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CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Um Rakuba Camp and Tunaydbah Settlement, Eastern Sudan April 2021

Since 9 November 2020, Ethiopian and Eritrean asylum seekers have been arriving in Eastern Sudan, fleeing a military escalation in the Tigray region in northern Ethiopia. Eastern Sudan is facing multiple challenges including high levels of food insecurity, flood recovery, increased militarisation on the Sudan and Ethiopia border, as well as the COVID-19 pandemic and the impacts of mitigation and containment measures. As of 17th April (latest situation report), the UN Refugee Agency (UNHCR) and the Government’s Commissioner for Refugees (COR) registered 62,850 individuals who have crossed the border into Eastern Sudan. It is estimated that 36% of the arrivals are female and 64% are male. Further estimations show that 27% of the arrivals are children (0-17years); out of which 8% are below 5 years. Elderly (+60years) comprise 4% and Adults (18-59 years) 69% of the arrivals. Of those who arrived, data as of January 2021, showed 15,056 are women and girls of reproductive age and 1,365 currently pregnant women. Primary data collection, through FGDs, KIIs and Individual Stories, took place between 16-18th February 2021, in Um Rakuba camp and Tunaydbah settlement.

RGA objectives were to:
• Better understand, the main needs, priorities and coping strategies of women, men, girls and boys,
as well as at-risk groups in Um Rakuba camp and Tunaydbah settlement
• Identify how CARE and the wider humanitarian community can adapt and design targeted services
and assistance to meet these needs, ensuring we do no harm. Read More...

Proyecto DECABI

El proyecto DECABI ha sido ejecutado entre los meses de marzo 2006 y mayo 2007, en la región fronter... Read More...

Rapport évaluation finale dipecho iii

Evaluation final (91 pages) sur le projet DIPECHO III sur la securite alimentaire et la reduction de... Read More...


This 72 page document highlights the activities and impact of the Mangrove management, DRR program i... Read More...

Mangrove project evaluation

This 72 page project describes the approaches of community-based adaptation of mangroves, DRR, and c... Read More...

Farimbonga baseline study

Les districts de Vatomandry, Brickaville et Mahanoro qui sont localisés sur la côte Est Malgache font partie des districts les plus à risques en cas de catastrophes naturelles en particulier les cyclones et les inondations. Compte tenu de l’historique et de la probabilité que d’autres catastrophes naturelles se produisent dans le futur, CARE avec le financement d’ECHO met en œuvre un projet de «renforcement de la résilience des communautés les plus vulnérables par l'intermédiaire d'actions de réduction de risques de catastrophes inclusives à Madagascar » d’une durée de 21 mois.

Etude de base, 65 pages

MAHAFATOKY project final evaluation

CARE Madagascar a mis en œuvre un projet qui s’intitule MAHAFATOKY dont l’objectif est d’accroître la résilience de 50.000 ménages dans les deux districts côtiers de la Région SAVA. Généralement, les actions tournent autour des renforcements de capacités pour que la population cible, notamment les plus vulnérables, s’adapte à réduire les effets néfastes du changement climatique sur leur sécurité alimentaire. L’objectif du projet Mahafatoky est de renforcer la résilience des 50000 ménages dans les deux districts côtiers de la Région SAVA à Madagascar, par une plus grande capacité à s’adapter aux effets du changement sur leur sécurité alimentaire et à réduire ces effets. Le projet comprend trois volets essentiels et complémentaires: i) La Gestion des risques et des catastrophes, ii) La sécurité alimentaire et iii) Le groupe d’épargne villageois. Ces trois volets se répartissent en sept (7) résultats attendus (RA) dont les analyses des valeurs actuelles de chaque indicateur sont développées dans ce rapport. Au terme du projet, les bénéficiaires finaux du projet sont de 73 032 ménages soit 365.160 Personnes qui représentent 146% de l’objectif fixé. (118 pages) Read More...

Sabal Midterm Evaluation Report

The goal of the Sabal project is to increase the resilience and food security of targeted vulnerable populations in Nepal. The project, funded by USAID's Food For Peace from 2014-19, commenced in 2014 and is scheduled to end 2019. CARE is one of 7 technical partners and 17 local NGO implementing partners. Save the Children is the overall program leader and primarily responsible for implementation.

The project has three primary “purposes”: 1) livelihoods, 2) health and nutrition, and 3) disaster risk reduction/climate change adaptation (DRR/CCA), as well as a cross-cutting component for gender and social inclusion. Under each design element are sub-purposes and accompanying activities that are meant to achieve sub-purpose goals but also to contribute to cross-purpose outcomes, as part of the desired integration strategy. (123 page evaluation) Read More...

Evaluation Initiale du projet de renforcement de la résilience des communautés les plus vulnérables par l’intermédiaire d’actions de réduction de risques de catastrophes inclusives à Madagascar

Du fait de sa situation géographique dans le sud-ouest de l'océan Indien, Madagascar est le deuxième pays d'Afrique le plus exposé à de multiples risques de catastrophe. Entre 2000 et 2017, Madagascar a enregistré 19 catastrophes majeures déclenchées par l'environnement nécessitant une assistance internationale, ce qui le place bien devant tout autre pays en Afrique australe au cours de la même période. Parmi les divers aléas auxquels le pays est exposé, les tempêtes tropicales et les inondations sont ceux qui causent le plus de dommages socio-économiques et de pertes de vies humaines.
Les districts de Mahajanga I, Mahajanga II et Marovoay qui sont localisés sur la côte Ouest Malgache font partie des districts à risques en cas de catastrophes naturelles en particulier les cyclones et les inondations. Compte tenu de l’historique et de la probabilité que d’autres catastrophes naturelles se produisent au niveau de la zone dans le futur, CARE avec le financement d’ECHO met en oeuvre un projet d’amélioration de la résilience des populations et des institutions pour faire face aux risques de catastrophes d’une durée de 21 mois dans la Région Boeny sur la côte ouest de Madagascar.
A cet effet, CARE a procédé à un appel à consultance pour la réalisation d’une évaluation de référence incluant une enquête sur les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des communautés cibles du projet qui utilisera des méthodes qualitatives et quantitatives et dont le but est de collecter des données de référence qui aideront éventuellement les parties prenantes du projet à tirer des conclusions rigoureuses sur la performance du projet (pertinence, efficience, efficacité, impact, durabilité) à la fin du projet. Read More...

Enhancing resilience through improved food security, disaster risk reduction and peaceful co-existence In South and East Darfur

This base line survey was conducted for the project “Enhancing resilience through improved food security, disaster risk reduction and peaceful co-existence in South and East Darfur.” The baseline was designed to collect data in the targeted communities in South and East Darfur State to assess the situation before the start of the project and determine the benchmarks for the designed project indicators. The baseline used mixed methods for data collection, including: desk review of project documents, individual interviews with household leaders using structured questionaires, FGDs with representatives from different groups in the communities, KIIs with institutional representatives.
The targeted areas in East and South Darfur are suffering from acute and chronic malnutrition. It is widespread and poses a significant public health problem, caused by acute food insecurity, unstable livelihoods, limited health services, poor hygiene practices and the lack of access to adequate safe drinking water and sanitation practices.
Women and children travel far distance to fetch water. During the rainy season, people may get poor quality water, which negatively affects their health. The government institutions have very poor capacity and lack the required logistics to provide good and sustainable water supply.
Women and girls are vulnerable to GBV, especially when they go far distances seeking different services such as water collection, firewood, farming, marketing and markets.
Women also face a very high burden, as they are responsible and participating in all household chores such as childcare, farming, fetching water, and transporting products to markets. This negatively affects children's nutrition and hygiene practices and exacerbates malnutrition. On other hand they have a limited access to resources and income-generating activities, and do not share any responsibilities in community structure, where men alone control and have access of most resources and have more decision-making power than women.
847,126 people in South Darfur and 124,351 in East Darfur are in IPC Phase 3 or higher and unable to meet their immediate needs. Kass and East Jebel Mara in South Darfur have the highest number of people experiencing acute food insecurity at 25% and 35% respectively, which need urgent intervention to contribute in reduction of acute food insecurity caused by currency devaluation, inflation, and local conflict is hitting both states.

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