Sexual|Reproductive Health

Myanmar pfhab finalreview may2011

PFHAB provides 9.1 million Australian Dollars (AUD) to the following projects in the health and liv... Read More...

Final evaluation of afar women and girls’ sexual reproductive health, livelihood and right project in afar regional state

As part of its women empowerment effort, CARE‐Ethiopia has been implementing a four years project (... Read More...

Ete – health equity proejct, april 2011

Health Equity envisions the creation of an emerging popular health movement promoting the progressiv... Read More...

Case studies – the community score card in tanzania – process, success, challenges and lessons learned

Under the Health Equity Project (HEqP) and the Governance and Accountability Project (GAP), CARE Tan... Read More...

ASAZA Final Report

A Safer Zambia Program Final Evaluation Report. This is a report on findings of the ASAZA program Read More...

Reasp ii evaluation final report ( 01 march 2010 final copy)

To reduce the impact of emergencies on vulnerable populations, particularly women and children. The ... Read More...

Final lbds project report 20 december 2010

The target beneficiaries included households engaged in small farm Read More...

GFR4 Care and Treatment Project Final Report


Endline Survey Report of Extended Service Delivery Project in Chhattisgarh

The ESD project is of 2 years duration (January 1, 2007 to December 31, 2009) and received grant fro... Read More...

End of Project Evaluation for the Community Based Disease Surveillance project

The program goal was to strengthen the capacity of the district, Sub‐County Read More...

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