
End-Term Evaluation of the Strengthening Community Schools to Provide Education and other Related Services (SCORES) Project

The Strengthening Community Schools to provide Education and Other Related Services(SCORES) project was a three and a half year action that commenced in January 2010 and ended in June 2013. The overall objective of the action was improving access to and quality of social services in education and health through the empowerment of local communities and non state actors (NSA). The specific objective of the project was 30 community schools in Lundazi and Chama districts of Eastern Province lead their communities in providing services in response to education and HIV/AIDS needs. The project was funded by the European Union which committed Euro 750,000 to the project and CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg (CARE DL) matched this amount with Euro 250,000. [71 pages] Read More...

Strengthening Cash Transfers for Access to Finance, Livelihood and Entrepreneurship: Impact Study

This document presents the results of an impact study for the "Strengthening Cash Transfers for Access to Finance, Livelihood and Entrepreneurship” project being implemented by CARE International and Platform for Social Protection Zambia with support from the European Union. The study’s main purpose was to assess the progress of SCALE project towards achieving results as outlined in its logical framework including providing recommendations for improving the project. [32 pages] Read More...

USAID/Zambia: Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing (PRISM) Program Mid-term Evaluation

The objectives of USAID/Zambia: Partnership for Integrated Social Marketing (PRISM) Program mid- term evaluation were three-fold: a) to evaluate progress towards intended results made by PRISM towards intended results and describe the context and other possible factors also contributing to the observed changes; b) to determine the effectiveness of the activities, techniques, and processes deployed by PRISM to achieve the intended results within the five-year performance period and recommend modifications to project activities or priorities to address implementation issues, apply lessons learned, or capitalize on new opportunities; and c) to determine the sustainability of gains made through PRISM beyond the life of the program and recommend techniques and/or processes that would further ensure sustainability. A thorough evaluation of the PRISM program was conducted to assess progress towards results; appropriateness and effectiveness; PRISM responsiveness to Government of the Republic of Zambia (GRZ) strategies and protocols; and sustainability. [91 pages] Read More...

Integrating Adolescent Girls in Peri-urban Risk Reduction in Zambia (IAGPURRZ)

The Integrating Adolescent Girls in Peri-urban Risk Reduction in Zambia (IAGPURRZ) has been under implementation for one year - 28th September, 2012 to 29th September, 2013. The objective of the project was to integrate the needs of adolescent girls into already-existing Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) plans in Kanyama settlement and to educate the girls with the necessary knowledge to change their behavior and advocate for positive behavior change in their community. The ultimate intent of the intervention was to contribute to the goal of minimizing disaster related risks and vulnerability of adolescent girls through risk analysis, capacity building and information sharing. [27 pages]

Communities, Organizing and Mobilizing to Eliminate mother to child Transmission (COMET)

This End of Project Evaluation was done to highlight results for implementing the above mentioned interventions over the last two years. The study was conducted between December 2015 and January 2016 and generated results through the use of both quantitative and qualitative assessment methods; field visits, household interviews, key informant interviews, focus group discussions, project document reviews (i.e., MoH-National PMTCT reports and protocols including COMET project progress reports and facility Health Management Information System – 2015)). The subsequent sections will highlight some of the findings. [44 page] Read More...

Improving Syrian and Egyptian Children’s Access to Formal and Informal Education

The project was part of the inclusive response of Canada to the regional impact of the Syrian crisis. The three-years project aimed at improving the lives of vulnerable Egyptian and Syrian children in Greater Cairo by fulfilling their urgent needs to education and child protection, enhancing social coherence in refugees hosting communities. Certainly, children are the most vulnerable category in refugees and hosting communities. Meanwhile, the Ministry of Education (MoE) exerts all possible efforts to fulfill all requests. [36 pages] Read More...

Mali Nutrition and WaSH Programs Mid-term Performance

The aim of this evaluation is to assess the effectiveness of IRP’s integrated nutrition strategy of combining nutrition, agriculture and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) to improve the nutritional status of pregnant and lactating women and of children younger than 2 years. USAID/Mali will use the findings of this evaluation to inform the implementation of the current integrated strategy and the development of future projects. USAID/Mali will further share the report with the Government of Mali (GOM) and development partners who may use it to inform their nutrition- related strategies. Read More...

Digital Sub-Wallets for Increased Financial Empowerment of Women Project Semi-Rapid Gender Analysis

The Digital Sub-Wallets for Increased Financial Empowerment of Women Project is a research based project implemented by CARE Uganda in partnership with DoubleXEconomy and Access Africa in Bushenyi and Rubirizi Districts, Ankole Region, Western Uganda. The project’s goal is for women to have equitable influence over household financial decisions and to use mobile financial technology to improve their own and their family’s opportunities and lives. The project works with mature Village Saving and Loans Associations (VSLA) that were formed under the previous SAVE-UP project and aims to reach 2,166 VSLA Members. Following the six-month Pilot Phase the project is to commence for a 4 year period in October 2017. [18 pages] Read More...

Towards Integrated Risk Management in the Horn of Africa: Gap Analysis

The analysis was conducted through desk-top literature review in which data and information were drawn from an extensive range of literature, mainly the Horn of Africa regional frameworks related to disaster risk reduction, climate change adaptation and ecosystem management and restoration. Specifically, the report analysed the Africa regional Strategy for Disaster Risk Reduction; the African Union Comprehensive Africa Agriculture Development Programme (CAADP); the Policy Framework for Pastoralism in Africa; and the IGAD Drought Disaster Resilience and Sustainability Initiative (IDDRSI). Others are the Programme of Action for the Implementation of the Sendai Framework; the Agreement on the Nile River Basin Cooperative Framework; and East African Community Climate Change Policy. It looked at a range of including institutional arrangement; IRM-related strengths and weaknesses and how those relate with IRM, and opportunities for PfR to influence framework implementation. [76 pages] Read More...

Digital Sub‐Wallets for Increased Financial Empowerment of Women

This report summarizes the findings from a pilot study of two interventions intended to promote gender equality, a mobile banking innovation and financial counseling for households, in western Uganda between September 2016 and March 2017. The study was designed and analyzed by DoubleXEconomy. The interventions were implemented by CARE Uganda in partnership with Post Bank, Uganda. The data were collected by IPA Uganda. Read More...

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