Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
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Key findings from CARE’s rapid gender analysis in Rhino and Imvepi settlements, March 2017
Methodology: RGA can provide information about the different needs, capacities and coping strategies of women, men, boys and girls in a crisis by examining the experiences and relationships between women, men, boys and girls. However, an RGA should be built up progressively, and therefore the forthcoming report will provide an initial but incomplete insight into the gendered situation within the South Sudanese refugee community in West Nile. Read More...
Improving Effective Coverage of Maternal, New-born and Child Health Interventions for Reducing Preventable Child Deathsin Tangail and Khulna
designed to address main causes of newborn deaths (birth asphyxia, infection, prematurity)
to increase availability, utilization of quality MNCH-&-Nutrition services by
- increasing, sustaining of effective coverage of selected interventions;
- strengthening health system with increased availability & access to quality MNCH services;
-positive behaviour & social norm change through community participation & ownership for effective demand creation for increased utilization of MNCH services.
A baseline study in 2015 and an endline evaluation study in 2018 were implemented by UNICEF. Here are the endline study findings with corresponding baseline findings where necessary.
Improving Sexual, Reproductive Health and Rights Including Maternal and Newborn Health in Bangladesh
Before implementation of the project a baseline study in 5 project districts (Patuakhali, Rangamati, Sirajganj, Jamalpur and Moulvibazar) with 4 comparison districts (Barguna, Khagrachhari, Lalmonirhat and Sylhet), implemented by UNICEF and conducted by SURCH between 9th May and 18th August 2018
Pathways Project End of Project Evaluation Report
Pathways has met and, in most cases, surpassed targets set in its M&E framework. In the words of women themselves the project has worked very well, focusing on groundnuts and soybean as high-value cash crop substitutes for tobacco because of their high potential for markets, ability to replenish the lost soil fertility and strong nutritional value. It has grown from working with 9,000 to 14,282 farmers (hosting a population of 71,410 people), organising them into 1,528 groups. Women provide leadership to most of the groups after being transformed to become successful wives, farmers and entrepreneurs who can make independent decisions and speak in public.
In 2015 alone, collective sale revenues from groundnuts and soy amounted to MK128, 601,938 (US$233,821.7) and rose to MK854, 356,267 (US$751,511) by the end of 2017. Contract farming organized by the project contributed US$34,233 to these revenues. In 2014, the project conducted 188 community-wide gender dialogue sessions and reached out to 9,654 people, 7193 female and 2464 male, helping them to internalize and address gender inequalities. Men have generally started looking at women as partners in agriculture and development that is cementing marriage bonds and creating an enabling environment for women to succeed. Along with this, CARE Malawi linked women farmers to key players in the groundnut and soy value chains to help them excel.
As a consequence, by December 2016 a total of 246 farmer groups had accounts with OIBM and other banks through which they saved MK49, 175,577 and 6 VSLs accessed two group loans worth MK4,800,000 (US$7,804.88) which they invested in agriculture, business and VSL activities. VSLs profited and shared out US$871,178 in the year, with more benefits seen in 2017 when savings accumulated to US$3,756,435 e.g. earnings of MK47, 489.32 to MK204, 769.33 per household on average. In turn, per capita household monthly incomes and expenditures doubled by the time the project closed in December 2018. Although agricultural productivity continued to decline over the project life due to poor weather conditions, Pathways farmers remained food secure and continued to eat at least two meals a day. Household dietary diversity (HDDS) and women intra-household food access (AHA) data from this evaluation found levels of consumption to be acceptable and typical of food secure households. These results showcase that Pathways beneficiaries have grown their incomes, assets and food availability in the face of the changing climate and are better off even in difficult years. Read More...
Projet Haïti Gagne, Lire, Ecrire et Réussir
La comparaison des résultats de l’évaluation mi-parcours et ceux de l’étude de base montrent que les élèves, en particulier ceux de la 2e AF, cette année ont obtenu de meilleurs scores dans presque toutes les sous-taches. Indépendamment des caractéristiques sociodémographiques (niveau et département) des élèves, la proportion des élèves qui ont obtenu zéro, cette année a diminué dans presque toutes les sous-taches, par rapport à celle observée au cours de l’année académique antérieure. Read More...
Final Evaluation Partnership for Learning
At the end of the project, 53,059 girls and boys had been enrolled by the project in 465 partner schools. The enrollment rate of formerly out of school children age 5-17 supported by the project (parent survey data) is estimated as 95.4% in school year 2017-2018, compared to 92.0% among the children age 5-17 from randomly sampled households. There was a statistically significant difference (chi-squared = 14.399, df=3, p<0.01) in the enrolment rate per department, with the department of Centre having the lowest rate of children 5-17 years in school (93.0%) and Grand’Anse with the highest at 97.7%. Read More...
Promote the resilience of disaster affected urban populations in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
An external evaluation was carried out to collect quantitative and qualitative data through structured survey, key informant interviews and focus group discussions. The study was conducted in the project targeted UCs of Peshawar and with the stakeholders involved. The evaluation was based on Organization of Economic Cooperation and Development – Development Assistance Committee (OECD-DAC) criteria including relevance, effectiveness, efficiency, impact and sustainability. In addition, the evaluation focused on project management and verification of DRR mitigation schemes rehabilitated.
Project Goal: To increase the protection and confidence of South Sudanese refugee women and girls fleeing to Uganda by reducing their vulnerability and that of the host communities. In particular, the project targets Persons with Specific Needs (PSNs), women and girls, through the promotion of human dignity, increased resilience, and improved protection. Read More...
Lifesaving Shelter, Protection and Livelihoods for South Sudanese Refugees in Omugo Zone, Rhino Settlement, Arua District, West Nile Region in Uganda
The objective of the Baseline survey for the NMFA2 project The objective was to generate baseline data and assess the status quo regarding access to shelter, reported or perceived protection from GBV, sexual exploitation and abuse and coverage of Livelihood interventions. Data was collected from 371 refugees and the report focuses at three thematic areas, to be implemented under the NMFA project – Lifesaving shelter, protection form GBV, sexual exploitation and abuse and Livelihood component targeting the general project beneficiary population. Read More...
Le programme travaille dans 30 communes du Niger soit environ 10% de l’ensemble des communes du pays. Ces communes comptent près de 3 136 812 habitants, soit 16% de la population du pays. La phase II du PROMEESS court sur la période 2016-2019. L’évaluation endline intervient en fin 2018, et fournit des informations sur les principales réalisations (services, produits, et changements (effets) dans les conditions économiques, sociales et politiques des femmes. L’évaluation endline sanctionne la phase
actuelle, mais servira également de baseline (référence) pour la phase suivante. Read More...
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