
Where the Rain Falls (WtRF) Phase-III Final Evaluation Report

The Project “Where the Rain Falls” (WtRF)-Phase-III started in January 2017 and ended in February 2019. It aimed at improving the resilience of targeted vulnerable and marginalized communities to the impacts of increasing variability of rainfall patterns by promoting CARE’s SuPER (Sustainable, Profitable, Equitable and Resilient) agriculture approach through community-based adaptation. This Final Evaluation Report is based on the study conducted during the period of November through December 2018. [60 pages] Read More...

SDVC II Social Impact Studies

The study has explored dietary diversity, milk consumption, and perception of nutrition, hand washing and hygiene practices of SDVC project participants of four upazila namely Kaunia, Badargonj, Shajadpur and Gabtoli of three districts of Northern part of Bangladesh. For this topic a total 6 FGDs and 12 key informant interviews have conducted with 84 women group members of SDVC project. The group members and DFT center have selected based on length of membership and duration of installment of DFT. (15 pages) Read More...

Advocacy and Influencing Impact Reporting Tool Coordinated Response

This tool has been developed to gather further information and evidence on CARE’s advocacy or influencing win. At CARE, advocacy is defined as “the deliberate process of influencing those who make decisions about developing, changing and implementing policies to reduce poverty and achieve social justice.1” Influencing and advocacy can go beyond government policies, it can include influencing governments, donors or NGOs to adopt a CARE program model or influencing the private sector to change their company policies or operating practices.
This tool captures the significance of the win, the level of CARE and our partner’s contribution, who stands to benefit from the change, and what evidence do we have to support a claim of change or impact. With the wide range of successes within influencing work and the various roles CARE may have played in this win, this tool allows us to identify how significant the win is as well as the significance of CARE’s contribution and our partners. Read More...

Enhancing Mobile Populations Access to HIV and AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) Baseline

There are a growing number of people migrating between Bangladesh, Nepal and India. Mobility has long been linked with heightened vulnerability to HIV & AIDS. While overall HIV prevalence is low in Bangladesh and Nepal, there is a growing concern that vulnerable mobile populations are forming a bridge between high prevalence areas of India and low prevalence areas in Bangladesh and Nepal. Enhancing Mobile Populations’ Access to HIV & AIDS Services Information and Support (EMPHASIS) is a regional program being implemented by CARE Bangladesh, CARE India and CARE Nepal and led by CARE International UK (CIUK) to reduce AIDS related vulnerabilities among mobile populations crossing the borders of Bangladesh and Nepal into India. This 5-year (August 2009 – July 2014) program, is funded by the Big Lottery Fund (BIG) of United Kingdom. [57 pages] Read More...

Nutrition at the Center (N@C) Bangladesh Endline

Rates of malnutrition among women and children in Bangladesh are among the highest in the world. Malnutrition is one of the leading causes of mortality and morbidity in many countries. Considering the serious effect of malnutrition, improved nutritional outcomes are intimately tied to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in improving maternal health, reducing child mortality and eradicating extreme poverty and hunger. CARE Bangladesh, in collaboration with Government of Bangladesh (GoB) implemented a Nutrition at the Center (N@C) program in Bangladesh with two-fold strategies that include integrating nutrition in existing community health system and promotion of multisectoral approaches to improve nutrition. Among others, the intervention includes, maternal and child health, infant and young child feeding, water sanitation and hygiene, household food productions, and gender and women’s empowerment. For measuring the impact/effect of this intervention, benchmarks on important nutrition related indicators were established through a baseline survey conducted in the N@C intervention and control areas in 2014. [118 pages] Read More...

Nutrition at the Center Homegrown Project (N@C:H)

Rates of under nutrition among women and children are among the highest in the world. Malnutrition is highly associated with avoidable mortality and morbidity. Improvement of maternal health, reduction of child mortality and eradication of extreme poverty and hunger received high attention in the Millennium Development Goals. The government, NGOs and development partners have come up with innovative ideas and intervention programs to address these issues. Nutrition at the Center (N@C) in collaboration with CARE Bangladesh implemented a program in two under-served upazilas under Sunamganj district, Bangladesh to address malnutrition as well as food security, improved water and sanitation practices, Infant and Young Child Feeding (IYCF) and women autonomy and empowerment in terms of their role in household decision making and attitude towards gender violence. [70 pages] Read More...

PCTFI Baseline Study Report 2015

PCTFI baseline study explored the existing barriers and opportunities for increased girls` participation, leadership and continuation of girls` education. It also investigated the existing and possible roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders who are important to improve the situation. Baseline data has been categorized under 27 key queries which have been summarized here into three parts; barriers and opportunities of girls` participation, underneath reasons behind not transforming into secondary education, an exploration of social and gender norms among the parents, SMCs, teachers and boys. It has also examined the attendance, dropout, promotion and progression rate of the students to explore the present scenario of girls` education both in primary education and transition to secondary level. According the PCTFI baseline study most of the girl students informed that they do not have adequate opportunities to participate in the school activities. Baseline data also shows very low participation of the girls in the extracurricular activities in school and lack of social environment for girls. Lack of encouraging environment and poor leadership capacity are pushing back the girls’ from school. Data shows the average score regarding participation and leadership is 1.7 out of 4 which depicts low participation and leadership of the girl students. In addition, a conducive environment at home to study is one of the hindrances that the study revealed. Distance from home and shortage of secondary school in the community is another significant barrier for the continuation of girl education. During the baseline study (2015) most of the parents and SMC members informed that while primary school is available almost in every village, secondary school is far from home. It has been also noted that the unsafe way to school aggravated by long distance from home thus parents are not interested to send their daughters to the secondary school. Baseline data also shows high score among boys and girls including parents regarding aspiration for higher study however, school data shows low attendance of both boys and girls especially of the fourth and fifth graders. Having 22.33 school days girls and boys attended an average of 14 and 11 days respectively which indicates lack of enthusiasm of the parents regarding their children`s education. On the other hands, Government’s limitation in attracting good teaching staffs, there is an evident inadequacy in the teaching capacities in general as well as specific to incorporating gender parity in teaching methods. Social norms continue to socialize teachers who are yet to believe in the concept of girls’ emancipation and leadership. Most of the girls do not enjoy fearless environment and usually hesitate to speak out in front of teacher. Teacher involved girl students in the gender stereotype activities which indicated poor understanding of gender parity among teachers. [31 pages] Read More...

Where the Rain Falls Phase III Baseline Study

Bangladesh is frequently cited as one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change (Huq and Ayers, 2007) because of its disadvantageous geographic location; flat and low-lying topography; high population density; high levels of poverty; reliance of many livelihoods on climate sensitive sectors, particularly agriculture and fisheries; and inefficient institutional aspects (CCC, 2006). Considering the above scenarios of climate change risks and as a part of initiative to address the effect of climate change, CARE Bangladesh has started implementing the project “Where the Rain Falls (WtRF III)”generously funded by Prince Albert Foundation. The project is mainly based on Community Based Adaptation (CBA) and aims at improving the resilience of targeted vulnerable and marginalized communities to the impacts of increasing variability of rainfall patterns by promoting SuPER (Sustainable, Profitable, Equitable and Resilient) agriculture approach. CARE has been implementing the WtRF project in Kurigram district since January 2014 and WtRF Phase III which started from January 2017has built on the earlier phase of the project. The WtRF Phase III project focuses on climate resilient agriculture and targets 6,500 small and marginalized farmers in 20 villages (2,500 from previous phase in 5 villages and an additional 4,000 small and marginalized farmers from additional 15 villages in Kurigram). [101 pages] Read More...

Situation Analysis to understand the needs and challenges of the urban migrant women at Gazipur of P.A.C.E at Community Project

CARE Bangladesh has been implementing Personal Advancement and Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E) at Community Project since April 2014 to till now funded by Gap Inc. The overall objective of the project is to have a positive impact in the lives of marginalized urban female migrant workers.
As a part of the activity, P.A.C.E at Community Project is working to test/pilot three core P.A.C.E modules in a community setting, thus improving living and working conditions of women in urban areas of Gazipur. Through the 20 learning centers urban migrant women are receiving the P.A.C.E session. P.A.C.E at Community project also set its activities for create an enabling environment for improving living and working conditions of urban migrant women. [15 pages] Read More...

Urban Socio-Economic and Vulnerability Study of Gazipur City Corporation

Between March 2014 and June 2014, CARE Bangladesh undertook a qualitative study to understand the risks and vulnerabilities for residents of two unplanned settlements or slums1 within the newly formed Gazipur City Corporation. The exercise mapped risks, identified areas of vulnerability, and worked to understand mechanisms being used by communities to cope with adverse events. A survey was also designed for the two studied communities, identifying service shortfalls that reduced resilience to cope with both seasonal and unexpected manmade and natural disasters. [49 pages]

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