Here in CARE International’s Evaluation e-Library we make all of CARE’s external evaluation reports available for public access in accordance with our Accountability Policy.
With these accumulated project evaluations CARE International hopes to share our collective knowledge not only internally but with a wider audience.
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Better Governance for Education End of Project Evaluation Report
The evaluation focused on answering four key evaluation questions:
1) IMPACT - Has improved gender inclusive governance led to better service delivery in education?
2) MODEL - Has this project produced a proven or promising approach?
3) RELEVANCE - How relevant is the project to the policy context?
4) SUSTAINABILITY - Are the outcomes and impacts likely to be sustained after the end of the project? Read More...
The purpose of this baseline was to provide an information base on which to monitor and assess an activity’s progress and effectiveness during implementation and after the implementation. The objective of the baseline was to:
- To consolidate information in relation to livelihood indicators, gender inequality and information on existing protection risks;
- To identify the major risk factors influencing the vulnerability of the population within the Livelihood system and their coping strategies.
- To identify what is the structure of the market system, and how has it been impacted by the conflict (how is the current situation compared to the pre-conflict one)? How do target groups engage in the system?
- What are the opportunities and inefficiencies in the current market system enabling or hindering the ability of target groups to sustain their livelihoods?
- To streamline activities according to the context based on findings from the baseline.
- To identify the specific livelihood needs of the IDPs, returnees and host communities in Sinjar district
- To assess the availability of livelihood opportunities in assessed areas.
- To identify gaps and propose interventions to improve the level of access to income generating activities
End of Project Evaluation: Support for conflict affected people through strengthening of essential primary health care and protection from gender-based violence
Against the backdrop of this situation, and following increasing returns of internally displaced persons (IDPs) to their places of habitual residence in retaken areas, CARE, with funding from German Federal Foreign Office (GFFO) has been implementing the project in Duhok, Anbar & Mosul to improve maternal and child health in return areas. The project implementation period was January 01, 2019 to December 31, 2019.
Purpose of the Evaluation
The purpose of this evaluation was to assess post intervention situation of the targeted area against indicators mentioned in the project document. The findings will help CARE to measure the impact of project. The findings will be used to compare the baseline situation with the end-line situation to assess the changes in knowledge, attitudes and practices, of the targeted population and impact of the interventions.
The evaluation identified, and documented lessons learnt and made recommendations for CARE-Iraq and project partners to improve future project implementation as well as strengthen the design of future related projects.
Objectives of the Evaluation
The evaluation was expected to:
1. Assess the relevance, efficiency, effectiveness, impact and sustainability of the project;
2. Generate lessons that will inform SRMH programming in Iraq and in the broader context of GFFO.
With this project, CARE addressed three critical gaps in water rehabilitation systems and services in West Mosul by:
• the rehabilitation of water supply system,
• solid waste management, and
• community engagement through establishing hygiene volunteers and water committees.
The endline evaluation seeks to analyze the endline values for key WASH indicators as stated in the project documents in the targeted areas and to assess, impact and effectiveness of programming to successfully track accomplishments of the WASH project, relevance and sustainability of the project after the implementation through the usage of quantitative and qualitative data. The evaluation also looked into areas of success as well as challenges faced implementing activities in Al-Matahin and Al-Islah neighborhoods of West Mosul.
The baseline study was to establish a benchmark against which to measure the progress and achievements of the project. It was to generate: information on the current status on the availability of quality agro-inputs in the target locations and information regarding smallholder women farmers’ access to and utilization of agro-inputs to improve their productivity.
farmers are particularly affected given that their fragile livelihoods are nature based.
The current regional initiatives aimed at building resilience of the affected communities have not adequately addressed the linkage between livelihood systems and sustainable environment management. The initiatives at national and regional levels tend to use traditional orthodox approaches of “environmental conservation” as sacrosanct for addressing all climate risks.
It is critical that any initiatives to reduce the vulnerability caused by the investments must consider that providing decent livelihoods for the most vulnerable groups is the key to achieving an environment conducive for investment. The interventions proposed in this brief, if well implemented, will address this issue; providing sustainable livelihoods while promoting economic investment. Read More...
STRENGTHENING RESILIENCE AND PROMOTING INCLUSIVE GOVERNANCE PROGRAM (STRENPO): Experiences of advocacy and action for climate change resilience
We also show the models used to empower citizens such as engaging duty bearers, building civil society organizational capacity to engage with the duty bearers and claim citizens’ rights and provide information to citizens, build organization legitimacy and support multi-stakeholder platforms for engagement and informing policy processes. Read More...
CARE HAITI RAPPORT EVALUATION FINALE EGRA: Projet Haïti Gagne: Lire, Ecrire et Réussir
L’évaluation a été conduite entre mai et juin dans 40 sur les 53 écoles partenaires du projet dont 20 écoles dans le Nord et 20 écoles dans le Sud’ Est. Elle a été réalisée auprès des élèves des trois premières Classes du fondamental. La troisième année a été ajoutée juste à titre de comparaison mais ne figure pas parmi les indicateurs prioritaires du projet. Read More...
Proyecto Lendwithcare – Revisión de Resultados
Durante los dos años de presencia en el Perú, el proyecto Lendwithcare ha financiado emprendimientos de 590 personas, de las cuales el 80% fueron mujeres, desembolsó un total 608 mil dólares1 los cuales fueron entregados mediante créditos haciendo un total de 838 créditos.
Este documento, elaborado por CARE Perú presenta los resultados del proyecto Lendwithcare a través de la caracterización socioeconómica de las y los participantes y de sus hogares, sus conductas hacia el manejo del dinero, los elementos que permitieron la consolidación de las líneas de negocios, su experiencia solicitando préstamos con IDER CÉSAR VALLEJO, su acceso a productos o servicios financieros, el desarrollo de la capacidad individual de las mujeres y cómo han enfrentado diferentes situaciones de vulnerabilidad. Read More...
Umeed-e-Nau Project Health and WASH Support project for drought affect people of Umerkot, Sindh
The evaluation of the CIP’s Umeed-e-Nau project has been carried out as per the DAC criteria such as Relevance/appropriateness, Effectiveness, Efficiency, Impact and Sustainability. However, CIP has included an additional criteria i.e. Project Management.
Findings of the final evaluation indicate that CIP rightly identified the needs in holistic manner, as the people in the target area were struggling for water and vulnerable to different health related hazards. The community appreciated all the project activities particularly the MMCs due to quality services, equipment and medicines. Innovations introduced by CIP and donor’s flexibility to understand and approve required changes was also an important factor for paving a smooth path towards achieving successful results of the project. The capacity building and awareness raising activities like health & hygiene training, nutrition awareness has inbuilt sustainability. In both WASH and Health interventions, the impact on behaviors and practice can be observed with passage of time. The trend of use of latrines, water filtrations, consultation with qualified health practitioners, realization of importance of health care especially maternal health and last but not the least hygiene awareness are likely to impact positively on beneficiaries’ individual and communal lives for many years.
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