Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Growing Nutrition for Mothers and Children (GROW) Program Baseline

CARE is currently implementing the Growing Nutrition for Mothers and Children (GROW) program, with funding provided by Global Affairs Canada, in the East Hararghe and West Hararghe Zones of Oromia Region (six Woredas in each Zone) and in Afar Region (two Woredas). In total, GROW is being implemented in 164 Kebeles found in 14 Woredas. The goal of the program is to improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age and boys and girls under 5 years in Ethiopia. This baseline study was conducted to obtain baseline values for the key GROW program areas. Read More...

Abdiboru Project Mini-Assessment Report

Improving adolescent reproductive health and nutrition through structural solutions is a project to be implemented in West Hararghe zone, Oromia, Ethiopia. The project is implemented in four selected woredas of West Hararghe Zone: Chiro, Boke, Mesela and Anchar. It is a five-year project running from October 2015 to September 2020.

Abdiboru project seeks to test a set of interventions, including social norms and structural issues, aimed at improving the reproductive health and nutritional status of adolescent girls; specifically reduction of early marriage, improving educational attainment, gender equitable food allocation, contraception use and empowerment. The intervention target are adolescent girls in the age group 10-14 year. However, adolescent boys, adult male and female community members, parents, husbands, in-laws, school environment, governmental structure, religious leaders and other influential people in their area are also important stakeholders of the project. Read More...

Lowland Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene Activity Baseline Report

This baseline survey was carried out for the USAID-funded Lowland WASH Activity in the Afar, Somali and SNNP regions of Ethiopia from April to May 2016. Lowland WASH aims to accelerate the expansion of improved sustainable drinking water supply and sanitation access and to catalyze enhanced hygiene behaviors, while also expanding sustainable water use for agriculture for populations vulnerable to drought and climate change.

The main objectives of the survey are to provide benchmark data to:  Develop an evidence-based strategy and implementation plan for improving WASH coverage, facilities, and management at community level; and  Set the basis for tracking (through future repeat surveys) changes that will be induced by Lowland WASH activities on the ground, and thus monitor the progress and performance of Lowland WASH.

Community Empowerment Initiatives Component ADB Road Sector Improvement Project Final Evaluation


Early Childhood Care and Development Project Baseline Study

The ECDE project implemented in Chattisgarh focuses towards strengthening five domains – Health, Nut... Read More...

Rapport D’Évaluation Final Project Katye Noy Pi Bel

This 70 page document highlights the final results of the Katye Nou Pi Bèl project funded by the Eur... Read More...

Stabilité au Sahel Programme


Women’s Empowerment Program Global Evaluation: 2009-2013


Kadugli Emergency Water Supply Project (KEWSP) Final Evaluation Report

KEWSP aimed to reduce the incidence of morbidity and mortality from water related diseases by increa... Read More...

North Kordofan Water Harvesting Project Final Narrative Report

Over 85% of households are engaged in rain-fed subsistence agriculture. Project beneficiaries obtain... Read More...

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