
Scale Project Impact Study Project Brief

Strengthening Cash transfers for Access to finance, Livelihood and Entrepreneurship (SCALE) is a three-year (2013- 2016) project funded by the European Union which CARE International in Zambia, in collaboration with the Ministry ofCommunityDevelopmentandSocialWelfare(MCDSW),isimplementing. Itisapracticalandscalablemodelfor social and economic empowerment that brings tangible benefits to communities and contributes to poverty reduction.
The SCALE Project is premised on the idea that combining social cash transfers (SCT) with Village Savings and Loans (VSL), which are enriched with business skills using a Selection, Planning and Management (SPM) approach, will enable beneficiaries to graduate to sustainable livelihoods beyond SCT.
The complementary model of VSL and SPM builds on the existing Government SCT programme. The project has organised beneficiaries of SCT into Village Saving and Loans Associations (VSLAs) and trained them in VSL and SPM methodologies. Read More...

Supporting the Use of the Treadle Pump to Promote Food Security Project

The report highlights activities carried out between July and September 2017 under the “Supporting the Use of the Treadle Pump to Promote Food Security project” being implemented in all seven health centers covered by Nutrition at the Center (N@C) project in Chadiza District.

The “Supporting the Use of the Treadle Pump to Promote Food Security project” supplements the Nutrition at the Centre project that focuses on Maternal Infant and Young Child Nutrition (MIYCN), Food Security, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH), and Women Empowerment activities in Chadiza and Lundazi districts of Eastern province. [13 pages] Read More...

A Safer Zambia (ASAZA)

CARE led a consortium of local organizations, Zambian government institutions, and international partners in A Safer Zambia (ASAZA) program to provide a multi-pronged approach to the issue of gender-based violence (GBV) in Zambia. First, CARE sought to strengthen vulnerable populations’ access to GBV services and their utilization of these services through the creation of eight Coordinated Response Centers (CRCs). Second, ASAZA increased the response capacity of local institutions through collaboration with local NGOs and various Zambian government agencies, culminating in the eventual handover of the CRCs to the Ministry of Health (MoH). Finally, ASAZA worked with traditional community leaders to conduct a coordinated outreach and behavioral change campaign to improve GBV prevention strategies. Taken together, these activities comprised a twofold approach to tackling the problem of GBV. While the CRCs represented a restorative approach, the array of informational, educational and behavior change communications represented a preventative approach. [14 pages] Read More...


CARE International in Zambia is an international NGO that has worked in Zambia for over 20 years, focusing on humanitarian response and development in rural and peri-urban areas. CARE has been implementing projects in the areas of health and HIV/AIDS, maternal and child health, water and sanitation, social protection, governance, education, gender equality, economic empowerment and environmental conservation among others. To achieve sustainability of its interventions and ensure true ownership in communities of the processes supported by our work, CARE Zambia works with existing community structures and engages participating communities to increase their capacities to be responsive to their own developmental challenges. [59 pages] Read More...

C-Change Endline Report: FP/HIV Integration through SBCC in Zambia

Between November 2009 and June 2011, the Academy for Educational Development (AED)1 partnered with CARE Zambia through the Communication for Social Change (C-Change) initiative to implement a project designed to explore the effects of social and behavior change communication on family planning uptake. The project aimed to increase family planning utilization and as well as address the underlying social norms that influence uptake of family planning services. The project had a particular goal of exploring the effect of these interventions on uptake of family planning among HIV-positive individuals.

The project was implemented in the Mwase Zonal Rural Health Center (Mwase RHC) catchment area in Lundazi District, Eastern Province, Zambia. Study participants included HIV-positive and HIV-negative men and women of reproductive age (18-50). Survey participants were selected from a sampling frame built from the Mwase RHC ART and VCT registers. [122 pages] Read More...

Supporting Adolescent Girls Empowerment- SAGE II Final Evaluation

The Supporting Adolescent Girls Empowerment project provides mechanisms through which girls access opportunities to quality education. The project utilizes social support, government structures, and girls’ agency to ensure the girls stay and complete the education cycle. [11 pages] Read More...

Personal Advancement & Career Enhancement (P.A.C.E) Training Impact Assessment

In 2017 Chrysalis conducted the P.A.C.E training programme, originally designed and funded by GAP Inc., in 21 selected tea estates. This impact assessment employed a mixed method approach to delineate the changes witnessed during the post-training period both in the personal and work lives of the people who underwent the training and those who associate with them in their day to day lives. [31 pages] Read More...

Enhancing Safe Water Supply and Solid Waste Management for the Vulnerable population affected by the Syria crisis in south Lebanon

For the water component, CARE International in Lebanon developed with good coordination mechanisms and collaboration with the different stakeholders, particularly South Lebanon Water Establishment and the municipalities. This great collaboration was very fruitful to identify the project objectives and the priority interventions on the water supply infrastructure. Both SLWE and the municipalities have positively received the collaboration and have shared available plans and data and have taken an active role in designing and selecting the interventions type and intervention areas. CARE met with the SLWE authorities to identify the most needed interventions in terms of access to water. The priorities shared by SLWE were discussed at WASH Sector level first in order to prevent overlapping among implementing agencies or intervention gaps. The municipal representatives were consulted to ensure alignment of municipal plans with SLWE’s plans. CARE WASH specialists examined the proposed options and discussed them with SLWE and with the municipalities in order to guarantee the impartiality of the selection, cost-effectiveness, and relevance to the mandate of the organisation. During the period of the enginnering design preparation done with Kredo Engineering, a change of the lines to be rehabilitated was raised compared to what was planned in the initial proposal and new targeted areas have been identified by SLWE in coordination with CARE WASH team to be included in the design package (see more details in R1). [42 pages] Read More...

LEADERS – Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to enhance resilience and social stability

Final narrative report for LEADERS – Promoting inclusive local economic empowerment and development to enhance resilience and social stability. [23 pages] Read More...

DEVCO: Enhancing safe water supply and waste management for the vulnerable population affected by the Syria crisis in South Lebanon

The endline survey aims to analyse the project objectives and enable the measurement of several indicators relating to both project components –water and solid waste. [10 pages] Read More...

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