
Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project Baseline Report

The Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project has been developed for 3 years focusing on developing and delivering an accelerated learning approach for girls between the age of 10 to 14 years who are from marginalized and socially excluded communities and have never been to school or have dropped out in their early grades. This project wants to give out-of-school girls a second chance by providing a catch-up course that is appropriate to their needs and that equips them with the necessary skills to lead a self-determined life. Through this project, CARE directly contributes to Nepal’s efforts towards achieving MDG-2. The goal of the project is that the participating adolescents together with their families become aware on their rights, educated, conscious on their roles, economically productive and empowered to fight against their social taboo and become less vulnerable for trafficking. Main objective of the project is to empower approximately 360 girls of poor, vulnerable and socially excluded families of Kapilvastu District, who dropped out from school to complete their primary and/or secondary education. Read More...

Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project Endline Survey Report

The objective of this evaluation was to conduct End Line Survey/final evaluation of Udaan: Catching the Missed Opportunity Project Access to Quality Education for Economically and Socially Vulnerable Girls in Kapilbastu district. The project tenure was from November 2013 to April 2017. The project has applied people centered approach to address ‘Out of School Children’ especially poor vulnerable socially excluded (PVSC) girls. The aim of the end line survey is to measure progress against the outcome and impact level indicators achieved during the project implementation phase.

Hariyo Ban Program Final Evaluation Report

The Hariyo Ban Program is a United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funded project and designed for resilience building of human beings as well as ecosystem. The overall goal of Hariyo Ban Program Phase I was to reduce adverse impacts of climate change and threats to biodiversity in Nepal. The three objectives were to: i) Reduce threats to biodiversity in targeted landscapes; ii) Build the structures, capacity, and operations necessary for effective sustainable landscape management, with a focus on REDD+ readiness; and iii) Increase the ability of targeted human and ecological communities to adapt to the adverse impacts of climate change. It is implemented by a consortium of four partners: World Wildlife Fund (WWF), Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), and the Federation of Community Forest Users Nepal (FECOFUN). Read More...

SANKALPA: Collaborative Commitment for Participatory and Gender Responsive Budgets Endline Report

‘Sankalpa’ - collaborative commitment for participatory and gender responsive budget project was implemented by CARE Nepal in Surkhet and Pyuthan districts of Mid-western region. Sankalpa worked with stakeholders in VDC level planning, budgeting processes to contribute towards a more responsive public budgeting system that equally benefits the marginalized section, including women. The project intervened to strengthen both demand and supply side of local level planning process. By supporting Village Development Committees (VDC), the project ensured transparency and participatory allocation of public budget and expenditure in local bodies. The project actively engaged with marginalized community groups and civil societies for bottom up planning process to hold the government accountable. The project worked with planning units and processes at ward and VDC level. Sankalpa directly intervened and collaborated with with Citizen Awareness Centers (CAC), Ward Citizen Forums (WCF) and Integrated Planning Committees (IPC) to promote active and meaningful representation and participation of women and marginalized section in these structure and processes of planning. Read More...

REDD+ Social and Environmental Standards (SES)

The main objective of this ‘Assessment Report’ is to present the status of Nepal in meeting the REDD+SES standards. In addition, the report also assesses whether Nepal has followed the provisions stipulated under the REDD+ SES guideline while developing the REDD+ SES indicators.

Mid-term Performance Evaluation of the Hariyo Ban Project

This report is a mid-term performance evaluation of USAID/Nepal’s Hariyo Ban (HB) project. HB is USAID/Nepal’s flagship project under the natural resources management and climate change sector. It is a five-year project with a total budget just over USD 29.9 million that began in August 2011. The overall goal of HB is to reduce adverse impacts of climate change and threats to biodiversity in Nepal. The HB project is implemented in two nationally important biodiverse landscapes: Chitwan-Annapurna Landscape (CHAL) and Terai Arc Landscape (TAL). HB is implemented by the World Wildlife Fund, along with CARE, National Trust for Nature Conservation (NTNC), and Federation of Community Forestry Users Nepal (FECOFUN). Read More...

Hariyo Ben Nepal Ko Dhan Program Annual Review

Hariyo Ban Program is a USAID funded five years program designed for resilience building of human beings as well as ecosystem. CARE Nepal has played crucial role within the program as a lead on climate change adaptation, governance and GESI along with significant contributions for watershed management, biodiversity conservation, earthquake recovery/reconstruction, REDD+ and PES initiatives. This report includes key accomplishments for July 2015 to June 2016 of CARE Nepal for Hariyo Ban Program. Within this year 5 as a final year of the program, CARE efforts are mainly focused on review/reflection, meetings, monitoring visits, documentation and dissemination of good practices, completion of remaining activities and handing over responsibilities to respective stakeholders jointly with other consortium partners. Read More...

Integrated Gender, GBV, and Shelter Response Project Baseline Survey

The project “Integrated Gender, Gender Based Violence and Shelter Response Project Baseline Survey” in coordination with CARE Nepal was developed in order to identify the baseline scenario regarding Gender, GBV and Shelter of the study area – Dhading. The study aimed to identify the current situation of Gender, Gender Based Violence/Violence Against Women (VAW), Shelter and Disaster Risk Reduction in the study area of six VDCs of Dhading district. The baseline survey utilized the Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) model of survey and situational analysis to measure awareness, exposure relevance and participation in relation to the proposed project activities. Read More...

Nepal Earthquake Recovery Response Restoration of Health Facilities with Improved Access to SRMH and WASH Services Baseline Report

The overall objective of this survey was to establish the baseline values on the project indicators as provided in the project logical framework and monitoring and evaluation (M & E) plan. The baseline survey is part of an initial program assessment to inform setting of benchmarks before project intervention that will determine achievements the project’s achievements at the end of the implementation period. The baseline will also provide opportunity to validate design assumptions, updating context information in the target VDCs and inform changes on the design of the project in the logical framework and any necessary alignment on monitoring indicators. Read More...

Nepal Earthquake: Emergency Shelter and NFIs to Affected Households funded by Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade End-Line Assessment

CARE Nepal had implemented relief distribution post the earthquake of 25th April 2015, in four districts of Nepal that were severely affected by the earthquake. Under one of such recovery program DFATD's "Nepal Earthquake: Emergency Shelter and NFIs to Affected Households" began immediately after the earthquake. The earthquakes damaged people’s households, existing drinking water supply systems in communities, sanitation facilities, thus hampering people’s sanitation standards and exposing them to heavy rainfall. CARE Nepal’s DFATD funded project sought to meet the immediate needs of earthquake affected people through the distribution of emergency shelter materials, household NFIs, materials for the construction of household latrines, and hygiene kits. Adding further the DFATD also distributed winter items to help the affected people to face the winter season. As commissioned by CARE Nepal, International Institute of Independent Researchers (3iR) Pvt. Ltd has conducted the End-line survey focused on the DFATD response project in Sindupalchowk District.

The major objective of the study was to analyze the outcome and output of the recovery project focused on the project logframe which particularly emphasis on the distribution of winterization items/voucher, household kit, water distribution system, toilet construction, hygiene kit, hygiene promotion and GBV promotion information. Read More...

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