollos relativos de cada uno de ellos que existían desde la línea de base, como en el propio desarrollo del proyecto. La principal conclusión al observar los principales indicadores de resultado es que el proyecto ha conseguido o superado los objetivos propuestos, lo que se destaca y analiza con detalle en el presente informe final de la consultoría. Read More...
L’une des composantes du PEF GS vise essentiellement à promouvoir l’autonomisation économique ou pouvoir économique des femmes et des filles dans les zones d’intervention du projet. Cependant force est de reconnaitre que cette vision tarde à atteindre la globalité des objectifs de la composante qui est âprement inscrite dans la théorie de changement du projet.
Même si les femmes ont atteint un niveau réel et tangible dans leurs progrès vers l’autonomisation économique, il faudrait noter que leurs activités ne pourraient être développées que lorsqu’elles aient un accès viable aux crédits à travers les instituts des microfinances et les banques de la place. Un vrai partenariat gagnant-gagnant permettra aux femmes d’atteindre leur vision en termes d’entreprenariat et objectifs économiques durables.
Les thématiques de formations ont été dispensées au profit des femmes et des filles pour renforcer leurs capacités d’intervention et d’influences des pratiques en faveur des changements positifs.
C’est fort de ces constats dans le but de mieux orienter l’intervention pour un changement positif que Care Mali a engagé UNIVERS MANAGEMENT pour conduire une étude approfondie d’analyse participative relative au rôle des femmes dans le plaidoyer et l’inclusion financière. L’étude sera menée à travers des séries d’analyse participative sur la vulnérabilité des femmes, les contraintes/obstacles, affectant la situation socio-économique et culturelle des Femmes/Filles. Cette analyse permettra aux équipes des Projets GEWEP avec ses partenaires stratégiques (services techniques, élus, femmes des groupements/réseaux MJT, IFM) de développer de façon participative des stratégies et produits adaptés aux besoins spécifiques des femmes et des filles. Read More...
Même si les femmes ont atteint un niveau réel et tangible dans leurs progrès vers l’autonomisation économique, il faudrait noter que leurs activités ne pourraient être développées que lorsqu’elles aient un accès viable aux crédits à travers les instituts des microfinances et les banques de la place. Un vrai partenariat gagnant-gagnant permettra aux femmes d’atteindre leur vision en termes d’entreprenariat et objectifs économiques durables.
Les thématiques de formations ont été dispensées au profit des femmes et des filles pour renforcer leurs capacités d’intervention et d’influences des pratiques en faveur des changements positifs.
C’est fort de ces constats dans le but de mieux orienter l’intervention pour un changement positif que Care Mali a engagé UNIVERS MANAGEMENT pour conduire une étude approfondie d’analyse participative relative au rôle des femmes dans le plaidoyer et l’inclusion financière. L’étude sera menée à travers des séries d’analyse participative sur la vulnérabilité des femmes, les contraintes/obstacles, affectant la situation socio-économique et culturelle des Femmes/Filles. Cette analyse permettra aux équipes des Projets GEWEP avec ses partenaires stratégiques (services techniques, élus, femmes des groupements/réseaux MJT, IFM) de développer de façon participative des stratégies et produits adaptés aux besoins spécifiques des femmes et des filles. Read More...
Mid-Term Strategic Review of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity
CARE commissioned a Mid-Term Strategic Review (MTSR) of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity to formulate recommendations for the remaining life of the project to increase effectiveness in achieving sustainable impact. The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is being implemented in 27 Woredas in the three regions of Tigray, Amhara, and Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples and is just over the midway point in its five-year life from December 5, 2016, through December 3, 2021. The purpose of the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is to reduce food insecurity and increase resilience for 97,900 chronically food insecure households that are enrolled in the fourth cycle of the Government of Ethiopia’s Productive Safety Net Program (PSNP4), enabling them to graduate with resilience from the PSNP4.
The MTSR for the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity was a formative evaluation exercise intended to provide guidance on ways to improve the effectiveness of the program in achieving intended impact.
Relative to the four global learning questions for the MTSR (see page 4), the MTSR found that the model that the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is implementing is effective for achieving graduation with resilience, but because frontline delivery is constrained by the number of staff, their technical capacities and the degree of supervision and support that they receive, interventions are not always going deeply enough to ensure behavioral change. The program is empowering women both economically and socially through the VESA platform, but there are significant variations between regions; and outside of the VESA, there is some evidence to suggest that women’s empowerment has not yet been well incorporated, especially in value chain participation and MFI linkages. Progress is certainly being made in transferring ideas and knowledge to PSNP counterparts, but that has not yet translated into practice mainly because of resource constraints. Key approaches that need to be added or strengthened in the coming two years include expanding frontline delivery capacities, expanding efforts to ensure that strategies and approaches are well understood by implementation staff at all levels in all partners, ensuring that women’s empowerment is included in all approaches by all partners, and looking for new ways to facilitate access to jobs, either through self-employment or wage employment, for youth from PSNP households.
The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is already doing some very nice work in starting to achieve sustainable impact. The project has strong potential to be recognized as a “great” project if it can make some adjustments.
The MTSR for the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity was a formative evaluation exercise intended to provide guidance on ways to improve the effectiveness of the program in achieving intended impact.
Relative to the four global learning questions for the MTSR (see page 4), the MTSR found that the model that the Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is implementing is effective for achieving graduation with resilience, but because frontline delivery is constrained by the number of staff, their technical capacities and the degree of supervision and support that they receive, interventions are not always going deeply enough to ensure behavioral change. The program is empowering women both economically and socially through the VESA platform, but there are significant variations between regions; and outside of the VESA, there is some evidence to suggest that women’s empowerment has not yet been well incorporated, especially in value chain participation and MFI linkages. Progress is certainly being made in transferring ideas and knowledge to PSNP counterparts, but that has not yet translated into practice mainly because of resource constraints. Key approaches that need to be added or strengthened in the coming two years include expanding frontline delivery capacities, expanding efforts to ensure that strategies and approaches are well understood by implementation staff at all levels in all partners, ensuring that women’s empowerment is included in all approaches by all partners, and looking for new ways to facilitate access to jobs, either through self-employment or wage employment, for youth from PSNP households.
The Livelihoods for Resilience Activity is already doing some very nice work in starting to achieve sustainable impact. The project has strong potential to be recognized as a “great” project if it can make some adjustments.
PROFIT Financial Graduation
The PROFIT Financial Graduation Sub-Component, funded by the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) and the Government of Kenya (GOK), aimed to enable vulnerable women and youth to build sustainable livelihoods and reduce risk aversion on supply and demand sides of financial sustainability through a sequenced set of interventions, including an asset transfer, technical and life skills training, mentorship, consumption and savings support. The program targeted 1,000 women and youth in Kitui and 1,600 women in Samburu. Ultimately, the goal of the program is to place vulnerable households on an upward trajectory out of ultra-poverty.
Since January 2017, with technical assistance from BRAC USA, the PROFIT Financial Graduation program was implemented by The BOMA Project and CARE International Kenya in Samburu and Kitui, respectively. Expanding Opportunities conducted a quasi-experimental impact evaluation of the PROFIT Financial Graduation pilots by assessing changes in income, savings, food security, health, and confidence that can be reliably attributed to program activities. This report comprises the results of the endline impact evaluation. Read More...
Since January 2017, with technical assistance from BRAC USA, the PROFIT Financial Graduation program was implemented by The BOMA Project and CARE International Kenya in Samburu and Kitui, respectively. Expanding Opportunities conducted a quasi-experimental impact evaluation of the PROFIT Financial Graduation pilots by assessing changes in income, savings, food security, health, and confidence that can be reliably attributed to program activities. This report comprises the results of the endline impact evaluation. Read More...
Skilling for change – final evaluation report
This 73 page document describes endline findings of the CARE International Skilling for Change progr... Read More...
Projet d’Ameélioration des conditions de vie et d’investissement (PACI) Evaluation finale
This 40 page document highlights the results of the PACI project funded by the Cartier Foundation Read More...
Final Evaluation Multi-stakeholder Model for Ending Gender-Based Violence Project Kayah
The “Multi-Stakeholder Model for Ending Gender-based Violence (GBV)” project in Kayah State involves collaborating with a range of stakeholders to put in place a model designed to prevent and respond to GBV in Kayah state. This new phase of the project, started in 2018, intervened in 92 villages belonging to three townships: Loikaw, Demoso and Phruso, with a total target population of 56.863. The methodology employed a mixed-methods approach, with qualitative data collection through KIIs and FGDs and quantitative data, in the form of household surveys.
The overall objectives of the end of project evaluation are:
• To determine the project’s achievements of its objectives and outcomes.
• To identify intended and unintended outcomes, best practices, lessons learned and recommendations to improve future programming in terms of sustainability. Read More...
The overall objectives of the end of project evaluation are:
• To determine the project’s achievements of its objectives and outcomes.
• To identify intended and unintended outcomes, best practices, lessons learned and recommendations to improve future programming in terms of sustainability. Read More...
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