Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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START Network Alert 630 Tuvalu (Drought)-Learning Grant Water and Hygiene Assessment Findings Report
This survey was completed as part of a grant under the START learning initiative, and the main purpose was to conduct a water and hygiene focused needs assessment for drought-affected populations on the three northern islands of Nanumea, Nanumanga and Niutao, with a particular focus on gender and inclusion. The northern islands can be difficult to reach and are often not included in research projects for this reason. Conducting a needs assessment provides data that national and local actors can use to inform ongoing drought response efforts, particularly around longer-term, equitable access to water, as well as assisting in better planning and delivery in future responses. The number of people surveyed was 258, representing 22% of the total population aged 13 and over (although a few 12 year olds were included). A survey conducted in October 2022 by the Tuvalu National Disaster Management Office provided a starting point for the START learning grant exercise.
Promoción del desarrollo económico rural en mujeres y jóvenes de la region Lempa (PROLEMPA)
La evaluación final de PROLEMPA se realizó con base en los criterios de evaluación relevancia, eficiencia, efectividad, impacto y sostenibilidad; el análisis de los enfoques de género y empoderamiento de mujeres, y sostenibilidad ambiental; y la identificación de aprendizajes y buenas prácticas, dando respuesta a las preguntas de evaluación que guiaron el análisis, interpretación y emisión de juicios de valor. Se utilizó una metodología mixta (cualitativa y cuantitativa) con un abordaje participativo que ubicó a las personas en el centro del análisis y la reflexión sobre la gestión y agencia de su desarrollo. Se utilizaron fuentes primarias (productores y productoras de café, liderazgo de las organizaciones de productores, representantes de empresas exportadoras de café, Redes Municipales De Mujeres, Red Regional De Mujeres Lencas, representantes de Oficinas Municipales De La Mujer, Oficinas Municipales De Juventud, emprendedores y emprendedoras, empresas y actores del sector turismo, equipos técnicos de las organizaciones socias del consorcio y socias locales, entre otras. Read More...
HATUTAN Endline Evaluation
Uganda: Food insecurity a pressing concern
Final Report: Her Money Her Life (HMHL) – Gender Survey of Tea and Spices Farming Communities in Korogwe and Bumbuli, Tanga region
The purpose of the survey was to gather gender gaps and issues to use in informing the implementation of phase 2 HMHL project. The survey interviewed 170 farmers (96 women and 74 men) from seven villages in Korogwe and Bumbuli districts. Read More...
7th Pacific Regional Conference on Disability
Rapid Gender Analysis Ukraine October 2023
The war in Ukraine is not gender neutral. Since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, women and men have been playing distinct and specific roles. As the humanitarian crisis ensues, a general trend has emerged: women are often providing alone for their families while facing loss of income, family separation, and massive disruptions in the provision of essential services; whilst many men are engaged in the more direct war efforts on the frontlines, exposing themselves to potential death, severe injuries and mental health distress. Although Ukraine has not yet adopted full
conscription, men between ages 18-60 may be called into military service unless they have legal grounds for deferment or exclusion. Many Ukrainian women have also voluntarily enrolled in the military and territorial defense forces.1 Yet, the mobilization of men is deeply rooted in beliefs around masculinity related to self-sacrifice on the battlefield and the defense of their country and family, which reinforces notions of feminine roles rooted in reproductive care. The implications of amplified and more polarized beliefs around gender roles will continue with the ongoing war and its aftermath, particularly for those who may not fit those social norms and expectations, such as people with disabilities and LGBTQI+ individuals. Read More...
Gaza Strip Rapid Gender Analysis: Brief
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