Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

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Broadening gender: Why masculinities matter Attitudes, practices and gender-based violence in four districts in Sri Lanka

This study brings out key risk factors in relation to violence against women, childhood trauma and men’s own experience of violence. The study also highlights key findings, which have implications for organizations working in child protection, sexual and reproductive health, men’s health and in youth programming.

This study highlights the need for more focused and scaled up approaches to engage men in the discourse of violence against women, as well as the need to transform women’s own attitudes about violence in diverse forms. CARE is committed to working in partnership with women, communities, civil society, governments, donors and the private sector to implement these recommendations. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis: Yemen

Rapid gender analysis provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining the relationships between women, men, boys and girls. Due to the current security situation and limited access in Yemen this document is meant as an initial analysis of gender relations in Yemen. Nevertheless the initial gender analysis and recommendations for more gender sensitive programming should inform programming to ensure that we meet the differing needs and protect women, men, boys and girls. Read More...

Republic of Fiji Tropical Cyclone Josie and Tropical Cyclone Keni Rapid Gender, Protection and Inclusion Analysis

This rapid gender, protection and inclusion analysis is designed to provide initial information about gender roles, responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities of women, men, girls and boys, people with disabilities, SOGIESC and other marginalised people prior to and after TCs Josie and Keni. It provides a snapshot of the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of particular groups in the affected communities and helps us to understand some of the key gender, protection and inclusiveness in the aftermath of the cyclones. Taking into consideration the rapidly changing context and limited information, this analysis seeks to understand how different groups might be impacted by recent events and provide practical programming and operational recommendations to meet differing needs, ensure we ‘do no harm’ and wherever feasible, identify windows of opportunity to advance gender equality. Read More...

Rapid Gender Analysis Tropical Cyclone Winston

Women, men, boys and girls, and minority groups, will experience differing immediate and longer term impacts from Tropical Cyclone Winston. This Rapid Gender Analysis is intended to ensure these differing needs and priorities are taken into account in order to deliver an effective response that meets everyone’s needs. The analysis begins with an outline of gender equality and women’s empowerment in Fiji based principally on secondary data.

The objectives of this Rapid Gender Analysis are:
1. To inform Live and Learn-CARE's programming based on the different needs of women,
men, boys, and girls of different groups including people with disabilities; and
2. To support the Safety and Protection cluster in advocating for protection-integrated
programming throughout Fiji.

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Lombok Earthquakes Indonesia

A Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining their roles and their relationships, and the implications of these during displacement. As the response is affected by the aftershocks and the continued immediate response and evacuation, this document is intended to provide an initial foundational analysis of gender dynamics, drawing on pre crisis information and the immediate rapid survey conducted by country office staff. As the response continues and evolves, additional information, observation and data will help to expand the detail, and provide more nuanced recommendations.

The objectives of this RGA, therefore, were to better understand how women, men, girls and boys are affected by the earthquakes, the impact of the earthquakes on gender dynamics, and emerging opportunities to provide an emergency response that meets the differing needs and vulnerabilities of women, men, boys and girls. Read More...

CARE Rapid Gender analysis – Serang & Pandeglang districts, Sunda Strait Tsunami, Indonesia December 25 – 31, 2018

A Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) helps understand pre-existing power dynamics between women and men as well as existing vulnerabilities women, men, boys and girls were facing; it provide information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of these groups in a crisis, power dynamics between different gender/age groups and pre-existing vulnerabilities and practical programming and operational recommendations to meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls and to ensure we ‘do no harm’.

CARE International in Indonesia (CII) is present in Serang town (inland) and Serang Regency among the most impacted area with an ongoing WASH in schools project implemented jointly by CARE and partner Bina Masyarakat Peduli (BMP). There is no information about potential damage on the schools or infrastructure supported by CARE yet but two of the schools for replication are in affected areas. RGAs were conducted in Sulawesi and Lombok to ensure the responses integrated gender dimensions from the very beginning.

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Papua New Guinea – Highlands earthquake

Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) provides information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining their roles and their relationships. Due to the current limited access to the areas affected by the Highlands earthquake, this document is meant as an initial analysis of gender roles and relations, drawing on pre-crisis information and the limited data that has become available since the disaster. Its purpose is to better understand the gender dynamics within the populations CARE PNG serves.

The objectives are to better understand:
 how women, men, girls and boys are affected by the earthquake
 the impact of the earthquake on gender dynamics
 emerging opportunities to provide an emergency response that meets the differing needs and protect women,
men, boys and girls.

Tropical Cyclone Gita Kingdom of Tonga Rapid Gender Analysis Sub-focus on Shelter and Food Security and Livelihoods

TC Gita passed through the Kingdom of Tonga on 12 February 2018 as a Category 4 cyclone. Seventy five percent of the population or 79,556 people have been affected. The island of Tongatapu where the capital Nuku’alofa is located and the nearby island of ‘Eua suffered the greatest impact.

This rapid gender analysis (RGA) is designed to provide initial information about gender roles, responsibilities, capacities and vulnerabilities of women, men, girls and boys, SOGIE and other marginalised people prior to and after
TC Gita. It provides a snapshot of the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of particular groups in the
affected communities. Taking into consideration the tight time-frame, rapidly changing context and limited information.

CARE Rapid Gender Analysis, Latin America and the Caribbean – The Bahamas / Hurricane Dorian, September 2019

CARE is not operational in The Bahamas so is contributing this remotely conducted Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) based on secondary data relevant to the crisis and its experience in gender analysis and gender in emergencies globally.

The objectives of this initial RGA are to present some early findings and recommendations related to the impact of the crisis on women, men, boys and girls. The intention is to not only inform CARE’s own understanding, but also to provide useful information and recommendations to actors responding to the current crisis to support them deliver gender-appropriate interventions, including UN agencies, Bahamian disaster response authorities, local and international NGOs, and other service providers such as churches and volunteer groups. Read More...

Latin America & Caribbean: Venezuelan Migrants & Refugees in Colombia

This Rapid Gender Analysis provides preliminary information and observations on the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of Venezuelan migrant and refugee women, men, boys, and girls in Colombia. It seeks to understand how gender roles and relations have changed as a result of the crisis and share recommendations for how the humanitarian community can more effectively consider these changing dynamics to better meet the different needs of women, men, boys and girls of different ages, abilities and other contextually relevant forms of diversity. Read More...

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