
Boc 1 quantitative end line report -november 2012)


Covaw final narrative report

COVAW conducted a detailed context analysis which provided insights into the local power dynamics an... Read More...

Care Japan Post-Tohoku Earthquake Tsunami Response Program Evaluation

Overview of CARE Japan recovery response for Tohoku Earthquake & Tsunami Read More...

Care projet pamoja rapport définitif de l’étude sur les politiques dans les secteurs d’intervention du projet

Progress in the fragile states is needed to achieve the 2015 MDGs and large groups of vulnerable pop... Read More...

Final evaluation report for emweer

The project aims to enhance women's economic independence as a step towards their empowerment and bu... Read More...

Sierra leone cs fe report

The goal of the project is to improve the health status of children under five and women of reproduc... Read More...

Empowering Roma Women in B&H Final Evaluation

The overall project aim was to contribute to the promotion of minority and human rights, eradication... Read More...

Final draft sselp evaluation report


Local Governance in Burundi Research Brief


Evaluation Strengthening Community Organization for Rural Empowerment and Natural Resources Management (SCORE-NRM) Project Mozambique

SCORE-NRM is a four years project (July, 2008 to June 2012), funded by Danida and implemented by Cargill Read More...

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