Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.

With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.

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Adolescent Mothers Against All Odds Learning Report

Adolescent Mothers against All Odds (AMAL) Initiative was designed to meet the immediate needs of pregnant adolescents and first-time mothers in crisis-affected settings, while simultaneously addressing community consciousness and engagement around gender, power, and social norms. Using Syria’s context as a frame, this program was developed through an iterative process of adapting global approaches for humanitarian crisis-affected settings. Read More...

Village Savings and Loan Associations as Economic Drivers

Exploring impacts of Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) at micro level to understand their potential to contribute to the Tanzanian economy

Savings-led microfinance innovation aims to improve access to financial services in remote areas, especially among women. CARE International has been the leading innovator in the field and has initiated Village Savings and Loan Association (VSLA) programmes across Tanzania. CARE aims to increase members in Tanzania to 8 million by 2025 with the vison to help improve the national economy. CARE thus commissioned SFTZ to carry out a study that investigates the potential of VSLA contributions to local and national economies.

METHODS. The study was implemented in six villages in Mufindi district, Iringa region; four of which were assigned as treatment and two as control. Treatment villages had 9 to 15 NGO-facilitated VSLAs, and control villages had only two comparable VSLAs.

RESULTS. Analysis of the data at the village level did not provide evidence that VSLA initiatives have contributed to large-scale economic growth except for one risk mitigation sub-indicator. A number of issues hindered the village-level comparison: First, microfinance savings groups were also present in control villages. Secondly, the penetration of savings groups within all treatment villages was low (below 30%, except for one village).

However, at the household level, VSLA membership showed significant impacts on a number of micro-level measures of economic growth. VSLA households had higher household savings, drew on VSLA savings to overcome negative impacts of household shocks, attained greater food security and more diverse diets, achieved better agricultural and business outcomes, and enjoyed greater economic status. Although these differences cannot be directly attributed to the VSLA programme without before-and-after comparisons with a meaningful control group, the positive household impacts suggest that a VSLA programme scaled to a high density within each village could have a positive impact
on the local economy.

Appui au dispositif national de prévention et gestion des crises alimentaires au niger evaluation final

This 93 page document is the final report of impacts and effects from the APCAN project (Support to ... Read More...

Care bng shouhardo final

CARE Bangladesh’s livelihood and food security program, Strengthening Household Ability to Respond t... Read More...

Care safe mtr rev final report

The overall objective of SAFE Project was to contribute to achieving food security among the able bo... Read More...

Indonesia-emergency capacity building joint evaluation-final evaluation

1) Review the ECB Indonesia consortium’s emergency responses to the West Java and West Sumatra earth... Read More...

évaluation rapide de la vulnérabilité mmd mai2010

This 12 page report highlights the findings of a special vulnerability assessment for women in VSLAs... Read More...

A Thematic Evaluation of Livelihood and Community Based Disaster Preparedness Projects

The studies conducted on the fisheries and the non-fisheries Livelihood sectors in Andhra Pradesh, T... Read More...

Final evaluation food security through increased incomes, assets and protection from grain price rises (fs-iap) project

Overall objective: Contribution to sustained decrease in levels of food insecurity in PSNP and othe... Read More...

Baseline fs iap report final

Overall objective: Contribution to sustained decrease in levels of food insecurity in PSNP and othe... Read More...

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