Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
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El Proyecto “¡Vamos Piuranos”! está organizado en tres resultados, el primero denominado: “La población vulnerable afectada por el Niño Costero recupera sus medios de vida y protege sus activos a través de prácticas que aumentan su resiliencia ante eventos adversos recurrentes”. En el cual se dio cuenta de las capacidades alcanzadas principalmente, con los beneficiarios a través de los diversos programas de formación implementados. Esta intervención tuvo un enfoque principalmente en la gestión reactiva, para lo cual se desarrollaron sistemas de alerta temprana, planes de contingencia comunitarios, planes familiares de emergencia; además de la conformación, equipamiento y reconocimiento oficial de las brigadas comunitarias. A fin de constatar los cambios logrados por el proyecto, se muestran algunas estadísticas: antes del inicio del proyecto, el 62% de los encuestados conocen sobre los peligros que existen en sus comunidades; con la intervención del proyecto, se logró que el 98% de los encuestados conozcan los peligros que afectan su comunidad. En el mismo sentido, antes de iniciar el proyecto, solo el 1% conocían las rutas de evacuación, luego de la intervención del proyecto el 97% reconoce las rutas de evacuación. Estos datos concretos revelan el incremento y fortalecimiento de las capacidades en las comunidades locales intervenidas. Read More...
Las condiciones de vida de las y los migrantes venezolanos han empeorado en el actual contexto de pandemia. Las evaluaciones realizadas por los organismos asociados muestran que la mayoría de las familias venezolanas no han tenido ingresos desde que comenzó la inmovilización social obligatoria y muchas han perdido sus trabajos. Las evaluaciones confirman que el acceso a los alimentos es la principal prioridad de las familias venezolanas, y para acceder a ellos adoptan estrategias negativas como comer alimentos más baratos o menos preferidos, pedir alimentos prestados y en algunos casos, mendigar dinero para obtener alimentos.
En ese contexto se planteó el proyecto “RESPONDER A LAS NECESIDADES INMEDIATAS DE LOS MIGRANTES/REFUGIADOS DE VENEZUELA EN EL CONTEXTO DE COVID-19”, el cual fue financiado por Start Fund
La intervención permitió a los organismos asociados atender las necesidades más inmediatas e insatisfechas de los migrantes venezolanos en Lima- zona con el mayor número de casos y el mayor número de migrantes venezolanos en situación de vulnerabilidad- a través de la entrega única de “Entrega de efectivo multipropósito incondicional” o “distribución de una canasta de alimentos con raciones para 15 días” y de información sobre prevención frente al COVID-19, protección y sensibilización psicosocial. Read More...
Les rêves des jeunes nigérien (nes) entre précarité, incertitude et Espoir
Fiji Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis COVID-19 and TC Harold
In addition to the pandemic, Fiji was also struck by Severe Tropical Cyclone Harold on 08 April, causing States of Natural Disaster to be declared for COVID-19 and for TC Harold within the same week. Although Fiji is used to cyclones, prevention and movement restriction measures in place for COVID-19 made it difficult to respond to the trail of destruction left by the Category 4 cyclone. A total of 250 evacuation centers were opened in all four divisions and around 10,000 people were displaced.
The objectives of the Gender, Disability and Inclusion Analysis are:
- To analyse and understand the different impacts that the COVID-19 pandemic and TC Harold potentially have on women, men, girls and boys, people with disabilities and people of diverse SOGIESC and other marginalised groups in Fiji;
- To inform humanitarian programming in Fiji based on the different needs of women, men, boys and girls, people with disabilities and people of diverse SOGIESC with a particular focus on Gender Based Violence (GBV), Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), Education in Emergencies, Food Security and Livelihoods, and Coping Strategies; and
- To provide recommendations for organisations responding to COVID-19 and TC Harold.
Final Performance Evaluation of the Kore Lavi Development Food Assistance Project in Haiti
The overall purpose of Kore Lavi was to support the Haitian Government in creating a social safety net for food and nutrition security that prioritizes consumption of locally grown quality products. The overall goal was to contribute to reducing food insecurity and vulnerability in targeted communities by establishing a replicable safety net system and expanding government capacities to prevent child under nutrition.
Rapid Gender Analysis: COVID-19 in the United States
Since the start of the COVID-19 crisis, CARE has responded in 67 countries—including the United States—and has published 27 of an anticipated 54 RGAs in contexts around the world. We hope that applying this tool to the specific American context will enable CARE and others to create better responses to the pandemic that meet the needs of all people.
This RGA relies on secondary data collected between May 25 and June 10, 2020. It specifically focuses on highlighting the historic and institutional systems of oppression, gender bias, and racism targeting Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC). These structural realities and cultural biases put BIPOC communities, especially the women in these communities, at higher exposure to infection and higher risk of death. Simultaneously, these realities and biases exacerbate the already dire lack of access to basic services (such as health, food, housing, etc) experienced by these communities on a regular basis. This RGA offers policy and institutional recommendations for COVID-19 responses to meet the needs of the most vulnerable and affected communities in the face of systemic race, gender and class-based oppression. Without acknowledging these historic legacies around race, gender, and class in the U.S., the entire nation is at risk of perpetuating longstanding injustices and facing even more severe impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Read More...
Raks Thai Rapid Gender Analysis Gendered Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Migrants in Thailand
Being away from home during this pandemic, migrants in Thailand are likely to lack access to support services. Furthermore, the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic is likely to affect migrant women disproportionately due to harmful gender norms of the host country. Read More...
A Glimpse on Poor and Extreme Poor Pregnant and Lactating Women’s Situation in Sunamganj, amidst COVID-19
CARE Rapid Gender Analysis Lebanon May 2020
The Covid-19 pandemic in Lebanon is a crisis within a crisis. It occurred during a broader socio-economic meltdown that has shaken the country in recent months. In October 2019, Lebanese occupied the streets in various cities across the country demonstrating against corruption, unemployment and sectarianism in the country. Lebanon appears to have responded effectively to the pandemic so far, a number of major challenges await it. With little measures to mitigate the economic impact of the confinement and protesters pushing to return to the streets, the country is entering a challenging era with a major impact on people’s lives; refugees (about 1,5 million) and host communities. It is imperative that measures that address the different needs of women, men, children and youth with particular attention to underlying vulnerabilities of certain groups including displaced people, refugee populations and migrant workers should be adopted in a comprehensive and coordinated way.
The Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) intends to highlight how COVID-19 in the context of the socio-economic crisis impacts differently women, girls, boys and men and recommend measures to address and mitigate risks related to the protection and wellbeing of affected population. The RGA is looking into the following areas of interest:
• Gender roles and responsibilities
• Decision making, participation and leadership
• Health, mental health and SRHR
• Access to services and resources
• Safety and Protection
• Access to information and technology
• Capacities and coping mechanisms
CARE Zimbabwe Rapid Gender Analysis for COVID-19
CARE carried out a Rapid Gender Analysis (RGA) to assess the immediate and anticipated adverse impacts of COVID-19 on men, women, boys and girls. The assessment was conducted in geographical areas where CARE is implementing its portfolio of development including food security and nutrition, WASH, education, resilience and humanitarian programs. A qualitative methodology was applied and primary data was collected through key informant interviews, and supplemented by a desk review. Primary data was collected remotely using phones and emails. The team could not go on the ground due to the introduction of a COVID -19 national lockdown that initiated on the 30th of March 2020, and also in compliance with WHO and organisational guidelines on the prevention of the spread of coronavirus Read More...
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