Women's Economic Empowerment

Mid-Term Review: CARE Tanzania PkW Project

Given the level of poverty and financial exclusion in rural settings1 the informal savings groups will, for a foreseeable future, prevail as viable means to expand access to finance (savings and loans). It is a false assumption to expect formal and modern sector to penetrate such areas, some of which appear more in need of humanitarian aid than development interventions.

After so many years of donors support to the savings groups industry, this MTR exercise offers an opportunity to respond two overarching questions (i) whether interventions, such as PkW’s delivery mechanisms and activities are informed by knowledge that have accumulated overtime both in and outside the industry and; (ii) whether there are still knowledge gaps that the Project could fill.

Mid-term Evaluation: MicroLead Expansion Programme

In September 2011, UNCDF, in partnership with The MasterCard Foundation (MCF) launched a six-year expansion of the MicroLead programme that aimed to increase access to savings driven microfinance to a minimum 450,000 low income individuals in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA), half of whom are women and half of whom reside in rural areas. The programme’s intention was to attract experienced institutions or networks from developed and developing countries to increase the capacity of financial institutions providing low balance savings either through the provision of technical assistance to financial service providers (FSPs) or through the establishment of greenfield institutions. MLE also has a strong focus on harnessing the potential of technology driven alternate delivery channels (ADCs) and financial education in broadening outreach to financial services. Read More...

Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Project (GEWEP)

The Gender Equality and Women Empowerment Project, a two years project that started in 2014, built on the ended ISARO project and funded by NORAD through CARE Norway to be implemented in Nyaruguru, Nyamagabe, Huye, Gisagara, Nyanza, Ruhango, Kamonyi and Muhanga Districts of the Southern Province. The GEWEP main goal is to empower vulnerable women to meet their socio-economic security and exercise their rights. The Project major component is a combination of VSLG activities, linkage to financial institution, strengthening entrepreneurship, linking women to private sector and functional literacy. [15 pages] Read More...

ANCP Malwai Microfinance Project Final Evaluation

The Malawi Microfinance Project is a three-year Australian NGO Cooperative Program (ANCP) funded project that is being implemented in Dowa (TA Dzoole and Chiwere), Lilongwe (TA Kalumbu) and Kasungu (TA Kaomba, Mwase and Njombwa). The Project, which started in October 2013 and ending in June 2016, was being implemented with the overall aim of helping 20,000 rural households to overcome chronic food insecurity through enabling women access to finance, appropriate training and finance. An end of project evaluation was commissioned by Care Malawi to assess the overall performance of Malawi Microfinance Project against set goals and outcome benchmarks. Read More...

Projet Velontegna Rapport Intermediaire

Le projet VELONTEGNA, financé par la Coopération Allemande intervient dans le domaine de la sécurité alimentaire et couvre 6 communes des deux Districts de la Région Atsinanana, à savoir Brickaville et Toamasina II. Mis en œuvre par les deux partenaires CARE International et l’ONG SAF FJKM, il a débuté ses activités proprement dites depuis son lancement officiel au mois de septembre 2015 et a entamé actuellement les 53% de sa période de mise en œuvre. Malgré les efforts de l’Etat actuel, les impacts de la longue crise politique de 2009 à 2013 se font sentir à travers la vie sociale et surtout économique du pays et continuent à sévir dans tous les aspects de la vie des citoyens. Selon le groupe de la Banque Mondiale dans le rapport « Madagascar Vue d’ensemble » Madagascar affiche des résultats en matière d’éducation, de santé, de nutrition et d’accès à l’eau parmi les plus faibles du monde, 90 % de la population vit dans la pauvreté, le PIB par habitant s’élève à 420 dollars, un enfant sur deux (de moins de cinq ans) souffre de malnutrition chronique ; et le pays est classé au 154e rang sur 187 pays de l’indice de développement humain réalisé en 2015. Read More...

MAHAFATOKY Project Final Report

This 47 page report covers the project's achievements during the period running from January 1st to December 31st, 2016.The project has achieved an overall progress of 96% for its activities compared with the targets set for Year 2 for activity implementation in its 16 communes of intervention (see Annex Table 2). At this stage of the project, 27,952 households out of the 50,000 planned, or 139,760 people out of the 250,000 planned, have been directly reached, i.e. 56% of the final beneficiaries. Read More...

Projet AINA Rapport Final

Le projet AINA mis en œuvre par CARE International à Madagascar a démarré en mai 2013 dans la Région de l’Anosy, district d’Amboasary Atsimo, au niveau de 6 communes à savoir Ebelo, Ifotaka, Behara, Amboasary, Sampona et Tanandava. Le projet a pris fin en décembre 2016, une phase d’extension sans coût supplémentaire est accordée pour la période de mai 2016 à décembre 2016.
Le Sud de Madagascar est reconnu par l’insécurité qui a surtout régné pendant les deux premières années de mise en œuvre du projet. C’est également une zone subissant les impacts du phénomène El Nino, la baisse importante de la précipitation a entrainé deux années de difficulté alimentaire affectant la santé nutritionnelle des ménages, mais aussi surtout des enfants de bas âge. Read More...

Réponse d’urgence pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables victimes d’El Niño Rapport Intermédiaire

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre du projet « réponse d’urgence pour soutenir les personnes vulnérables victimes d’El Nino dans le Grand Sud de Madagascar » financé par l’ECHO et mis en œuvre par CARE Madagascar dans 7 Communes du District d’Ambovombe. La sècheresse pendant ces 3 dernières années suivie par le phénomène EL NINO a provoqué la situation d’insécurité alimentaire actuelle surtout pour les couches très vulnérables de la population. Notre intervention répond d’abord à l’accessibilité et à la disponibilité des besoins essentiels de nourriture et d’eau, puis à l’amélioration de la résilience de la population cible face à la situation de sécheresse cyclique dans cette partie de Madagascar. 3 secteurs d’activité sont développés pendant les 15 mois d’intervention du projet : l’assistance financière en espèce sous forme d’Argent contre travail, de transfert monétaire inconditionnel et les renforcements des comités de suivi et d’entretien, la distribution des intrants agricoles et appuis techniques aux groupements de producteurs et le renforcement de l’approvisionnement en sources d’eau améliorée. Read More...

The Laos-Australia Rural Livelihoods Program (LARLP) Main Report

An 86 page evaluation is of the AUD 32 million, multi-component, Laos-Australia Rural Livelihoods Program (LARLP). LARLP commenced in January 2014 with the goal of increasing the economic security and resilience of poor women and men in rural areas. Read More...

Resilient Livelihoods for the Poor (RLP) Baseline Report Cohort 2

RLP is a pilot initiative that seeks to roll out a poverty alleviation strategy at the household level in two equal recruitment phases bringing in a total of 1,200 extreme poor households. The first recruitment phase or “cohort” was originally programmed to occur in late 2014 but was held-up until mid-2015 due to the absence of signed MU at the SPSL and IP levels. Cohort 2 is to recruit a further 600 households and will follow relatively rapidly behind the first cohort, meaning that the delays experienced with the first cohort, will be considerably reduced with the second recruitment of extreme poor households to RLP.1 Most second cohort recipients will come from the current three districts, although CARE will complete its approximate 200 recipient households in the new district of Moulapamok. RLP has three major series of activities providing: 1. Funds for the purchase of income generating assets; 2. An asset supporting monthly allowance (stipend) that should enable newly acquired and valuable assets to be properly cared for; 3. Training and mentoring by village level facilitators, working for the three IPs, in the care of those assets and the development of micro-enterprises based on the assets and the skills acquired. Read More...

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