Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
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The Pacific Partnerships for Gender Equality Project-Solomon Islands Baseline Assessment Report
L’objectif global du programme est le suivant : « Les femmes et les filles en RDC et au Burundi participent de manière significative à la prévention, à la résolution, à la médiation des conflits, à la protection et à la consolidation de la paix ». Afin d’atteindre cet objectif, le programme met en oeuvre une stratégie axée sur des activités de sensibilisation et de réflexion, le renforcement des capacités des organisations de la société civile, des leaders communautaires, autorités locales et des réseaux de base ainsi que le lobbying et le plaidoyer aux niveaux local, provincial, national et régional pour accroître la participation des femmes dans les instances de prise de décisions.
Pour vérifier l’atteinte de cet objectif, IRSAC a mis en oeuvre une méthodologie mixte, combinant méthodes quantitatives (réalisées au moyen d’un questionnaire) et méthodes qualitatives (à travers l’organisation de Focus Groupes et d’entretiens semi-structurés), complétés par la recherche documentaire.
La présente évaluation s’est concentrée sur la pertinence, la cohérence et l’efficacité aussi bien du programme lui-même (la gouvernance du programme, le partenariat et le niveau d’atteinte des résultats) que de la stratégie mise en oeuvre.
L’étude a évalué l’efficacité de la structure de gouvernance de MAnU 2.0 et le partenariat au sein de MAnU 2.0 et vérifié la mesure dans laquelle cette structure a contribué à l’atteinte des objectifs du consortium en matière de participation effective des organisations partenaires et groupes cibles dans la prise de décisions. Quant au partenariat au sein et en dehors de MAnU 2.0, l’évaluation a analysé son caractère équitable et sa valeur ajoutée en matière de promotion de la Résolution 1325 du Conseil de sécurité des Nations Unies. Ce faisant, l’étude conclut que la structure de gouvernance MAnU.2.0, composée de différentes entités couvrant le niveau local jusqu’au niveau régional (cf. infra), offre aux groupes cibles la possibilité de participer et d’influencer la prise des décisions au niveau local jusqu’au niveau régional, à travers en particulier, leur participation dans les réunions des Equipes de Coordination Locale aux niveaux des axes ( Nord Kivu, Sud Kivu et Burundi) et que leurs points de vue peuvent être ramenés au niveau du CRG à travers les points focaux des axes qui participent aux assises du CRG. Read More...
Sudan – Khartoum, Al Gezira, East Darfur, South Darfur Rapid Gender Analysis
Data from the RGA shows that despite women taking on more income-generating responsibilities, they continue to have unequal decision-making rights within the household. One of the biggest changes in gender roles has been the emergence of more women in the labor force. Men and women alike reported feeling that the only job opportunities currently available are for women. As such, women are increasingly working outside of the household to financially provide for their families. Despite this change, the division of household unpaid care work has not shifted; in most cases, the burden of caretaking for the family is shouldered by women and has only expanded since schools have closed. Therefore, while most women feel they have gained marginally more decision-making power within the household, it has been primarily related to caregiving tasks and making choices around pursuing different types of income-generating opportunities.
Similarly, women are playing important roles in the humanitarian response, but they remain sidelined from humanitarian decision-making. Many of the patriarchal norms that have been long-present in Sudanese culture that restrict women’s agency and participation in the public sphere have continued. Read More...
Guatemala: A food insecurity constant reality
CARE’s Fast and Fair COVID-19 campaign: Comprehensive local-to-global impact
In November 2020, CARE launched the Fast and Fair campaign to push for fairness and efficiency in the global COVID-19 vaccination effort. We skillfully leveraged our global reach and influence to build and maintain support for more comprehensive funding for vaccine delivery while working hand-in-hand with national and local governments in 34 countries to get the vaccines into the arms of those most in need. Our advocacy and influencing of US and global policy, along with our deep engagement in communities and years of programming investments drove systems-level change that contributed to 21.2 million people getting fully vaccinated in 29 countries. To determine the comprehensive impact of the Fast and Fair campaign, we utilized country case studies, internal program data, and an external evaluation. These sources all affirmed CARE's advocacy and influencing contributions to the global vaccination effort, resulting in millions of vaccinations at the last mile. Read More...
Fast and Fair Country Case Studies: Mini Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting (AIIR) Tool Analysis
Global Covid-19 Supplemental Campaign: A case study to assess the efficacy of CARE and the coalition’s advocacy strategies
Fighting for the Least Vaccinated
Women and men reported facing challenges in sustaining their eating habits in the months and weeks to come, with women and girls reporting more difficulty maintaining current consumption patterns. 75% of the women’s FGDs reported that they would not be able to sustain current eating habits at all and only one all-women’s group estimated their normal food consumption to continue for only 2 weeks. All 4 men’s groups reported that they would all be able to maintain current eating habits, but only for approximately 30-90 days beyond survey time.
RISING FOOD PRICES: ⅔ of participants attributed the rise in food prices to the political crisis and subsequently imposed sanctions. Maize and rice, staple items in most household diets, are reported to have increased by 75% and 28% respectively one month after the crisis. Read More...
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